Arena Guide
By Fernan.
The Arena is a place where you attack other players and other players attack you. If you beat someone, you move forward taking his position, and when someone beats you he moves forward taking you back to his old position. At a certain moment of the day, you receive a reward based on your position in arena at this moment.
Complete Description and Nice Details
The maximum reward (for 1st place) is 300 gold and 750 crystals of power every day; 5th place is 150 gold 550 crystals, top 50 is 85 gold 350 crystals, and top 500 is 50 gold 200 crystals. You can see all the tiers in the “Rewards” tab in arena.
You are placed in one arena based on the date when you started playing, so all the players in your arena started Age of Magic more or less at the same time as you.
You start the game in the last position in your arena, and the game offers you three players that are above you but not too far. You can attack any of them, considering the chances that you estimate to beat them, and the position improvement that they offer, or you can refresh enemy list for free and get 3 new players to attack.
You have limited attacks, 5 per day; the number of remaining attacks is shown in the Attack button; in this case, only one attack remaining:
Once you’ve spent your 5 daily attacks, you can buy 5 more attacks with gold, but it’s expensive: 5 more attacks will cost 300 gold, which is the maximum reward in arena, the reward for finishing first; there’s no way that you can earn more than it costs, so you’ll rarely buy more attacks; instead, wait until your reset time to get 5 more (time remaining to your reset time is displayed in the Attack button).
There’s also a wait time between fights, 7 minutes. You can skip it by watching ads (up to 2 per day) or with 50 gold; at top positions, skipping the cooldown with gold may earn you more gold than it costs, but only in the top 3 and only in certain circumstances.
Also remember that there’s a daily quest related with the Arena; you need to do at least two arena fights to earn some experience, crystals of power and especially healing potions for tournament.
You also need to earn it to complete “Today’s quest” with a nice reward: experience, silver, memory spheres, magic pass points, indigo runes, arcane coins and one silver token.
You can attack with the team that you choose, but take also into consideration that after any successful attack, the attacker leaves this team as his defense team; when other players find you in arena, you’ll be defending with your last winning team.
Hints and Strategy
With any arena team, you’ll see a number like 55.028 or 212.440; this number represents the power of the team, adding the power of the 5 heroes in the team, but that’s not a real measurement of the strength of the team; there are some heroes that will generate strong synergies among them: Bellara and Swamp Killer are way better when they have Denaya as leader.
You shouldn’t take as granted that you’ll win against a smaller team or lose against a bigger team; instead, consider how strong is the team based on its power AND how well the heroes on it work against a certain rival.
Example: Guardians of Order work very well against The Vans of Northern Peaks, so the team at 11th beats easily the team at 14th even being 184K power against 227K power.
You also need to consider which team should you use to attack. You may have a team stronger than others, but this may not be the best counter against the team that you’re attacking. Let’s say that you’re attacking a 60K team with Magnus, Azariel, Lucky and two area attackers; probably a 65K team with Gloriana, Tileana, Cernuol, Maeglin and Aegnor will lose, because area attackers will kill Gloriana while Magnus forbid critical prevents the wild elves from healing, while 55K Barbarians (Denaya, Bellara, 7 Knives, Swap Killer) + Azariel will use Bellara to avoid Magnus taunt, and kill easily Lucky removing the protection from Azariel’s passive with Bellara or 7 Knives, while Denaya’s “strikes back” will crush the area attackers. Funny fact is that the Wild Elves team would probably beat the Barbarians + Azariel team if they fight directly… often it’s not a matter of who’s stronger, but who’s better against some team.
For your last attack of the day, you should also consider that if you win, this team will be your defense team until tomorrow, so you’ll try to choose a team that works well in defense against a wide range of teams, better than a team that is a very good counter against one specific team but vulnerable against others.
The players that will be offered as target will be up to positions 10% better than you. So if you are in the position 222, you’ll be offered to fight against 3 players between 221th and 201th. If you receive let’s say 219, 214 and 207, you’ll probably get better positions offered after refreshing a couple times, but if you get someone close to 201 that seems beatable, better take it, that’s the perfect case.
Notice that you can refresh to get different rivals up to the place 40th; once you reach the position 39th, the “up to positions 10% better” limit means that 39th can only be offered 38th, 37th and 36th, because 35th would be above the 10% limit, so refreshing will not give you different rivals. In the same way, in place 20th you always get 19th, 18th and 17th, and so on until 4th.
There’s also a special case for top 3 positions; as they don’t have 3 rivals below, they get also offered random players in top 10 but above them, not below; those fights can be used for practicing, or to swap your defense team, but they will not change your position no matter if you win or lose. If you ever get attacked and lose a fight being in top 10 but your position hasn’t worsened, that’s because the attacker was a top 3 team using you as training, like Gromf10 was doing here (notice no red arrow down on the lost fight, unlike the fight lost to Boris).
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