Guide to New World
By Alchy
Before Stage 25
- Get all the lightning skills you can and pray for Shock Discharge, Combo Mastery, Crit Mastery, Counter Proficiency.
Stage 25
- Pray that it’s not Vampire boss horse. If not you won’t make it past.
- Pray for War Veteran / Combo Spirit.
Stage 25-40
- Pray you don’t die to Mask Slime mob, Bone Chewing Slime mob.
Stage 40
- Pray it’s not Vampire boss, other wise even with War Veteran you might not kill him.
Stage 50
- Not enough HP? You’re cooked by the two elite bois.
Stage 50-60
- See Bone Chewing Slime mob? Usually you dead.
Stage 60
- Do I have enough ATK/HP/Bolts or do I even have Shock Discharge?
- Probably not and dead.
Resource Spending / Saving Guide
Resources to Save:
- Gems: Buy 2x dungeon dive tickets and 1-2x energy refills daily. Use the rest on gear or wishing. Consider saving 10k to buy the Horseshoe pack during Black Market Growth Event. Also consider saving all your gems prior to a big event (eg Fishing/Lunar New Year).
- Pet Eggs: Save for Pet Growth Event.
- Spirit Stones: Save for Pet Build Growth Event.
- Everstone: Save for pet build level 5+ (ideally lvl 8 for SSS stats).
- Horseshoes: Save for Mount Growth Event.
- Chests: Save for Chest Growth Event.
- Meteoric Iron: Save until you can unlock an entire collectible set (eg Exotic Treasure for +3% Atk). Then focus on upgrading one set at a time to 3-star/6-star/etc. Also save enough to upgrade one collectible during the Capy Gacha Event for the quest.
- Legendary Keys: Save for targeted banner. (F2P Recommended: Blade of Justice, Shadow Lance, Angel Bow, Dragon Breath, Judgment, Bloody Grail).
- Limited Secret Chest Selection (180x Opens Pity): Save for desired S Weapon or Armor. Amulets / Rings have a higher drop rate so I don’t recommend using pity on them.
- Stamina: stay under the cap to be efficient OR Stockpile stamina prior to an energy event if you want to compete for rank rewards.
- Magic Crystals: Save for arcana statues (usually Slime King or Unicorn).
- Guild Coins: Save enough for Weekly Lucky Gem Bag and Monthly Legendary Keys x10. The rest you can use on whatever you need.
- Darkmoon Gold Ticket: Save for advanced mounts Laputa, Toffee.
- Darkmoon Ticket: Save for advanced mounts King Kong, Roach.
- Lucky Silver Coins: Save 500+ coins for Capy Gacha Pity. With the new Kapi Badges, you want to get an advanced mount & artifact first followed by 1 of each advanced mount/artifact for the passives. Diego is the best mount for most builds, but Lumious Dragon and Sphinx have really good passives to get asap. Spear of Thor is usually the first artifact you want to get with Bow builds, and Heaven Mark for sword chi builds. Demonic Eye is also a solid choice for the anti-heal vs vampire. Eventually you will want to unlock Freya as well, however Unicorn can be used in the meantime.
Spend Whenever:
- Pet food
- Hammers
- Chests
- Gold Keys
- Silver Keys
- Blueprints
- Pickaxes
- Power Stones
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