Timberborn – Template for Custom Tail Decals for the Detailer
Template for Visible Areas By Stone Cold Jane Austen Here is a template showing the visible areas of a custom image for use in the Detailer. If you want your […]
Template for Visible Areas By Stone Cold Jane Austen Here is a template showing the visible areas of a custom image for use in the Detailer. If you want your […]
In this guide, we’ll talk about normal attacks. Normal Attacks Overview By kaity We have said before that heroes take turns to perform actions, which includes normal attacks, however, the […]
Controls Mouse Camera & Movement With a car selected (by clicking on it and clicking the “Select” button), the following shortcuts will move the first person character or overhead camera […]
To sell compressed items you need to actually compress them first. Here’s how to do that. Using the Compressor First, you need to have bought the office. Now, outside of […]
A few handy things to know when you accept a contract to deliver cargo. Deliver Cargo Contract By Josephyne So, you’ve accepted a contract and you went to the first […]
Warning! The guide contain spoilers. Read on your own risk. Guide to Darkest Deep By Axbeard Is it worth it to enter a Darkest Deep Mineshaft? It’s a question we […]
Grouping for Combat + Clan Advantages Having a clan can increase your exp gain if your clan has the Respawn or the Bullseye upgrade (Bullseye only applies for archers). Housing […]
Tips and Tricks for New Players Early on waves 1-800 1000 or so can be done with basically anything. you dont need synergies you dont really need tower skills. These […]
Helpful Things Cooldown Calculation Method (with Examples) The cooldown system in the Spell Brigade is based on dynamic cooldown calculation, meaning that each reduction is a reduction of the remaining […]
Tips to Farm The farm requires quite a lot of attention, I would recommend at least 3 farmers and ensure their schedules are staggered. It takes a LOT of time […]
Tips and Tricks Handling villager hunger They generally are not EATING it, just hiding it for winter. Build food storage in their huts and regularly check it and the villager […]
This is a new guide to TC for the Doomsday: Last Survivors game. Guide to Top Commander By LaCrema You may have heard that in TC, upgrading troops from T5 […]
How to Fix Voice Chat (PTT) Not Working Issue Check that INPUT in Windows Sound Settings is set to the desired device and change if it is not (you may […]