Dice & Fold – Dice Economics (How to Win a Lot)

Economics and Stalling

This game is all about managing resources. Buying items is very important. Some companions can make items or gold, but these abilities are rare and cost more to use.

You need to understand economics to do well. Always think about the cost and benefit of each shop item.

Stalling is a key concept. It means taking your time to gather resources before moving on.

The best relic is the divine branch. It gives you a rare companion at the start. This can help you get stronger quickly.

Some people restart the game until they get a good start. This works well with the divine branch. Finding a useful companion early can make your game much better.

At the start, look for companions that:

  • Make money
  • Heal
  • See the future
  • Make items

The goal is to get stronger when enemies are still weak. The best early enemy is a vulture or raven that does 1 damage.

On each floor, try to kill all but one enemy. Keep the dice you need, lower the enemy’s attack, and use your companion’s abilities as much as possible.

Use your health wisely. You start with a lot of it. Heroes with armor can last even longer.

The orange die is very important. It helps you use your health to your advantage. Try to use all your dice rolls before the dungeon master arrives.

The game plan is:

  • Get a rare companion with divine branch
  • Make gold by stalling and using the orange die
  • Use extra turns to collect dice and complete gold sets
  • Buy items that make more money
  • Switch to a healing companion later
  • Build up your resources to handle tougher floors and the boss

For heroes without a trinket slot, look for relics that make items cheaper or that work well with your hero’s strengths.


Many companions aren’t very good. Ones that change enemy dice, like Advisor, Princess, Fisherman, Monk, and Spy, don’t help you get stronger or richer.


There are two good healers – Bard and Healer.

  • Bard helps you stay alive while getting stronger. Works well with some heroes.
  • Healer is best for late in the game. Can help you get lots of life if you have enough money.

Money Makers:

  • Peasant and Beggar are the most reliable.
  • Treasurer is good with certain items.
  • An item that uses your companion’s power every 3 dice rolls is very strong.

The Seer:

  • Very powerful but needs time to work.
  • Helps with the next floor by filling in dice slots.
  • Best used in the middle of the game, not at the start or end.
  • Doesn’t help against the final boss.

Item Makers:

  • These are expensive companions.
  • Shopkeeper, Cook, and Artist are good for making items each turn.
  • This helps you make money while waiting.

Remember, the goal is to use these companions to get stronger and richer while taking your time on each floor.

Orange Dice and Seduction

The Seducer companion is good if:

  • You have useful items
  • Your hero’s power is worth using a lot
  • You want to complete dice sets for gold

Orange dice are very powerful:

  • It’s often best to save them if you don’t need them right away
  • Having 3 or 4 orange dice for the boss fight is very helpful
  • They can make most bosses only do 1 damage per turn
  • This gives you more time to use your abilities and items

The main strategy is:

  • Take your time on each floor
  • Roll as many dice as possible
  • Keep the best dice for the next floor
  • This helps you do even better on the next floor

Remember, orange dice are key to controlling tough enemies, especially bosses.


Look for these items, in order:

  • Items that heal or work when you use skills
  • Items that give you silver or gold without doing anything
  • Items that do something after a certain number of rolls
  • Items that give extra dice rolls (but only if you have lots of gold)

Some very useful items:

  • Heart-shaped Box: Heals you when your companion is hit
  • Strawberries: Heals you at the start of each stage
  • Blue Medal: Heals your companion when you use a skill
  • Shapeless Key: Makes your companion’s skill available every few rolls

Other good items:

  • Anything that gives more blue or orange dice
  • Items that increase dice value

Be careful about rerolling the shop too much. Don’t spend more than 40% of your gold on rerolls.

Some special items:

  • Crystal Tooth: Gives extra dice but enemies don’t drop coins
  • Ronin’s Headband: Gives lots of gold early in the game
  • Suspicious Potion: Gives half a gold every floor
  • Emperor’s Egg: Helpful early in the game
  • Gatekeeper’s Obol: Gives free money when you buy items
  • Goblin’s Purse: Makes it easier to make gold from silver

Remember, the goal is to build up your resources so you can keep getting stronger.


This is a roguelike game:

  • You won’t always get what you want
  • You need to be flexible with your strategy

The main question to ask yourself:

  • Is it worth rolling the dice again?

Use this guide to:

  • Understand the value of different items and companions
  • Recognize what’s good for your current situation

Example of adapting:

  • Started with Blacksmith companion
  • Didn’t get healing items, so had to be careful
  • Got items that made it easier to make gold
  • Bought items to increase healing chances
  • Found ways to kill enemies faster and take less damage
  • Once able to take more time on each floor, the game became easier

Key points:

  • Be flexible
  • Look for ways to improve your situation
  • Sometimes unusual combinations of items can be very powerful

Remember, the goal is to build up your resources and get stronger, even if you have to do it in unexpected ways.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 325 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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