Brighter Shores – Alchemy & Cooking Recipes

Alchemy & Cooking Recipes Guide

A quick guide with lists of known recipes for alchemy and cooking in the Brighter Shores.


PotionLevelDur.Ingr. #1Ingr. #2
10% Health0InstantBrown KelpN/A
20% Health2InstantBrown KelpCreamy Wallplant
5% XP Hopeport41 MinuteWhite PeriwinkleHorn Shell
Strength Arborae +4061 FightTangled Pond WeedMauve Bellplant
Strength Cryonae +4081 FightWhite Water LilyWrinkled Starfish
Strength Tempestae +40101 FightGreen HogberriesCommon Limpet
Fear123 MinutesVeined GlobeplantFaded Dandelion
5% XP Hopeforest141 MinuteBulged HaleberriesTad Apple
5% XP Mine161 MinuteDull Metallic ToothCrumbly Rock Scale
5% XP Crenopolis181 MinutePlain White PearlSummerview Grapes
5% XP Stonemaw Hill231 MinuteMeat WormStonemaw Toadstool
250% Wealth261 HourGray LouseWarty Sea Potato
25% Health29InstantGreen KelpVibrant Wallplant
Basic Forensics32PassiveRed and Black FeatherBristle Spinseed
28 Health35InstantGritty Mine DustGrey Tongue of Minecrawler
Boost +1381 HourSoft ShimmerbeanBrown Moth Wing
6% XP Hopeport411 MinuteBlue PeriwinkleBowl Shell
5% XP Hopeport441 HourBeadlet AnemoneDitch Sprey
7% XP Hopeport501 MinuteBladder WrackWhite Nettle
5% XP Hopeforest531 HourStrangle ShootSlothful Bug
Strength Arborae +50561 FightReaching Pond WeedCrimson Bellplant
300% Wealth591 HourSamuel’s LichenBlue Aboredon Egg
Strength Arborae +60621 FightDawkion ChestnutBristled Catkin
Moderate Forensics65PassiveSalt BeetleJaleg Stalks
Strength Cryonae +50681 FightCopper Water LilyClingy Starfish
Boost +2711 HourBitter AcornRunersham Hazelnut
Strength Cryonae +60771 FightScepter ThistleWhite Clover
5% XP Mine801 MinuteTatty Wing of BatChipped Beastman Claws
Strength Tempestae +50831 FightPurple HogberriesTiger Limpet
6% XP Hopeport861 HourStrawberty AnemoneGravel Sprey
Strength Tempestae +60891 FightPurple OrchidFlat Snake Scale
5% XP Crenopolis92PassiveGreen OlivesRed Earth Spice
Fear956 MinutesViolet GlobeplantSunshine Dandelion
6% XP Hopeforest981 HourBrush ShootLowburrow Bug
Fear1049 MinutesSquishy Toad’s EyeGlutinous Sucker
5% XP Stonemaw Hill107PassiveGrey Cave MossSmall Pinecone
6% XP Hopeforest110Blue HaleberriesMyrtle Apple
6% XP Mine113PassivePatched Wing of BatShaggy Beastman Claws
7% XP Hopeforest116Hairy Dock LeafGlade Sage
6% Crenopolis119PassiveSalty OlivesTangizest Spice
6% XP Mine122Jagged Metallic ToothSmooth Rock Scale
350% Wealth125PassiveReclusive LouseBlue Sea Potato
7% XP Mine131Brittle Cockroach MandibleGelatinous Slime
Fine Forensics134PassiveWhite Fluffy FeatherWing Spinseed
6% XP Crenopolis137Ivory Swirl PearlBlacksour Grapes
Boost +3140PassiveGlow ShimmerbeanLacy Moth Wing
7% XP Crenopolis143Red CabbageKlamit Cinnamon Sticks
6% XP Stonemaw Hill146PassiveBrown Cave MossMedium Pinecone
6% XP Stonemaw Hill149Spice WormCave Toadstool
7% XP Hopeport152PassiveDahlia AnemoneBalk Sprey
7% XP Stonemaw Hill158Orange CentipedeScraggle Creeper
7% XP Hopeforest161PassiveStout ShootPine Bug
32% Health164InstantSilver KelpScarlet Wallplant
7% XP Mine167PassiveDisfigured Wing of BatYellowing Beastman Claws
35% Health170InstantFine Mine DustGreen Tongue of Minecrawler
7% XP Crenopolis173PassiveBrown OlivesWestern Isle Spice
8% XP Hopeport1761 MinuteStriped PeriwinkleCrown Shell
7% XP Stonemaw Hill179PassiveYellow Cave MossGreat Pinecone
10% XP Hopeport1851 MinuteSpiral WrackBlood Nettle
400% Wealth188PassivePatch LichenStoneshell Aboredon Egg
Strength Arborae +701911 FightGreenveil Pond WeedStarshine Bellplant
Strong Forensics194PassiveStar BeetleKalinger Stalks
