In this guide we will talk in general about talent builds, this was requested by multiple people.
Guide to Talent Trees
By kaity
I want to note before I start, that I have not put talent in my guides mainly for two reasons:
- Talent trees are simple and semi-linear so there is no point talking about them
- I don’t have access to all the heroes and their talents to put them in the guides!
Anyway let’s start.
The talent trees unlock when the hero reaches level 20, you get your first point at this level as well, and then you get 1 talent point every 2 levels and since the max level of a hero is 120 you get a total of 51 talent points.
All the three heroes’ talent trees in a line-up work whether they are the commander, the second in command, or the third in command (I like to refer to the second and third in command as “secondary heroes”).
When you spend your first talent point you will realize you are forced to put it in one big circle this talent is the same for all heroes and is called Military Tactics Mystery.
Ignoring the fancy name of this talent, there is not much to know about this talent.
For example, Hammurabi is a swordsman hero, which means he gets 5% stat boosts for each swordsman hero in the line-up when the lead troops are swordsmen, so he gets 5% if he is the only swordsman, 10% if there is him and another swordsmen hero, and 15% if there is him and two other swordsmen heroes, what this talent does is it doubles this effect.
5 other talents have big circles as this, in other words, 6 “big talents” total, you are forced to pick the first one and the other 4 need conditions to be met to pick them.
For example, this is the second big talent of the hero “Guan Yu” As you can see it requires me to spend 5 talent points, which you get at level 28 but you will need additional talent points to unlock this talent so it’s at level 30.
The big talents are unlocked at the following levels:
- Level 20
- Level 30
- Level 50
- Level 70
- Level 90
- Level 110
After you unlock a bit of talent you can spend points on the set of small talents around that big talent, and it’s worth mentioning that you can spend the talent points of a previous set after you unlock a new set, for example, you can spend talent points on the second set of talents after you unlock the third big talent, but you can’t do the reverse obviously.
It’s always better to unlock the big talent once you reach the level threshold.
The 3rd big talent that you can unlock at level 50, is the specialty talent, just like the first big talent, it’s always the same for all heroes and these are related to the military specialty of the hero (Warrior, Tactician, and Marshal).
One of the frequent questions is why I put two heroes with warrior specialty but the heroes did not get the specialty bonus, the answer to this is you need to get both heroes to level 50 and unlock this talent for the specialty bonus to work ( the first big talent makes the troop bonus increase, but the third one makes it work in the first place).
The other big talents are usually synergistic with the hero, for example, if a hero does might damage one of the big talents would be to increase all the might damage of the team, another example if Josephine who has secondary strike skills, one of her big talents give her a chance to enter the double attack state.
- This has been all about the big talents let’s talk about the small talents and what to pick
There are two major types of talent trees in the game, I like to call them:
- The Selfish talent tree.
- The Supporting talent tree.
Each hero has either one of these talent trees.
As you can see both of these talents seem to increase the normal attack, but there are two difference
- The left one increases it by 3% but the right one by 1.5%.
- The left one Increases the “hero’s” damage while the right one increases the “commander’s” damage.
Let’s look at the left one, it increases the hero’s normal attack damage by 3%, now let’s Assume that this hero’s name is “A”. If we put A as a commander they get 3% normal attack, also if we put them as a secondary (whether second-in-command or third-in-command) they also get 3% normal attack damage, I call this the selfish talent.
Let’s look at the right one, It increases the Commander’s normal attack damage by 1.5%, let’s assume the hero’s name is “B”, if we put B as a commander they get 1.5% normal attack damage, but if we put them as a secondary, they get no buffs, instead this buff goes to the commander of this team, thus I call this the supporting talent tree.
So let’s assume we put A and B in a team, where A is the commander and B is the secondary hero.
- A gets the 3% normal attack damage from their talent tree and the 1.5% normal attack damage boost from B’s talent tree which means a total of 4.5% normal attack damage for the hero A.
- B gets no damage buffs.
Let’s assume we put B as a command and A as a secondary:
- A gets 3% normal attack damage from their talent tree
- B gets 1.5% normal attack damage from their talent tree
Typically, you want the selfish hero to be the commander of the team to get the buffs from their talent tree and the other heroes’ talent trees in the line-up, and they usually do most of the damage, well but this is not always the case, sometimes some supporting heroes end up being a commander because their commander skill is good, or the line-up works in that way.
This is the order of priority of the small talents:
Note: when it comes to talents there are “skill damage”, “normal attack damage” and “damage”, normal attack damage is normal attack damage (wow), Skill damage includes commander skill damage and the other skills as signature and customizable skills, “damage” is both of them
First set of talents (unlockable after the first big talent): not much you can pick here since you are forced to pick 4 talents to get to the next big talent, some talents you may able to pick and upgrade (put two points in them), I would recommend if the talent increases the commander/hero damage or skill damage to do that.
Situational talents: sometimes you may face situational talents that give you more exp when you kill tribes, there is nothing wrong with picking these situational talents early game to level up your heroes, resetting talents costs only 50 coins and’s nothing even for F2P.
- The second set of talents gives priority to the highest commander/hero damage or skill damage, and to damage reduction and skill damage reduction, giving normal attack damage increase and reduction less priority.
- The Third, Fourth, and Fifth sets are the same as the second one.
- The sixth and seventh are the same but get the troop stats as attack, defense, and HP.
- For hero stats, usually pick the one your hero scales off, you know that from reading their skills, if it says Might bonus then they scale off Might and so on.
It’s worth mentioning that sometimes we use the hero stat talents as might make sure the bonuses go to the right heroes, for example, Miyamoto signature skill makes him able to trigger another hero with the higher of the other two heroes, this is most seen in Miyamoto King Derrick Tribhuwana line-up where it’s important to pick the might talents on King Derrick, but not on Tribhuwana, so we make sure Miya trigger King Derrick skill!
Finally, this is a talent build of Josephine used as an example,
- The blue lines mean they are the priority.
- The red lines are situational as exp and gathering boosts.
- The green lines are when you need to put talents to unlock a big talent and a new set of talents.
- When you see the cross “X” lines that means pick the talent twice.
Note: notice how in the second set there is a normal attack damage increase talent that has a blue line passing through it and a green circle, this means this is a talent you pick so you get through it at first to reach the other talents, then you pick it again so you can unlock the next set of talents.
Note: you may notice some talent points are leftover, I marked the important talents with blue and second important as green or instead of choosing the green you choose the situation pve, more exp and faster gathering talents, after all you are forced to spend talent points on suboptimal talents.
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