Diablo 4 – Rogue Testing Guide (Poison Imbuement / Rapid Fire)

Rogue Testing (Updated for Season 4)

Tracker Functionality for Poison Imbuement

Testing Methodology:

Target dummy damage test using the same setup for consistency. Damage was tracked using both imbued rapid fire and penetrating shot to see how damage behaved with multiple applications. 30 samples were taken for each context and compared to see how the damage number evolved.


The damage for tracker was previously expected not to be included each time poisoning damage was refreshed. However, upon testing with permanent poison imbuement, a noticeable massive increase of poisoning total was registered. This resulted into investigating how tracker affected poisoning cap. Poisoning cap is the max amount of poisoning damage you can have on the target before each tick of damage results in higher damage than you are applying. It was clear that using tracker on longer fights allowed for the max damage per tick to be significantly higher compared to not using it.

Creating a quick simulation based on logics behind tick damage functionality, the graph shown in the image was created. As we can see, the longer the fight is, the higher the poisoning cap which allows for higher damage per tick overall. This implies that the tracker glyph tooltip is bugged, and should be increasing the base damage by 33%[x] as well as the duration.

Poison Imbuement Functionality and Interactions

Testing Methodology:

Target dummy damage test using the same setup for consistency. In most tests, penetrating shot was used to have one singular number to track instead of multiple hits per damage instance. Each damage instance was manually put into a spreadsheet for comparisons. Most of the data was collected on the enemy Trembling Mass as the testing was conducted before the training dummy was introduced to the game.


Damage vs Poisoned Enemies and Poison Imbuement


A bug was discovered in season 2 regarding poison imbuement damage. The stat “Damage vs Poisoned Enemies” did not work if Poison Imbuement was the only poison effect on the target. If you look at the screenshot attached to this message, the Poison Imbuement did significantly more damage (-1.88% vs 91.72% gain with Poison Trap on target). To prevent the Poison Trap on the target being the cause of this damage difference, level 1 weapons were used so that poison trap only ticked for 1 damage. This clearly shows that poison imbuement does not get increased by Damage vs Poisoned Enemies unless they are poisoned by other sources.

Despite this, debilitating toxin passive is still activated from having enemies affected by poison imbuement.

Advanced Rapid Fire Testing


Recording with OBS, hitting the target dummy and making sure to reset the dummy after each rotation of abilities to ensure damage to CC doesn’t freak out.


When you use Advanced Rapid Fire with the passive Weapon Mastery (Crossbow), the Weapon Mastery part gets overwritten. It means for as long as you have Adv. RF up, WM crossbow will not work (which is always).

This was also verified by Bowa and Xarrio through similar tests.

Victimize Interaction Testing


Recording with OBS, hitting the target dummy with puncture to apply vulnerable, then then rank 5 pen shot with the following stats:

  • Weapon Damage – 2294 Average
  • Dexterity – 621
  • Additive stats – 6% Close Damage
  • Rank 5 Penetrating Shot


Victimize does not benefit from ability specific damage gains, such as Marksman Damage. It also cannot Critically Strike, nor does the Vicitmize Damage benefit from critical damage if the skill triggering it caused a critical strike.

Shadow Clone Interaction Testing


Recording with OBS, hitting the target dummy with rank 5 pen shot using the following stats:

  • Weapon Damage – 2523 Average
  • Dexterity – 699
  • Additive stats – 6% Close Damage, 45% Ultimate Damage
  • Rank 5 Penetrating Shot
  • Rank 9 Poison Imbuement


Doesn’t work for Shadow Clone:

  • Glyphs: Chip passive, Devious
  • Aspects: Bladedancer, Trickshot
  • Uniques: Penitent, Condemnation
  • Passives: Frigid Finesse, Weapon Mastery, Close Quarters Combat
  • Legendary Nodes (Paragon): Exploit Weakness
  • General: Combo Points (as a consequence, tibaults bug doesn’t work on clone), skills that swaps weapons breaks the clone causing it to use incorrect weapon damage for the next ability used.
  • Stats: Damage vs Frozen (dummy bug?)

Confirmed to work for Shadow Clone:

  • Glyphs: Control passive, Versatility
  • Aspects:
  • Uniques:
  • Passives: Malice
  • Legendary Nodes (Paragon) – Cheap Shot, No Witness (breaks clone a bit, but sorta works?)
  • General:
  • Stats: Vulnerable, Damage vs Poison, Damage vs CC, Damage with ultimate, Vulnerable
Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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