Season 4: Wind Shear / Ravens (Basic Skill Build)
The base principal of the build is to cast Ravens on a group of mobs and then spam cast Wind Shear to activate Paingorgers Gauntlet’s.
Required Uniques:
- Paingorgers Gauntlet’s (Harlequin’s Crest is supplemental).
Two Variations of the Build:
- Variation 1 = Petrify / Natures Fury / Symbiotic Aspect.
- Variation 2 = No Ultimate / Perfect Storm / Hectic Aspect.
(V1) Harlequin+Petrify:
(V1) NO-Harlequin+Petrify:
(V2) Harlequin/NO-Ulti:
(V2) NO-Harlequin/NO-Ulti:
Ravens will make mobs Vulnerable for 3 seconds and allow Paingorgers Gauntlet effect to proc every time the the Ravens DOT ticks and is hit by Wind Shear. 94% attack speed bonus will increase the rate at which Ravens DOT ticks and how fast you can spam cast Wind Shear on them. Additionally you can double up this damage when you double stack the Ravens. 94.3% chance to cast Wind Shear TWICE on staff means rapid fire damage and CDR from Natures Fury or Hectic. Wind Shear also has a 20% chance to apply Vulnerable which is increased to 30% from the Elemental Exposure passive skill. Calm Breeze Aspect (Ring) and Constricting Tendrils Legendary node are the Poison application sources.
Variation 1 opts for Natures Fury (Key Passive) in order to activate Symbiotic Aspect (Boots) as a reliable way of reducing the cooldown on Earthen Bulwark. It also runs the Ultimate ability Petrify and the Calm Before The Storm Spirit Boon. Additionally, 3 skill points are added into Earth Spike (Basic Skill) for the 30% chance of a free cast from the Natures Fury key passive. The benefit to this is the 15% chance to stun mobs from range and an additional source of fortify generation in conjunction with the stun chance and immobilize chance on gear (activating Bad Omen+ Electrocution Glyph = x20% Multiplicative damage boost). This variation has more reliable survivability because of Natures Fury/Symbiotic’s effect on EB as well as the ability to stun packs of enemies with Petrify/Earth Spike.
Variation 2 opts for Perfect Storm (Key Passive) for X20 multiplicative damage and relying on the Hectic Aspect (Boots) as a way of reducing the cooldown on Earthen Bulwark. This is why Petrify is not used in this variation. We want Hectic to funnel its CDR into Earthen Bulwark instead of being distributed between EB/Petrify/Ravens. This variation has more overall damage output at the cost of less reliable EB CDR.
- 75% CDR on Ravens (6 sec duration) = 3.75 sec cooldown which can be refreshed to 0 by Pack Leader spirit boon procs and if you choose Variation 2, Hectic Aspect. Ravens will be castable at will with either variation.
- 99.9% Crit Chance – 71.9% Gear + 8% Ravens + 5% Scythe Talons + 15% Cruelty Elixir.
- +973.8% Damage vs Distant +53.5 Damage vs Close = X205.46% Multiplicative Damage bonus from ThunderStruck Legendary node.
- Damage Reduction: 45.6% All DR (Harlequin’s+Might Aspect+Vigilance), 22.1% DR Poisoned, 15% DR Fortified, 10% DR Close 10% DR Barrier, 7.8% DR Vulnerable, 20% Dodge Chance.
- 35,850 HP + EB Barrier.
- +65.2%-97.8% (Shako/NoShako) Lucky Hit Chance to Immobilize (Ravens has a high Lucky hit % to apply this Immobilize immediately) . +15% Chance to Immobilize and Poison 4 sec from Constricting Tendrils. +15% Chance to Stun from Earth Spike (Variation 1 builds).
This is for keeping enemies at range/staggering bosses and activating “bad omen” passive skill for x20% multiplicative bonus from electrocution glyph.
What modifiers are you including in that? There are a lot of things that don’t work for Paingorger.
Any multiplier that references a skill or skill type will not work. That excludes pretty much all multipliers from the skill tree.
The short version is anything that increases the listed damage of the basic attack in skill tree, and globally increases your damage that doesn’t reference a skill (Heightened Malice, Fang and Claw) should work.