Aether Gazer – The Goddess S Osiris Guide

Full guide and understanding of the greatness. The basics of s Osiris are wind dmg also that she is melee so building wind sigils is recommended. She is also a trace user having 4 trace. We will go over the builds in the end.

Guide to the Goddess S Osiris

Chapter 1 Judgment Ultimate

First, need to go over s Osiris ult as this is the main thing about her kit 

Let’s break this down cus it’s a lot let’s start a bit backward as when s Osiris and her ult partner enter the battle they get a 35% ult charge. Pair this with her partner holding Nibelungernlied sigil you will be getting a 65% ult charge at the start of every fight. This is the main reason why you never want to run s osiris solo. The debuff weaken lowers the enemies with said debuff lose 8% atk dmg.

Now then onto her main ult effects. Each time you ult the team gets a 10.2% dmg buff at max level that turns into 18%. This lastest the full ult timer. She recovers all her hp along with resetting her skills follow-ups. Though this ult transformation has a timer and said timer is her hp in that form it lowers by 7%. So the more base hp you have the longer the transformation last. Once the form ends when s Osiris hp reaches 0 you keep the same hp as you did when you went into the form. Now the kicker to top this ult all off is the fact that when you leave the ult form you get ult charge equal to your partner so if using nibel sigil that’s 65% right away.

Keep in mind that taking dmg in ult mode will lower the hp and time reaming. Also, nibel does not power up  ult from skills only the ult itself 

So now that we know the ult. Who you use for her partner will drastically change her playstyle

The first is A Osiris herself this team’s ult has high dmg and can heal but the ult charge is slow meaning in a single fight you will only get maybe 1 ult off leaving your s Osiris with half her kit. Not being in ult mode 24/7, unlike the next partner.

Ult dmg

The second is A Shu this should be s Osiri’s go-to partner till Thor comes out. This ult does lack a bit more dmg than with A Osiris but makes up for it with its massive cd and ult charge time this is achieved by A shu ult having ult skill charge by 8% for every teammate that uses a trace skill so ask you are fighting in s Osiris ult form you are building up more charge. With all this in a single fight, you will never be out of ult if you give A shu Nibelungen. This team setup is ult spamming and staying in ult form. This team also has the bonus of making the modifying battle lvl Ω and gives 10%+ s Osiris ult (7% at max lvl) this also stays like that till you exit ult.

Ult dmg

Last but not least is s Osiris’s best partner Thor. this team is pure power. Boasting lots of dmg along with buffing both chrs dmg by 20% on top of making s Osiris skill dmg increases by 35%. Keep in mind this power boost lasts till ausar comes out of ult form. So the dmg bonus you get with this pairing makes this ult the very strongest.

Ult dmg

Chapter 2 Death Skills

Now we will go over her skills and kit each skill has a base form and an ult form.

Will go over tricks and tips at the end of this section.

S Osiris basic atk is very simple does wind dmg.

When in base form you get a trace on the 3rd and 5th hit.

When in ult form you get a trace on the 4th hit.

S osiris dodge is very special as when you enter zero time you inflict weaken on the attacker debuffing them by 10% atk. another bonus to s Osiris dodging is that in the base form, it will dmg enemies for 128% of wind dmg. When in ult form you lose the dmg. But keep the weaken.

Skill 1 is straightforward.

When in base form throws the scythe in a straight line piercing through enemies. 

While in ult form launches swords out these also pierce enemies. 

What makes this skill unique is the fact that it generates 2 trace on hit but does not go on cd. Because this skill has a follow-up when pressing the skill again. This follow-up does cost 2 trace. You do have to use the skill for it to go on cd or you miss out on dmg.

Skill 2 base for is just a 6-hit combo nothing too fancy

In ult form, the skill turns into swords spinning around s Osiris hitting enemies around 26 times doing 30% dmg at the base and up to 60% at max. this last 6 sec. This is s Osiris damage over time skill and will keep spinning even if you crowed controlled. 

Skill 3 is the bread and butter of s Osiris skills being the big dmg costing 2 trance to cast.

In base for its an uppercut hurricane is simple and to the point.

