Brighter Shores – Starter Guide for Merchants (Level 0-40)

This guide is for levels 0-40. After that, you should have the hang of how Merchant works.

How to Start as Merchant

By Armorer

  • Pre-reqs: Strive to unlock the Lv 4 Den

Upfront Notes

You will only be able to carry / accept a few Bounties out the gate. As you progress you will be able to hold up to 6 Bounties at a time.

After you unlock a new Contract option, even if it is flagged as a “Bad Bounty” still strive to do it once for the bonus xp.

When you first get started, you will notice that some of the bounties you can pick will be considered “Bad Bounties” per this guide. You will need to power through a few of these up until level 8 or so.

How to claim the right Bounties

  1. Claim all 6 bounties, stay at board until reset.
  2. After reset, abandon all Bad Bounties (See list below as what are considered “Bad Bounties”)
  3. Grab Beef Joint Bounties(If available) (These start right next to the bounty board and should be completed first in your route)
  4. Ignoring “Bad Bounties”, take bounties that match ones you currently have
  5. If you don’t have exactly 2 Beef Joint Bounties, do not take more than 4 total non-Beef Joint Bounties.
  • Always Do: Beef Joint
  • Bad Bounties: Meat Wrap / Porcelain Doll / Soap / Pin Badge / Pumpkin


After getting bounties

  1. Start by grabbing Beef Joints at Henderson’s (If you have any Beef Joint Bounties).
  2. Go west to the Thadwick Square and cash in the Beef Joint Bounties.
  3. Next, continue west to claim your remaining Bounty items (You will usually find yourself making a Counter Clockwise loop during your pathing).
  4. Teleport to Market Portal.
  5. Head back to Bounty Board.

Next Steps

Once you get around 35+ Merchant, you will start adding Soap to the “Good Bounties”. These work decently with Pizzas and Bananas. By then you will have a firm understanding of this guide and should be able to make solid judgements on what to do.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 475 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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