Precision Testing (Updated for Season 4)
Note: See the update at the end of the article!
This test aimed to analyze the functionality of the rogue key passive Precision. A set baseline was used in every test and stats/skills were added to see the difference in real damage compared to calculated damage. Rotation used was punctures to stack precision, then using rapid fire and tracking the damage.
Based on testing, the tooltip multiplier is correct. That implies that precision is calculated using the character sheet total for Critical Strike Damage. The following formula was reverse engineered for Precision:
[(1+True Critical Strike Damage)x1.5-1]x0.15x1.5+0.5. The calculation within [] is the character sheet Critical Strike Damage value.
The following passive effects and stats work with precision:
- Skyhunter (up to 30%[x] damage increase)
- Critical Strike Damage affects the precision multiplier
- Deadly Ambush (independent 30%[x] multiplier to critical damage)
- Enhanced Dash (independent 15%[x] multiplier to critical damage)
The following passive effects and stats do not work with precision:
- Advanced Rapid Fire (Completely breaks Precision, making it not work at all. Advanced Rapid Fire also breaks Weapon Mastery: Crossbow and Skyhunter damage passives)
- Conditional Critical Strike Damage (imbued, vulnerable etc.) does not affect the precision multiplier.
- Precision is assumed to be calculated with the following formula: [Critical Strike Damage% on gear] x 0.15 + 0.5 as it should be 15% of your critical strike damage added to the baseline 50% multiplier.
- We expect Exploit on the bow to work as expected, and that the expected damage is calculated using the standard damage formula:
[Level Damage Reduction Formula (0.26 for level 100 enemies)] x Weapon Damage x Skill% x Combo Points x (1+Dexterity/1000) x (1+Additive Damage) x (Global Multipliers all multiplied together (1+global A)x(1+global B) etc) x (Crit Damage Multiplier [1.5]) x (1+Precision%) x (1+Skyhunter%)
True Critical Strike Damage can be calculated using the following formula:
[(1+Character Sheet Critical Strike Damage%)/1.5]-1
Full Methodology:
The baseline of the test:
- Weapon Damage – 3342 Average
- Dexterity – 461
- Additive stats – 6% Close Damage, 96.8% All Damage, 31% Marksman Damage, 73% Critical Strike Damage (159.5% tooltip Critical Strike Damage)
- Passives: Exploit rank 1
- Rank 9 Rapid Fire
Target Dummy was level 89, tested on a level 90 rogue in the training dummy section of Kyovashad. Rotation was Punctures on one dummy to reach 6 stacks of precision, and using Rapid Fire on a separate dummy not affected by vulnerable and slow. At least 50 data points were manually recorded after watching footage recorded with OBS. Footage was skipped frame by frame to ensure that all the numbers collected were correct. Roughly 150 data points worth of data was recorded in case more data was needed.
Update from Theorycrafter
The formula in this article appears to be outdated. The one in this article is how it was prior to a patch around ~February of 2024, where they fixed it (nerfed it). Previously there was double-dipping going on, as seen in the old formulas in this article above (the 1.5x crit bonus was being applied twice before this bug was patched).
The New Formula:
((100% + [char screen bottom tooltip %]) * 1.5 - 100%) * 0.15 + 50%
This new formula will give you the exact value seen at the bottom of the Precision tooltip. Remember that if it says 150.7%[x] for example, it’s actually multiplying your damage by 2.507 (since the value shown is the increase above your baseline “1” value). So if after upgrading equipment it goes to 2.801 then you’d be doing (2.801/2.507) = 11.7%[x] more dmg!
- You open your character stat sheet, highlight the Crit Dmg stat, and see the 2 numbers shown. Ignore the top value, per usual. Only look at the bottom value (which will be smaller).
- If your bottom value says 414% is being added from gear, paragon, etc then the formula would look like this:
((100% + 414%) * 1.5 - 100%) * 0.15 + 50% = 150.7%[x]
- If you prefer using decimal values instead for %’s then for the above it’d just be:
(((1.00 + 4.14) * 1.5 - 1.00) * 0.15 + 0.50) * 100 = 150.7%[x]
…which is exactly what the in-game Precision tooltip shows.
* yikes, this message system appears to strip all formatting. To read my previous comment (about the actual formula used now post-Feb 2024 patch), see it with clean formatting here:
Hi mate! Thanks for the new info, added to the article!
Future Googlers:
The formula in this article appears to be outdated. The one in this article is how it was prior to a patch around ~February of 2024, where they fixed it (nerfed it). Previously there was double-dipping going on, as seen in the old formulas in this article above (the 1.5x crit bonus was being applied twice before this bug was patched).
((100% + [char screen bottom tooltip %]) * 1.5 – 100%) * 0.15 + 50%
This new formula will give you the *exact* value seen at the bottom of the Precision tooltip. Remember that if it says 150.7%[x] for example, it’s actually multiplying your damage by 2.507 (since the value shown is the *increase* above your baseline “1” value). So if after upgrading equipment it goes to 2.801 then you’d be doing (2.801/2.507) = 11.7%[x] more dmg!
• You open your character stat sheet, highlight the Crit Dmg stat, and see the 2 numbers shown. Ignore the top value, per usual. Only look at the bottom value (which will be smaller).
• If your bottom value says 414% is being added from gear, paragon, etc then the formula would look like this:
((100% + 414%) * 1.5 – 100%) * 0.15 + 50% = 150.7%[x]
If you prefer using decimal values instead for %’s then for the above it’d just be:
(((1.00 + 4.14) * 1.5 – 1.00) * 0.15 + 0.50) * 100 = 150.7%[x]
… which is exactly what the in-game Precision tooltip shows.