How to Fix the Issue of Final Battle Not Starting Up
The Bug
It affects the battles of the event. If an event battle (Common Card) occurs twice within a gameplay session, the final battle will not start and will be stuck in the loading screen. Also rarely happens in an event battle (Rare Card).
All right, then step by step:
- Start Game on Android.
- Play a Common Event Fight once and win
- Complete other battles, such as: In the Tower or Colosseum until the countdown is over, for another Common Event battle. Important to do this without restarting the app.
- Start the Common Event Fight again.
- Then the loading screen will appear twice and eventually freeze solid without the fight starting.
- The only solution is to restart the app.
- Then the battle will be shown as lost.
- Then you can start again in the Common Event in the corresponding menu and it works.
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