ASKA – How to Stabilize Settlement from the Start

At the very beginning of the game, the main problems are human and material resources to help you survive the upcoming winter.

Beginners Settlement Tips

Get your first 2 villagers on wood/stone, screw gatherers pit, just hand them a stack of berries so you got resources flowing in.

Its normal to struggle at the start – prio getting all buildings up before winter – if possible so you can make everyone linnen cloths.

Lumber pit requires less resources i think its 2 long sticks instead of 4 like the stone/gatherers.

You can easy have 10 villagers by day 5:

  • 2 for wood.
  • 2 for stone.
  • 2 for gathering.
  • 1 for crafting tools.
  • 1-3 in barracks and 1-3 builders.

When you see “Stone storage is full” just dismiss them so they help building and assign them again when the storage is almost empty.

So what would be your build order for a fast start? Stone, wood, tools…?

I usually set up everything to unlock the eye, build 3-5 shelters while bringing in villagers. They can go a day without being assigned a home and will build your stuff.

Then set down gatherers. Assign someone to it ASAP.

Then wood and stone. Then workshop. Keep bringing in villagers. Expand shelters, aim for 8-10.

Hunt house and barracks next, getting a hunter fast will help with food a ton! The first few days are a grind but help get you set up for blood moons and food.


When you get to the point where you build the storage, have one in the middle of your base (plan it so you will be able to expand it 2 times (so all 3 boxes are green)) make sure to build at least 1 water barrel, 2 raw food containers and 1 cooked food container.

You can do it! Biggest thing is to get that flax coming in and get clothes going.

After the above – Add weaver to workshop as soon as you can. Farm with at least one field of flax. Build a cottage or two before winter and/or be sure all villagers shelters have the fire buff. When cold, they’ll move to a fire.

If you are efficient (basically know what you are aiming for) you can have build 2 cottages and have 12 beds in each – moving all your villagers out from shelters (demitishing them for materials) and when winter hits you don’t have to worry about lighting 1000 fires all over the place.

Don’t forget you can also make your villagers who just came in work 24hr’s they have a happiness buff when they come in. Just don’t forget to reset their schedule to their needs afterwards.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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