Capybara Go! – Things You Should to Know

Helpful Things for New Players

General Tips

  • Don’t save chest / horseshoe / pet egg / hammers before completing the 7 day carnival. 
  • Level all pets to 5,10,15. Just do it, trust me.
  • Use tunic, guardian rings and icy bubbles. And yes, your guardian rings and icy bubbles stack.
  • If you’re stuck, travel or spam tower.
  • Reset all levels on gear and max out weapon > armor then highest rarity S gear > highest rarity normal gear.
  • Use elephant and ice fox.
  • Use staff. Although you will hear of late game players talking about how broken bow is, staff is undisputedly the best for newbies. This is because newbies will have low crit/combo/counter% that weapons that give these stats cannot be utilised properly. For staff, everyone can utilise a flat skill dmg % increase as it will just give your rage skills/lightning/dagger etc more damage. Hence, use staff.
  • Don’t ask for equipment tierlists! They are impossible to make because almost all weapons are good with different builds. The strength of equipment also depends on the content it is facing and tier it is at. The game is too dynamic so it is impossible to make a tierlist. Think for yourself.
  • Server resets at 8am GMT+8 (Singapore time).
  • Pull for mount and artifact in capymachine first before pulling for pets. 
  • You are safe to sacrifice these items.

A little advice for those who have a lot of pet food. You can upgrade Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic Pets to Level 5 or 10 you can get bonus.

  • Level 5 : 3-5% Atk
  • Level 10: 3-5% HP
  • (Depends on Pet Rarity)

Note: For example, if you want to upgrade the pet you are using, you can lower its Lvl.

General FAQ

Is XXX equipment good?

It depends on build and content. Most equipment is useful in certain builds and different content. If you want to know about late game potential of an equipment, try to think about what situation it would be good in yourself in comparison to their counterparts. 

Example: Is dragons breath better or revival cape better? It depends. Dragons breath is better in chapter because there are more turns in chapter and the healing is more valuable than revival cape. Revival cape is good in tower where bosses have high burst damage and you need to tank a large damage ult.

Stuck on a chapter, how to clear?

We do not have a magical formula to clear chapters. We also spend hundreds of energy trying various equipment to clear a hard chapter. For noobs, there is no shortcut way. Travel and farm tower to upgrade talents and get more blueprints to make your capy stronger. Try different equipment to see what you find more success with. Be a hardworking noob, not a lazy noob.

What skill should I take?

If you just ask ‘what skill is better’, we cannot give you an answer. Similar to no. 1, it depends on context. What mode are you talking about? Chapter? Dungeon dive? Guild raid? Different skills are better in different game modes. 

Example: Double atk on turn1 is amazing in dive because bosses very harder the stages you clear consecutively, so killing them fast is important as you cannot out tank their damage. Conversely, double atk on turn1 is terrible in chapter, since there are 30 turns and sustained damage is more useful than burst damage (especially for later chapters).

For chapter: skills with scaling damage which complements your build are best. War vet, combo proficiency, crit proficiency are all good damage skills if you have the corresponding stats to synergise with it. If you are dying, take skills that provide healing such as counter proficiency. What skills to take just depends on what you need, dmg or survivability. 

What are the best pets?

Again, no general rule. Heavily depends on build and content. As an extremely new player, you can run ice shroom and snowy: 

Swap to these after you get them:

Use this for guild raid:

Best late game pets:

What is skill damage?

Dagger, poison, ice spikes, lightning, burn, rage skill, sword chi.

What collectibles to upgrade?

Upgrade them in sets, get a set to 3* to get more % stats. Prioritize sets that give Atk and Hp.

What do I do with capy coins?

Save up until you have 400+ to pull a mount/artifact you want in the capymachine. The coins stay in your inventory until you use it, the pity for the capy machine resets, so dont waste them until you are sure you’ll get it.

What to buy in guild shop? 

Whatever your heart desires.

What events are there to save up for? 

Pet egg, soulstone, horseshoe, chests (not the key chests, but the pet / gold / silver chests) 

What stats to roll for on pet build?

Personally, I would keep basic attack dmg reduction and skill dmg reduction to around 80% each. After that, prioritise global attack and global hp.

Do I have to wait for an advanced mount / artifact before using my horseshoes / hammers?

You can just upgrade the base crocodile mount and base artifact. Advanced mounts/artifacts don’t require horseshoes to upgrade, and the stats from upgrading your mounts/artifacts will carry over when you eventually obtain and equip an advanced mount/artifact.

What are gem use for?

Everyday you will get atleast 500 gem daily, you can use it for multiple things such as:

  • Horseshoe in black market (day 2 it will appear).
    • Try and buy it when it is 30-50% sale , it is not a necessity to buy it everyday but if you are a dolphin and have spare gem I would recommend to go for it.
  • Buying stamina ( 180 (1st buy) + 240 (2nd buy)).
    • Energy can be use to travel and farm for those 2 days event. (Note: these event will be replace with new event after they end so its a neverending cycle).
  • Buy dungeon ticket (300gem/2 tickets) daily, reason? They give you these coins for capymachine (every 10 floors).

What is Reset?

You can downgrade items such as: weapons, armors, rings, necklace. These downgraded item will not give you back what you have used to upgrade but instead will give you synthesis material (on the bottom of the list) so be EXTREMELY careful when you upgrade to golden or downgrade because some will need the same weapon to upgrade/downgrade and synthesis material will not work.

Pet can also be reset and material will be given back. But you also do not have to reset everything as every 5 level stat will increase for your capy and your power will increase (as shown in game).