In ult form, you gather up pulling enemies around your 360 degrees then blow up knocking them back slightly.

Chapter 3 King Functor

We next need to talk about her signature functor because it drastically switches up her skills and playstyle and cannot be understated that without it s osiris is nerfed without it. She can still work but you will not be at maximum.

So let’s break this down.

Firstly when equip you get 2 more trace going from 4 to 6 now this may not seem like much but it will.

You also get 5% more ult and ult team charge which also increased by 5% for each transcend.

Now for the big thing the massive upgrades to her skills.

Skill 1 no longer costs 2 trance to cast the follow-up.

Skill 3 will recover 1.2% max hp per sec for 8s the heal will increase with each transcend by 0.1%.

Skill 3 also consumes all traces on use each trace used gives 12% at 6 traces its 72% which can increase by 2% each transcend. You also in ult form get 100% heal of the dmg from skill 3.

Chapter 4 Pharaoh Aether Code

Next, we will go over s Osiris aether code which is simple. s Osiris has 2 builds yellow and red we will go over red because this is the pitfall many fall into when playing s Osiris.

Using Super Judgment RED. is where she gets the title of an immortal god.

Ritual Ode first red code increases her max hp by 9% each time you cast ultimate. At the max stack of 5 times, you will have a 45% increase in hp for the ult form meaning ever longer lasting ult form.

Vinaya second red code increases skill 1 dmg for hp loss this also counts for the draining hp in ult from. Up to a max of 150%.

Edict the last red code while in ult form to simplify it this is the reason she is immortal as you take dmg in the ult form you will heal the base form but lose your ult form hp by 10% instead of 7%. Meaning if you get out of ult and take a lot of dmg you go into ult form and you will recover hp as you take dmg.

I would only recommend red for harder content that you know the fight will last very long or you don’t think you have the skill to kill the enemy without taking lots of dmg.

Using Back to Life YELLOW. Should be your go-to dmg codes.

Sah first yellow code is one of s Osiris’s best codes.

Skill 3 will now lower wind resistance by 10% for 8 sec while in ult form this changes to 20% the calculation for when this hit is the same time as the dmg so you will debuff the enemy and then hit them with massive dmg.

Sacred Cist second yellow code is very okay.

Skill 1 will now debuff weaken on the enemies lowering atk by 10% for 8 sec. While in ult form this goes to 20%.

Mummification last yellow code makes s Osiris DoT even more powerful.

Skill 2 will now stack a dmg taken debuff for every hit the trigger is 0.3 BUT stacks 3% each time. This comes out to about 18% if you hit skill 2 in base form.

While in ult form the dmg stack is 6% and that comes out to 156% dmg. The downside is recasting the skill will reset it. It also only affects skill 2.

To be completely honest blue code is very useless it’s far too defensive over the other forms its just best to use code red or yellow preferably you go with yellow.

Chapter 5 Nile Builds

Let us talk about sigil builds now cus this is when things get very much real and understanding what to build how to build and what to aim for to make your goddess s Osiris shine will come down to this. Keep in mind when I’m going over skills I am talking more for the ult form for that’s what you want to be in most of the time.

Let’s go over the main stay sigil wind.

Increase Wind DMG by 10%.

For every Skill on CD (excluding Ultimate and Dodge effects), increase Wind DMG by an additional 5%.

This sigil is a mainstay for the simple reason that you get more dmg for skills on cd and lucky for s Osiris skill 1 follow-up counts as 2 CDs so if you burn skill 1×2 then skill 2 you get 25% wind dmg on top of your skill 3.

Old build S to SSS rank builds 

Aside from the wind sign going into slot 1,3,5  slots, 2,4,6 are very flexible I will first go over en sets and then future sets with cn as they introduce new sigils.

First the trance sigils

Moon Drifter is a very solid set with decent trance regen.

Cupbearer of the god is the set you want though simply for the fact that you can better control the chance for the trance regen. By burning skill 1 and follow up is 30% then skill 2 will be 45% this gives about 45% to pop skill 3 and get a full refund of trance. You can go even further if you recast skill 1 again. This set is very good if you have the functor as skill 1 and the follow-up doesn’t consume trance.

