Dark and Darker – Warlock FAQ

Warlock Guide: Very Frequently Asked Questions

Does Shadow Touch scale with Magical Healing?


Does X/Y/Z scale with vampirism?

Every source of magical healing in the game scales with vampirism, even if it doesn’t natively scale. There is no known exception to this rule.

Does Lifedrain scale with Magical Healing?

No, Lifedrain heals 1:1 with magical damage.

Does Dark Reflection consume Soul Collector stacks?


Does Curse Mastery increase curse damage?

If the damage per tick is static (Power of Sacrifice) then yes. If it is not (Curse of Pain) then no, it just stretches the damage out over a longer duration.

Which is a good warlock build?

Deeper in the pins you’ll find another message with optimal warlock builds.

Which warlock build is the best?

There is no consensus among warlocks which build is the best, but generally there are 3 main popular builds right now: Platelock, TM, and Hydrain. All can be found in the pins.

Can you pricecheck my item for me?

No. Go to the collector’s guild or another channel to pricecheck gear.

What stats should I build as warlock?

Check the pins for builds on prioritized stats for any of the 3 main builds.

Does Magical Power scale Torture Mastery healing?

Yes, but it’s so insignificant that it’s not worth trying to build, just build Magical Healing instead.

Which gamemode is best for warlocks?

Warlocks are primarily good in solos and duos, they are not very effective in trios right now.

Does Power of Sacrifice scale it’s damage?

No, it can increase with curse damage but the tick damage is always consistent.

Does magic damage reduction reduce warlock self-damage?

No. It will reduce damage taken from self-performed debuffs though like Power of Sacrifice or Bloostained Blade.

Can you complete the ‘no damage quests’ while casting warlock spells?

Yes, warlock self-damage from casting spells does not count as damage for the purposes of this quest. Debuff-damage still does though.

Can you stack curses from two warlocks?

Yes, but only if one warlock is running curse mastery and the other warlock is not.

Can you stack curses from one warlock?

No, you can only have one type of any curse on a single person at any given time. If you use the same curse again it will overwrite, in the case of Curse of Pain it will still activate the instant-damage again though so it is worth spamming.

Why did my Lifedrain stop channeling?

You may not move while channeling lifedrain, it also cancels if the target gets too far.

Does Curse of Weakness reduce (x/y/z)?

Curse of Weakness does not reduce anything but base attributes. If there is a sub-stat that is affected by that base attribute it will be reduced accordingly. Example: A player with 20 agility gets hit by a curse of weakness. They lose 5 agility, this will translate to 3.75 lost movement speed among other things.

What is the difference between casting implements?

Spellbook has the lowest ms penalty and fastest cast-release timer. Crystal Ball will let you hold a weapon in your mainhand while using it. Magic Staff has a higher movement speed penalty and cast-release timer but higher base magical damage. Ceremonial Staff has the same penalties as Magic Staff but with Magical Healing instead of damage.

Does Eldritch Shield consume Soul Collector stacks?

Yes, but it does not provide any benefit for doing so.

Does X/Y/Z scale with Soul Collector stacks?

Soul Collector only scales up Dark Magical Damage. There are only a few sources of Dark Magical Damage available to warlock right now: Ray of Darkness, Dark Bolt and Dark Reflection.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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