Map and Tower Tips

Guide for map, and tower for midbie (newbie use any purple gear you have).

Prioritise leveling up your weapon and armor to max first, after it will be ring then necklace (like shown in picture).


  • Weapons:
    • Any S-gear purple weapon is better than orange weapons (they do not provide utility, so S-gear weapons are better).
  • Pets:
    • Elephant > Icewind Fox > Flash/Slime King > Unicorn (use what you have in this order; in my opinion, Unicorn is not as good as Slime King or Flash)


  • Weapons:
    • Prioritise Bow (Critical hit for 1 shot 1 kill).
    • Any gear that is high level that you have or your highest attack damage gear.
  • Pets:
    • Flash > Icewind Fox > Purple fox? (why is it call demon lmao), Slime king (in order use what you have).
    • Baby dragon can be use if there’s 2 or more enemies.

Guild Boss & Seal Boss:

Midbie does not have to worry about boss damage since it’s irrelevant. I would suggest resetting armor and putting levels in both rings for more damage.

  • Weapons:
    • Golden weapon+1 > S Weapon > Golden weapon+0.
  • Pets:
    • Slime King, Flash, Unicorn.

Dungeon Dive:

Here’s the corrected text:

  • Weapons:
    • Golden weapon+1 > S Weapon > Golden weapon+0.
  • Pets:
    • Slime King > Flash > Elephant > Unicorn.

These challenges are randomized, and we do not have the best guide as of now since some of the buffs for enemies are overpowered. I recommend running full damage skills (kunais, holy sword, lightning, etc.) instead of auto attacks. Also, prioritize attack doubles in the first turn as pets also get this benefit.

Guild Shop Tips

Guild Shop can be use to exchange for a lot of things depending on how much you have, in this guide I will give you my opinion:

  • Prioritise weekly ticket > monthly key(can be bought first but will not help you progress if RNG God is not with you) > gem chest. (imo hammer are overpriced and useless once you level up your artifact high you can buy it but in my guide I’ll show you a better way to get them).
  • Why tciket? As I said before ticket gives you energy, eggs and chest. These help you with events and you can stock them up to farm for those pesky hammer. Key is for your dopamine.

Mining Tips

1 is first priority. Since the Statue can be a 2×3, 2×2 or 1×1 this method takes care of any 2×3 first while reducing the number of 2×2 options.

After priority 2 finishes this reduces it just to 1×1 options. As such priority 3 and 4 are for if you find bombs they will result in more tiles cleared.

  • Bombs on 3 produces 9 additional cleared tiles.
  • Bombs on 4 produces 7 additional cleared tiles.
  • Bombs on 5 produces 5 additional cleared tiles.

Technical Inquiries

Event Rotation

  • Pet egg + Horseshoes + Mount Capymachine
  • Spirit stone (no leaderboard) + Black Market + AFK + Pet Capymachine
  • Chest + Horseshoes + Artifact Capymachine

Crit rate vs weapon vs crit rate vs skill crit rate vs basic attack crit rate 

  • Crit rate applies to everything (including pet).
  • Wep crit applies to basic attack and rage skill.
  • Skill crit applies to rage skill and skill dmg only (dagger, lightning etc).
  • Basic attack crit only applies to basic attacks (not including pet).

Global hp/atk/def % vs hp/atk/def %

Global % is way more op, 100% increase of global hp/atk/def% doubles the raw % of hp/atk/def stat.

How many points does each chest give? (for chest event)

  • Bronze chest – 1pt
  • Silver chest – 10 pts
  • Gold chest – 20 pts
  • Pet chest – 50 pts
  • Gem chest – 0 pts

Mount & Artifact Passive Stats

Try get 1 of every Advanced artifact/mount before you level them up as they all have a passive stat effect.

If you have 1 of every advanced mount:

  • 10% Global HP
  • 10% Crit rate
  • 10% global DEF
  • 10% global ATK
  • 10% DMG reduction
  • 10% Counter rate
  • 10% Combo rate
  • 15% pet DMG

If you have 1 of every advanced artifact:

  • 10% Global HP
  • 20% ignore Crit rate
  • 10% global ATK
  • 10% ignore Counter rate
  • 20% ignore Combo rate

Tier Lists & Infographics

Armor Tier List

  • Revival Cape – Recommended for Tower.
  • Dragon Breath – Recommended for Chapters.
  • Chest Tunic – Recommended for Guild, Raids & in some cases when you need increase in attack more than health recovering.

If you don’t have any of the 3 armors above, then use Silverscale > Hard Armor.

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Raid Dragon’s Lair

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Raid Celestial Tree

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Raid Phantom Sword Island

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Merge Guide

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Level Up Guide (Equipments)

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Combo, Counterattack & Shrink

Here is explanation of some skills you may not understand what they do.

7-Day Carnival Guide

Can F2P complete? – Yes, event duration is 14 day, it’s more than enough to complete all missions except “Recharge”. I personally completed being F2P.

Hidden Stats of Skills

Common Skills

Some of the skills during testing were bugged, new updates should fix them. Poison & burning are stackable. 1 stack deals 20% of base attack, 2 stacks 40%, 3 stacks 60% on so on.

Made by PlayMe.

Legendary Skills

It is possible that new updates can change some numbers or skill effects.

  • Skill damage includes: daggers, elemental skills like fire strikes, and rage damage.
  • Basic attack damage includes: basic attacks, combos, and counter attacks.
  • Poison and burning damage are not counted as basic or skill damage.

Made by PlayMe.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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