Proper placements

Old Omega rank builds

This is where things get very fun as we can now use 3 sets instead of just 2.

So for omega s Osiris, the set is very you just need to add Golden Fleece.

This sigil synergizes extremely well with A shu as team ult because as stated above the modifying level remains at Ω  till s Osiris leaves ult. That’s it.

Now then we can talk about more fun stuff in the future that will be very very silly.

New S to SSS builds

Now we can talk about the really fun stuff in the future the biggest change is the sigil that is used instead of the cupbearer.

In battle, after casting Skills, obtain 1 Trace, can only trigger once every 12s; When Basic attacks hit enemies, increase ATK by 9%, can only trigger once every 12s; When Skills cast within 3s of consuming Trace hit enemies, increase Crit DMG by 15%, lasts 9s, every stack refreshing the duration, max 2 stacks, can only trigger once every second.

This sigil very much is worth the switch sure you are not getting the refund chance BUT if you cast skill 2 you will get the crit dmg buff then you smack with skill 3. Because skill 2 is constantly hitting it counts for the 2 stacks so you get 30% crit dmg for skill 3. 

Proper placement

New Omega rank builds

The new addition this time for your 3rd set is Night Owl’s Raid and oh boy.

In battle, increase Melee DMG by 10%;

When Basic attacks hit enemies, increase Skill DMG by 5%, lasts 7s, can only trigger once every 10s;

When Skills hit enemies, increase Basic attack DMG by 15%, lasts 7s, can only trigger once every 10s.

What do I even need to say skill 2 counts as a skill hit so that will always be up. you can just basic so you will have just massive uptime.

Proper placement

Which Enchants?

You want to go for 

The priority for these are [increases atk > crit rate > crit dmg > wind dmg > skill dmg]

Having ult charge gain is nice if you find yourself lacking fast ults but it’s not over just more dmg.

This section is short for the fact she is dps and all dps follow the same enchanting path. Happy rerolling.


Now that we have the warp system in global I will go over her best set as it has changed slightly (a bit more testing has been done)

For slots 1 & 2 

Melee dmg is ausars atk type so this is just a given

3 lvls of The Judge.

3 lvls The Executioner.

Math wise it’s better to take 3 lvls of each then to go all in on 1 skill.

For slots 3 & 4

6 lvls in savage.

The ult from hp counts toward this skill so it’s a given that ausar would use this.

6lvls in energy fusion.

After much testing the ult from hp loss is counted as a dot so when you ult you will constantly be getting the 28% dmg boost.

For slots 5 & 6

Slots 5 and 6 are the most messy but add a significant boost lets go over them.

6 lvls in Armor break (weak and armor break).

We take this because ausar yellow code T2 adds a weak effect to her skill 1 and because it can be used 2 times the effect will refresh meaning you can have constant uptime of 17.5% dmg up over all.

3 lvls in Trace Tracker.

This was found a bit more recently but starting off with 4 trace leads to ausars best opener in the game that being.


By starting with 4 trace then ulti then moving into sk1(also apply weak down) then you are at 6 trace sk3.

Some other variations on this are

  • Sk1>ult>sk2>sk1>sk3
  • Ult>sk2>sk1>sk3 

3 lvls in Absolute Zero.

Thus is taken when paired with S hera as she will be triggering zero time a lot more frequently.

If not paired with hera taking 

3 lvls in Evolution Particle III is the second best option.

Module System / Access Key Synergy 

In patch 2.1, s Osiris gets a module buff increasing her skills and dmg we will go over said buff. Please do keep in mind that you need SS to unlock the level 3 mod.

1st mod level you get a boost to basic and skills.

Skill Changes:

  • Basic attack “Scythe Slash” multiplier increased from 343%/340% to 370%/415%.
  • Skill 1 “Darkwing Scythe” multiplier increased from 287%/480% to 598%/600%.
  • Skill 2 “Spin of Death” multiplier increased from 83.3%/30% to 166.7%/60%.
  • Skill 3 “Soul Death” multiplier increased from 660%/1000% to 1200%/1500%.

