Quick Guide to Tink
By Tomotius.
I’ve a few tips that I want to share that give value to new players cause she is a little more complicated.
Let’s get it started!
Tink is a champ that is very reliant on Econ and parts in late game you have a hard time finding them therefor you want to focus on part generation early.
You don’t really need Econ items if they are not on sale since the parts give you quite some value and also take much inventory space. The champ is really giving you a lot of options to build you can choose what you want to play by the first „high coast part“ that you get.
- If you stack some tools early you will most likely find a unique that works for you.
- If you sell parts always combine them first you get more value out of it (3 instead of 2×1).
You can build the drill bot as soon as you get a mana syckler. You will often have many tools there for I recommend getting your stamina production up the best way for that are some stacked holy skulls cause they have nearly no space consumption /energy generated but banana and apple work fine as well.
Note: A word of advice to all Tink users. If you use Mana Recycler as your main mana consumption, please do not use Holy or magic Essence. This will seriously affect the life recovery efficiency of Mana Recycler.
Note: Items to look out for early game, 1 extra spanner to upgrade. 2 Brooms to make a shovel. If you get early brooms then do combine gear bolt and spring to make a gizmo. If you don’t find brooms combine the parts I mentioned to make improved versions. Other important items are 2 tusks, a torch and rocks. Try and get an apple and a banana. If you go belts get the cloths if not get a rose until you get fish or ancient teapot to get some luck so your stuff hits 100%.
Exclusive Level Unlocks
Level: 2
- Bolts
- Superior Bolts
- Frost Bolts
- Runesmith Goniometer
Level: 3
- Gear
- Superior Gear
- Infernal Cog
- Welding Torch
- Cleansomatic
- Regenerating Shield
Level: 4
- Sprint Bot
Level: 5
- Spring
- Superior Spring
- Barbed Spring
- Goblin Gizmo
- Drillbot
Level: 6
- Clockwork
- Boomer
- Ice Age Boomer
- Elixir Express 3000
Level: 7
- Big Clockwork Bomb
Level: 8
- Arcane Core
- Enhanced Drillbot
- Mana Recycler
- Power Vacuum
Level: 9
- Elemental Core
- Deathdart Dispenser
- Forest Mower
Level: 10
- Portable Siege Engine
Level Up Progression
Here’s a graphic that shows the level up progression for Tink.
Click to enlarge…
Star Patterns
Here’s a graphic that shows the star patterns for Tinks items.
Click to enlarge…
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