Capybara Go! – 7-Day Carnival Guide

Guide & Tips (7-Day Carnival) for Noobs

By PlayMe.

This guide is aimed to help beginners who just started playing, has 7-Day Carnival. However, many tips from this guide will be useful after Carnival.

Following tips are made for players that have 7-Day Carnival they should help you to beat the first 20 chapters.

Recommended Equipments & Pets

For Chapters & Other Modes

S-Grade equipments can be placed instead of non S-Grade.

For Chapters & Other Modes

Best Way to Spend Gems

  • Buy 2 Tickets. Total cost – 300 Gems.
  • Daily limit 2 Tickets, price: 1st Ticket – 100 Gems, 2nd Ticket – 200 Gems.
  • Buy Energy 1-2 times (buying 2nd time is debated, so it’s more up to you).

Total Cost: 540 Gems.

  • Buy x10 Chests if needed to complete 7-Day Carnival.

Play Order

  1. Claim free equipment chests.
  2. Play goblin miner.
  3. Play arena (can be played later).
  4. Claim AFK rewards.
  5. Check events & complete if able / advised to.
  6. Follow the task list.
  7. Play tower.
  8. Play dungeon (raids). Push them if you can, a try doesn’t cost a ticket if you fail.
  9. Play chapter. If stuck, then use travel & upgrade talents.
  10. Play dungeon dive (don’t forget to buy Tickets).
  11. Claim battle pass & other passes / cards rewards.
  12. Donate in guild & battle a boss.

Packs & Purchase Suggestions

Note: Nothing needs to be purchased to play and these are only suggestions if you already planned to spend.

The list is in order starting from best option (special deals are not included):

  1. Ad-free pass (extremely good).
  2. Lifetime card (extremely good).
  3. Monthly card (extremely good).
  4. Dungeon fund.
  5. Talent fund (0-1400).
  6. Tower challenge fund (1-50 floors).
  7. Travel pass.
  8. Battle pass.
  9. Chest monthly pass.

Event Tips

All events that have leaderboard are suggested to wait near the end to see if it’s possible to get:

Exception: During 7-Day event.

Black Market Growth

Buy Mount Pack (1000 Horseshoes) > Refinement Pack (10K Spirit Stones) > Key Benefitpack (10 Keys).

Pet Growth

  • Open 4000 Eggs (note that you will get extra Egg from opening 500, 1000…)
  • Don’t open Eggs if you can’t complete a round. If you don’t have all 3 pet slots unlocked, it’s better to open Egg even if you can’t complete a round.

Chest Growth

All chests have value:

  • Calculate if your chests will give you 5000 points to complete a round (note that you will get extra chests from obtaining 1000, 2000… points. Also don’t forget about chests you get when you open chests).
  • Don’t save Purple Chests as they give 0 points.
  • Open some chests if you need to complete missions in other events.

Build Growth

  • 16K Spirit Stones are needed to complete a round.
  • After reaching level 2 in build, it will help to advance during carnival. Suggested to save all for events.

Mount Growth

  • 5000 Horseshoes & needed to complete a round.
  • To not use more than needed, level up mount clicking 1 at a time (if you’re planning to complete more than one round, then it only applies to the last round you plan to do).
  • Complete as many rounds as possible, but no need to save up to complete all 4 as there’s no leaderboar.

AFK (Super Sweep)

  • Don’t cap on AFK resources.
  • Buying order:
    • 2000 Horseshoes (P2P) > 1000 Horseshoes (achievable for F2P) > 20 Keys > 2000 Spirit Stones > Don’t forget to use up remaining points.
  • Perfectly, buy in the last hour of event to use all points. Note that there is no redeem period after event.

Capybara Machine

  • Capymachines are stackable, so collect till you’ll have enough to get guaranteed major limited reward.
  • Every 10 floors dungeon dive gives Capymachine, so play it daily and buy Ticket.
  • Complete all possible missions!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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