2nd mod level you get changes to the aether codes 

Divinity Changes:

Red 1

The effect of the divinity “Supreme Judgment, Ritual Odet” has been modified as follows:

When casting “Ultimate – Underworld Judgement,” maximum health is increased by 25%. This effect can stack up to 2 layers.

Red 3

The effect of the divinity “Supreme Judgment, Edict” has been modified as follows:

Underworld Judgment” changes to a state where 9% of maximum health is removed per second. In “Underworld Judgement” non-lethal damage is absorbed and converted to health at a rate of 100%, up to a maximum of 150% of the character’s maximum health.

Yellow 3

The effect of the divinity “Back to Life, Mummification” has been modified as follows:

When in the base form “Skill 2 – Spin of Death” subsequent basic damage is increased by 3% when “Skill 2 – Spin of Death” hits an enemy. This effect can be triggered at most once every 0.1 seconds.

When in “Underworld Judgement” subsequent basic damage is increased by 6% when “Skill 2 – Spin of Death” hits an enemy. This effect can be triggered at most once every 0.1 seconds.

Blue 2

The effect of the divinity “Abundant Feather – Hieroglyph” has been modified as follows:

Upon entering the battle, gain 6 layers of damage reduction. Every 18 seconds, gain 1 layer, up to a maximum of 6 layers. Each layer reduces damage taken by 15%. Whenever the character is hit, one layer of damage reduction is lost.

3rd mod level you get changes to the Functor

The exclusive Key Effect has been modified for the equipped Key “Pharaoh – Netjerykhet.” When the Key is equipped with the Soul of Life – Osiris, the following effects are gained:

Increase trace limit by 2.

Upon entering the battle, the user and the Modifier who skill chain gain a 5% Ultimate charge.

After casting “Skill 1 – Darkwing Scythe,” the subsequent casting no longer requires consuming trace. Similarly, “Skill 2 – Spin of Death” no longer requires consuming trace.

Each time “Skill 3 – Soul Death” is cast and hits its target, the user recovers 1.2% of their maximum health per second for 8 seconds. Additionally, consuming any remaining Marks increases the independent damage of “Skill 3 – Soul Death” by 12% per consumed Mark.

When “Skill 3 – Soul Death” is cast in “Underworld Judgement” the damage enhancement effect and health recovery effect are increased by 100%.

Let’s go over some of the details with each lvl.

Mod lvl 1

Very simple multipliers increase very nice and large buff to skill 3 means it will hit even harder.

Mod lvl 2 

There is a lot of fluff with the changes to aether code when there is like a single word changed 

  • Red 1 instead of stack hp (9% 5 times) You stack (25% 2 times)
  • Red 3 instead of you only receiving healing hp until max hp is hit you now receive Upto 150% of hp
  •  Yellow 3 the cd for the multi Hit of skill 2 is down from 0.3 sec a tick to 0.1 sec a tic more hits 
  • Blue 2 still bad but you get more layers of shield which is good but still not good over dmg

Mod lvl 3

This is where it all comes together and shines so brightly skill 2 no longer cost trace meaning the only skill Ausar has that takes trace is skill 3 and that it that’s where all the hype is from there are some very neat things you can do with this alone.

  • No longer needing trace resource sigil since only skill 3 takes trace you can build it up super fast 
  • Switch raging sigil back to cup sigil since only skill 3 will proc cup it is the best I slot for module Ausar

Sigil set for s-sss Ausar Module

You will be switching back to cup after you unlock mod lvl 3.

Overall these changes to s Osiris greatly buff her overall dmg as well as her utility even more so to her functor which now lets you have 2 free skills meaning switching to cupbearer is the optimal sigil because it will only proc on skill 3.

Chapter 6 Misc

Other things also tips

  • Skill 2 is always active even during other ults and also modifier mode screen break so take advantage of skill 2.
  • If you are using the functor and cupbearer you can cast skill 2 > skill 1 > skill 1 followup > skill 2 > basic tills skill 1 > skill 1 follow up > cast skill 3 you have a 100% chance to refund just make sure not to cast skill 2 after the second time.
Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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