Deadlock – Useful Tips for Paradox

Paradox Tips

By Kay.

There are two “main” builds. Spirit build and Carbine/weapon build. Some people mix the two a little bit. There’s also a build called Punchadox which I haven’t tried yet but seems fun. Carbine is the main build that I use, so I’ll talk about that one.

Pulse Grenade: This is great for pushing, clearing camps, early harass. Late game the damage falls off hard once people have spirit armor/regen/massive health pools, but is still for clearing waves/farming jungle. I usually try to leave laning phase with the first 1-2 upgrades unlocked.

Wall: Blocks projectiles temporarily before sending them through. I grab this early if I’m in a lane where there is lots of projectile spam coming out, or if I’m against someone like grey talon, where he can root me and then nuke me. Wall can buy you valuable time. It’s also useful for melee fights early on, as the enemy will get chunked when they pass through it to punch you.

Carbine: The ability that makes this build. Don’t leave laning phase without having the first two upgrades unlocked. This ability is annoying to play against. Carbine does spirit damage but it scales off of weapon damage, so you want to prioritize weapon items to get the most effectiveness for your carbine. This has the side effect of letting you also do high weapon DPS too.

Swap: Swap enemies into wall when you can. Range is decent but not as long as it used to be since it received some nerfs. Swap is great because it’ll auto line up your cursor for a shot on the enemy, so try to have Carbine ready when you throw out swaps.

My skill upgrades usually go something like:

3 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 2 4 4 1

For items, Headshot Booster/Hollow Point/Restorative Shot/Healing Rite. Buy Restorative Shot early if you can and aren’t super low, since it gives you great sustain to stay in lane. Mystic Shot as soon as you have at least two of those items (some games I get greedy and buy Mystic Shot first if I can, idk if it’s worth it but).

Also, buy Sprint Boots into Enduring Speed. I like an early Divine Barrier too. Those two items combined with your Carbine active make you fast and allow you to gank/reposition/escape with ease.

  • After mystic shot, get long range > improved cooldown > superior cooldown.

From there, I usually try and rush a 6.3k item. Glass Cannon is my preferred choice, but Siphon Bullets can work if the enemy team is already fairly tanky and you are having trouble chunking them.

From there, go back for Sharpshooter. I skip SS until after a t4 item because it’s more useful when it has a bigger damage amount to scale off of, and I’ve not found it tremendously useful when I buy it before a t4 item.

After this, you have lots of options. I’ve been liking Pristine Emblem a lot against tanky enemies. Siphon Bullets if you don’t already have it and are against a Warden or someone else with an HP pool rivaling a Final Fantasy final boss.

Some Other General Tips:

  • Itemize against your enemies. Curse if they have a Seven whose ults have been causing issues. Slowing Hex if you need to deal with a Talon/Vindicta (though your swap can also deal with them pretty easily since they’re so slow in the air). Warp Stone if you need more escape from people like Warden or to avoid the nasty Infernus ults.
  • Don’t forget to buy protective items to keep yourself alive. If you’re getting killed by Spirit damage, buy spirit armor. If you’re constantly getting disarmed by M&K, get Debuff Reducer/Remover.
  • Fight with your team as much as possible.
  • Flick carbine shots are cool (and goddamn satisfying), but if you can, take an extra second to aim and maximize your chances of hitting.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 507 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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