After Inc. – Gameplay Tips (Resources, Services and Combat)

Useful Tips for Gameplay

By Elioc


Campaign Upgrades boost the production of wheat, wood, and fuel upgrades past certain Technology levels. Production values are often understated, due to rounding or flooring.

Early on, you can sometimes get away with settling areas near infestations without triggering zombies.

Placing fighters in any zone will boost its respective production. Unknown if increases in base fighter power increase their production boost.


Services work a lot like resources: higher technology levels give access to better services that cost more stamina and wood, but satisfy more population.

Example: To avoid having to construct Fire Pits when you reach Population 4, wait until Technology 2 to build Fire Pits.

Some event choices add additional services. Fire Station, Pickling, Builder Hut, Bunker, and Nursery all cost 3 Stamina and 3 Wood. Soldier comes with Bunker already unlocked.


  • Unlike Mega Brutal in Rebel Inc., newly trained fighters immediately deploy to any zone you select.
  • Stagnant zombies in swamps are much less likely to attack in response to settling or movement.
  • Boost fighter strength in a zone by exploring and/or settling neighboring zones. Technology 3 also boosts fighter strength.
  • Fighters at non-critical health lose some health when retreating from a fight.

If a zombie attacks a settled area or fighter from an unexplored area, the game will trigger a “surprise attack” which severely weakens fighter power in that zone.

If you sense a surprise attack from a zone (a non-infested unexplored area glows red when you select), sometimes you can begin exploring that zone to prevent the fighting power penalty.

When dealing with infestations, keep the following in mind:

  • If a fighter moves into a settled area near an infestation, that usually triggers the zombies.
  • You can guess the size of an infestation by the number of dormant zombies there are. If there is only one, you can probably get by with one fighter, and two will trivialize it.

Depending on the level, some infestations have a large pool of zombies they can spawn, which will dump when you move a fighter into the infestation. Lower the spawn count by move cancelling an adjacent fighter to bait a small number of spawns.


  • You can see how long you have left to achieve a goal by selecting HQ and looking at info. (Each turn is a day).
  • Goal patience is based on total number of turns i.e. finishing a goal late will not give you the same amount of time to complete the next one.
  • You can disband fighters by dropping them on HQ. Recovered stamina depends on health of the fighter, and “previous” fighter cost.

For each level, some zones have a guaranteed random event on them. Some randomly give fighter strength, resources, or decreased explore cost. On certain maps, the random reward is fixed i.e. fighter strength.


How to beat the zombies on the survivals stage 8/8?

What you can do is go with soldier leader and kill the zombies one by one. Just retreat every time a zombie hits your soldier and you instantly kill one zombie every time.

How to get 5 stars and 3 yellow people per level?

3 yellow ppl is MB5.

How to maintain authority as high as possible?

Quickly completing the goals up top is how you keep authority and high as possible.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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