Age of Empires Mobile – The Full Guide to Tactician Swordsmen Heroes/Line-up

Let’s discuss the tactician swordsmen line-up. Note: Remember that the commander and signature skills shown are at level 1. Divide by 0.298 for max level skill values.

Tactician Swordsmen Heroes/Line-up Guide

By kaity

Heroes Review

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu is the most impactful hero in this line-up.

His commander skill does some damage, it has a low rage requirement (150) with 100 initial rage, the fastest commander skill to cast in the game, in addition to the damage it does, it makes Sun Tzu enter the “Ultimate Strategist” state for 6 seconds, simply put this state increases the damage of his signature skill.

His Signature skill

  • It has a Charging State.
  • Does damage.
  • It refreshes the “Ultimate Strategist” state or makes Sun Tzu enter it.
  • It does additional damage when Sun Tzu is in the “ultimate Strategist state”.

So Sun Tzu relies on entering his state to do the damage.

Charging state

When a skill has a “Charging State”, it means it won’t trigger immediately, instead, the hero will wait for 3 seconds before they cast their skill and depending on my initial testing that I plan to continue and confirm sometime later the Charging State will affect the hero negatively in the following ways:

  • In three seconds your troops are going to lose troops, I “speculate” the damage scale off the troops’ number when the skills are triggered rather than when it started charging.
  • It’s harder to cast the skill during buffs, Sun Tzu (especially in rallies where commander skill does not work) will rely on his signature skill to enter the “Ultimate Strategist” state for 6 seconds, in these six seconds Sun Tzu will have two chances to start the “Charging State” but if he starts the state late he won’t be able to cast the skill during the charging state, this gets even worse in the next point.
  • When a hero enters the Charging state they can’t enter another until it finishes, or in other words, you can’t trigger a charging skill twice in a row!

This decreases the value of charging skills since you omit the lucky moments where you get to trigger the skill twice in a row, anyway no worries there are some ways to skip the charging state and we will rely on this when I explain the skills forward.

Philip I

Philip I Commander skill although I was interested in it. It takes too much time to cast, has low damage input, and the stats steal is not good enough Sun Tzu’s is generally better than this.

His signature skill sounds interesting, well not that much, the damage and debuff may seem interesting, but this skill needs the “Charging State” and Philip does not have a skill that skips this for himself.

Philip is mid at best.


Theodora’s signature skill provides the team with Damage reduction that lasts for the whole battle, one of the best damage reduction signature skills in the game.

The second part of her signature skill is that the commander (Sun Tzu in this case) will do additional damage every 4 signature skill activations, this is bad. So the main bulk of this skill is the damage reduction.

Theodora’s commander skill, for some unknown unasked-for reason is a good skill, anyway the way this team is built needs Theodora as a secondary.


Cleopatra was discussed in the tactician cavalry team guide.

She is a good hero but she provides might and strategy while making her better for Cav than Sun Tzu because the might stats will be useless for Sun Tzu, Has Cleopatra read The Art of War?


  • There is not much to be said about the stars of the heroes, the line-up, in general, is not star-hungry, also.
  • Theodra’s first start is a little bit overrated in this image, especially since it’s useless in rallies.
  • As said previously Theodora’s second part of the skill is not that good, and her 5th star is no exception.
  • Invest in Sun Tzu, Theodora leave her at 0 stars, if you want to star her so hard then stop at her 3rd star.
  • Sun Tz is a wheel hero, Philip and Theodora are hero rally and expedition heroes, Cleopatra is a tavern hero.

The Lineup

When it comes to the usable line-up I recommend using Sun Tzu Cleopatra and Theodora.

This may seem weird, but the reason I don’t recommend using Philip is because he is a hero like Theodora, so it is harder to invest in him, another reason is how Philip puts you in the dilemma of charging states.

Even though I think he can outperform Cleopatra.

The Skills

  • Cleopatra uses Crushing Impact and War Tactics.
  • Theodora uses Maneuver this skill helps Sun Tzu skip the charging state not only for his signature skill but also the other charging skills that are put on him from customizable skills and rings.
  • The second skill for Theodora is flexible, all the skills will give you similar results, some players like Immortal Army, and nothing is wrong with that, some players like Conflagration in case you slot Theodora in the Suleiman line-up or help the other Suleiman players a safe choice for sure.
  • Sun Tzu I recommend using High Spirit & Boulder Trap on him, Boulder Trap is a purple skill and easy to upgrade and synergies a lot with this build.

Strategy Master’s gift is not bad but my calculations make it less interesting in this build.


  • I strongly recommend Azure Moon on Sun Tzu it’s his BIS, this ring benefits from High Spirit and Maneuver making Sun Tzu’s damage ridiculous.
  • Skyward Knight is another great option on Theodora for this team.
  • Damage reduction rings as always can be decent.
  • Unfortunately there may not be great non-legendary ring options for Sun Tzu (except maybe the regular usable rings such as Ring of Clover or Ring of Deer.

Pros and Cons

As always let’s conclude with the Pros and Cons


  • F2p friendly line-up.


  • The heroes are not the best, most of them are mid at best.
  • Hard to justify using the line-up over the warrior swordsmen line-up.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 475 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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