Strength Arborae +801971 FightLowbranch ChestnutFuzzy Catkin
Boost +4200PassiveSweet AcornTigershell Hazelnut
Fear20912 MinutesBrilliant GlobeplantStreaky Dandelion
8% XP Hopeport219PassiveSnakelocks AnemoneSentinel Sprey
Fear23815 MinutesBright Toad’s EyeSucky Sucker
8% XP Hopeforest248PassiveStrong ShootBlood Bug
Strength Cryonae +702581 FightBroad Water LilyBeaded Starfish
8% XP Mine267PassiveSleek Wing of BatThick Beastman Claws
Strength Cryonae +802771 FightBeacon ThistleRed Clover
8% XP Crenopolis287PassiveBlack OlivesMerridark Spice
Strength Tempestae +702961 FightRed HogberriesIrongrip Limpet
8% Stonemaw Hill306PassiveGreen Cave MossBroadscale Pinecone
Strength Tempestae +803251 FightButterfly OrchidPatterned Snake Scale
450% Wealth335PassiveShadow LouseSleek Sea Potato
8% XP Hopeforest344Ridged HaleberriesGolden Scruptious Apple
Superior Forensics354PassiveShimmering FeatherWhirl Spinseed
10% XP Hopeforest364Speckled Dock LeafMighthelm Sage
Boost +5373PassiveDazzle ShimmerbeanEyed Moth Wing
8% XP Mine383Sharp Metallic ToothGlossy Rock Scale
10% XP Hopeport393PassiveElegant AnemoneDuke Sprey
10% XP Mine412Hardened Cockroach MandibleSlime Slime
10% XP Hopeforest422PassiveMist ShootSour Bug
8% XP Crenopolis431Blue Dazzling PearlWrath Grapes
10% XP Mine441PassiveHairy Wing of BatHeavy Beastman Claws
10% XP Crenopolis451Napa CabbageVorshalt Cinnamon Sticks
10% XP Crenopolis460PassiveRoyal OlivesOrange Blaze Spice
8% XP Stonemaw Hill470Crunch WormDemoncap Toadstool
10% XP Stonemaw Hill480PassiveDark Cave MossMagnificent Pinecone
10% XP Stonemaw Hill490Scuttling CentipedeGranite Creeper


MealLevelIngr. #1Ingr. #2Ingr. #3
Basic Bacon Sandwich0Basic Raw BaconBread
Lesser Jellied Eels2Lesser EelGelatin
Basic Omelette4Basic Eggs
Basic Sausage and Mash6Piper PotatoRaw Sausages
Basic Vegetable Stew8Basic Mixed Vegetables
Grey Jellied Eels10Grey EelGelatin
Appetizing Bacon Sandwich12Appetizing Raw BaconBread
Basic Chicken and Leek Pie14Valent LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Yellowtail Gurnard Soup16Yellowtail GurnardStock
Appetizing Sausage and Mash18King Phelwan PotatoRaw Sausages
Common Dab Stew20Common Dab
Rocky Jellied Eels22Rocky EelGelatin
Appetizing Vegetable Stew25Appetizing Mixed Vegetables
Spotted Mackibut on Toast27Spotted MackibutGolbranth Beetroot
Appetizing Chicken and Leek Pie30Banded LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Placid Grilled Bass32Placid Bass
Riged Garlic Herring35Riged HerringDeepside Garlic
Fine Bacon Sandwich38Fine Raw BaconBread
Idle Roasted Sturlet40Idle Sturlet
Rord Jellied Eels43Rord EelGelatin
Appetizing Lobster Thermidor45Orange LobsterCreamButter + Wine
Leathery Baked Bream48Leathery Bream
Fried Ray Wings50Common Ray
Small Dab Stew53Small Dab
Fine Chicken and Leek Pie56Pineshade LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Whitespot Mackibut on Toast58Whitespot MackibutTarang Beetroot
Bigeye Gurnard Soup61Bigeye GurnardStock
Fine Vegetable Stew63Fine Mixed Vegetables
Gray Garlic Herring66Gray HerringFirevein Garlic
Appetizing Omelette68Appetizing Eggs
Flathead Roasted Sturlet71Flathead Sturlet
Beach Oysters with Lemon Juice74Beach OysterLemon Juice
Fine Sausage and Mash76Calystra PotatoRaw Sausages
Bluejack Mackibut on Toast79Blue Jack MackibutKalb Beetroot
Moray Jellied Eels81Moray EelGelatin
Black Baked Bream84Black Bream
Tasty Chicken and Leek Pie86Glint LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Dim Fried Ray Wings89Dim Ray
Dancing Dab Stew92Dancing Dab
Tasty Bacon Sandwich94Tasty Raw BaconBread
