Heroes Ranked
Deadlock is still being developed. The game creators are adding new heroes often. They’re also changing the current heroes. This means the heroes’ abilities and how good they are compared to each other might change.
Even so, we’ve made a list that ranks the Deadlock heroes from best to worst based on how they are right now.
Deadlock has many good heroes, but only a few are really great. The ones listed above are the best. Bebop is probably the strongest hero in Deadlock. He can grab enemies from far away, which is very powerful. This ability is similar to heroes in other games like League of Legends and Dota 2.
The other top heroes are also very good at what they do. Viscous can do a lot of damage, but works best helping other heroes instead of being the main attacker. Shiv (the newest hero) and Lady Geist are excellent main attackers. They can do a lot of damage throughout the whole game, from the beginning to the end.
The A-tier heroes are almost as good as S-tier ones, but they’re not quite at the top level. They each have a few things that keep them from being the very best. I like Yamato the most in this group. She’s good at dealing damage with bullets and also with spirit powers. She can do many different things well and has some unique abilities.
Seven and Abrams are different. They’re good at protecting their team and controlling enemy groups. They can also deal strong physical and spirit damage. Vindicta and Wraith are heroes that get really strong later in the game. They start off slow, but once they get going, they can defeat enemies very quickly. This makes them great for winning games fast.
Grey Talon
This list has two heroes who are great at attacking the enemy base, but they do different things for their teams. McGinnis is good at setting up walls and turrets to help her team. Ivy shoots really fast, which makes her dangerous to both towers and enemy heroes. However, both of these heroes are easy to kill, which is why they’re in the B-tier. Even when they have strong abilities and items, they still have trouble staying alive. This is especially true for Ivy, who takes too long to become as strong as heroes like Vindicta.
Grey Talon is strong at the start of the game, but gets weaker as the enemy team gets stronger. He becomes easy to kill, and his only way to escape is by flying, which enemies can stop pretty easily. Paradox has a useful ultimate ability similar to Vengeful Spirit’s, but she’s not as powerful overall as other heroes.
Mo & Krill
Warden is ranked lower because he needs to be the strongest player on the team to be effective. If he’s not clearly ahead of his opponents, he doesn’t have as much impact on the game. This is why he’s placed in the C-tier.
The differences between these tiers aren’t very big. For example, Pocket isn’t as good as Seven, but he’s still useful. He can do a lot of damage and cause problems for the enemy team with his abilities, which are similar to Puck from Dota 2. Dynamo is good at both supporting and carrying, able to do either job depending on what the team needs. However, he’s not the best at either role compared to other characters.
Lash and Mo & Krill just need some adjustments to their abilities. They’ll probably be ranked higher in future lists once they’re improved.
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