A few handy things to know when you accept a contract to deliver cargo.
Deliver Cargo Contract
By Josephyne
So, you’ve accepted a contract and you went to the first place to pick up the items. If you chose to not use your own car but instead 1 that the contract provides (which, generally, I’d recommend doing) it’s important to park your own car in the orange assigned parking space called “Personel Car Park”.
If you’re not using your own car, there’s another car standing close to the cargo that you can use. Drive it to the cargo you have to pick up and put all the boxes in the back.
Then open the map to set a route to the destination. You can recognize the right place by this icon:
Drive to the destination and unload the cargo on the assigned spot, usually in the back of a shop (so not the front!) and inside a glowing yellow rectangle.
After you’ve unloaded all the cargo, go to the guy in the kiosk at that spot, so DON’T go back to where you came from.
You can then finish the contract and your own car will appear on the orange parking spot there.
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