Tier List for All Heroes with Explanations
Currently, the tier list is made for dealing the most damage before getting one shot by bosses. Legendaries have the highest multiplier followed up epics, rares, and uncommons.
SS Tier
Legendaries are in SS by default because of their high multiplier and base stats.
- Mecha Mog’s skill gives a shield (30% of max boat hp) at the start of the match which is very useful in many scenaios. His skill also gives atk up when boat is at max HP, which is crucial when trying to deal most damage.
- Pawsitive has an Atk up aura and a Heroics stat. Both are great for dealing high damage. The Heroic stat increases atk up to 6x as HP gets low, meaning more damage can be dealt. Her skill also deals 1000% atk damage.
- Herbacan’s skill deals 440% atk damage, not as much as other heroes but he also deals poison. The poison damage adds up, and can end up dealing a lot of damage. He also slows down the enemy with his aura which great for survival, allowing more damage to be dealt.
- Nyra’s skill deals 1100% atk damage, highest of any other hero. She also has a boss dmg aura, useful when fighting the Guild Boss or the Kraken. She also deals 3x damage to flying enemies, making her a great pick for the Ship Graveyard Dungeon as well.
- Bonny and Korbolt are the best epic damage heroes (1326 base atk). Bonny’s aura is skill damage, and Korbolt’s aura is Atk up, both great for dealing more damage. Their skill also deals 1000% and 1100% atk damage respectively.
S Tier
- Loki provides an Atk aura which is good for damage but the main reason he’s S vs other epics with AoE skill is because he can freeze the enemy. With the addition of resistance and accuracy, his freeze isn’t as strong anymore but sometimes when you freeze the boss before getting one shot you can end up doing more damage. (His base stats are also lower than Bonny and Korbolt).
- Montacos and Hallowjack provide Atk Down aura which isn’t as valuable in late game but in early and middle game they are useful heroes allowing you to survive longer when necessary.
- Iron Jaw’s aura buffs only sharks which isn’t that good but he has a high multiplier and is great in Gem Lake and Ship Graveyard dungeon so he gets placed in S tier.
A Tier
- Poolkeen provides HP aura, again not very valuable late game, but can be beneficial early to middle game. She also has a skill which gives a shield of 30% of max boat hp. The reason Polkeen is placed in A, and not SS like Mecha Mog, is because Polkeen has a lower multiplier than Mecha Mog and does not give Atk Up with her skill like Mecha Mog.
- Skullcap has an atk up aura, deals 440% AoE Atk damage, and heals the boat 4% of the damage dealt by him. His Atk Up aura and him being easily obtainable early game puts him at A tier.
- King Piaf is a good hero early game but later falls off. His aura of increasing atk speed by 5% every 5 seconds has little value. Most damage is dealt by hero skills, which isn’t affected by atk speed.
- Seabeard is the hero you start with, so useful early game as he’s the highest star rare in most cases.
B Tier
- Beasty and Toothpick are the two strongest uncommon heroes. Beasty does 2x damage to monsters and Toothpick has higher base damage than all other uncommons, making these two heroes great damage dealers early game.
- Monki Bricolo is a support hero, he helps you survive longer. He’s only great early game before Polkeen is unlocked. He repairs the boat by 25% of max hp (5% less than Polkeen). Overall, just worse than Polkeen.
- Squiggly does 2x damage to boats and has an atk up aura making him useful against boat enemies early game.
C Tier
- Prince has a skill which provides 3 movable shields which protect against projectiles. Can be useful early game against projectile enemies like Monki Carnival Dungeon.
- Smashjaw provided skill dmg aura which can be useful early game to buff your top damage dealer.
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