Striped Roasted Sturlet97Stiped Sturlet
Striped Grilled Bass99Striped Bass
Basic Cod and Chips102Slight CodPiper Potato
Red Garlic Herring104Red HerringLangard Garlic
Blackfin Gurnard Soup107Blackfin GurnardStock
Streaked Mackibut on Toast110Streaked MackibutFlexhair Beetroot
Fine Lobster Thermidor112Striped LobsterCreamButter + Wine
Soldier Fried Ray Wings115Soldier Ray
Surf Baked Bream117Surf Bream
Tasty Vegetable Stew120Tasty Mixed Vegetables
Thick Lipped Roasted Sturlet123Thick Lipped Sturlet
Tasty Sausage and Mash125Colawan PotatoRaw Sausages
Summer Dab Stew128Summer Dab
Appetizing Cod and Chips131Waltzing CodKing Phelwan Potato
Signal Oysters with Lemon Juice133Signal OysterLemon Juice
Horse Mackibut on Toast136Horse MackibutZing Beetroot
Conger Jellied Eels139Conger EelGelatin
Ochre Garlic Herring141Ochre HerringShelkram Garlic
Tasty Omelette144Tasty Eggs
Nimble Fried Ray Wings147Nimble Ray
Wandering Roasted Sturlet149Wandering Sturlet
Emerald Grilled Bass152Emerald Bass
Chub Mackibut on Toast155Chub MackibutOldclay Beetroot
Delicious Sausage and Mash157Bitterbide PotatoRaw Sausages
Shiny Gurnard Soup160Shiny GurnardStock
Smooth Dab Stew162Smooth Dab
Fine Cod and Chips165Teal CodCalystra Potato
Graceful Baked Bream168Graceful Bream
Delicious Bacon Sandwich170Delicious Raw BaconBread
Leopard Jellied Eels173Leopard EelGelatin
Wishful Garlic Herring176Wishful HerringGrotto Garlic
Dropthe Grilled Bass178Dropthe Bass
Silver Roasted Sturlet181Silver Sturlet
Delicious Lobster Thermidor184Ghost LobsterCreamButter + Wine
Blue Mackibut on Toast186Blue MackibutFurtop Beetroot
Tiger Fried Ray Wings189Tiger Ray
Speckled Oysters with Lemon Juice192Speckled OysterLemon Juice
Cream Baked Bream194Cream Bream
Delicious Chicken and Leek Pie197Wondrous LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Western Roasted Sturlet200Western Sturlet
Tasty Cod and Chips208Pearly CodColawan Potato
Delicious Vegetable Stew217Delicious Mixed Vegetables
Screaming Ab Dab Stew225Screaming Ab Dab
Torpedo Gurnard Soup234Torpedo GurnardStock
Wahoo Mackibut on Toast242Wahoo MackibutOlgrave Beetroot
Broad Fried Ray Wings251Broad Ray
Delicious Cod and Chips259Mosaic CodBitterbide Potato
Hope Garlic Herring268Hope HerringAmberflesh Garlic
Delicious Omelette276Delicious Eggs
Blond Roasted Sturlet285Blond Sturlet
Greater Jellied Eels293Greater EelGelatin
Giant Grilled Bass302Giant Grilled Bass
Gilt-Headed Baked Bream310Gilt-Headed Bream
Gourmet Lobster Thermidor319Cunning LobsterCreamButter + Wine
Spotted Dab Stew327Spotted Dab
Gourmet Sausage and Mash336Greengrail PotatoRaw Sausages
Gourmet Bacon Sandwich345Gourmet Raw BaconBread
Etway Mackibut on Toast353Etway MackibutVolbarn Beetroot
Sumptuous Cod and Chips362Burly CodGreengrail Potato
Shimmering Garlic Herring370Shimmering HerringWeldbulb Garlic
Unicorn Puffer Sashimi379Unicorn PufferfishSoy Sauce
Bullet Roasted Sturlet387Bullet Sturlet
Jade Fried Ray Wings396Jade Ray
Rusty Oysters with Lemon Juice404Rusty OysterLemon Juice
Brilliant Baked Bream413Brilliant Bream
Grand Gurnard Soup421Grand GurnardStock
King Mackibut on Toast430King MackibutJamato Beetroot
Gourmet Vegetable Stew438Gourmet Mixed Vegetables
Gourmet Chicken and Leek Pie447Golden LeekRaw ChickenPastry
Mighty Dab Stew455Mighty Dab
Gourmet Cod and Chips464Emporor CodGalimeer Potato
Mighty Roasted Sturlet472Mighty Sturlet
Prime Fried Ray Wings481Prime Ray
Gourmet Omelette490Gourmet Eggs
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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