DOKAPON! Sword of Fury – Quick Guide to Darkling

Darkling Guide

By SuperChaosKG.

I did a bunch of testing on Darkling in Sword of Fury and I got a bunch of interesting information from it. First things first, yes, becoming a Darkling does indeed wipe your bank account. That’s probably for the best because it would probably be degenerate otherwise.

I present my full preliminary findings on Darkling in Sword of Fury. Overall, I think Darkling starts off much weaker than in Kingdom but at a certain point becomes incredibly stronger, mostly because of how his time extension works and the non-random dark points.

(I use “locations” to refer to Villages/Towns/Cities as a collective).

Number of Darkling turns “normally” = Number of weeks at time of transformation (On Week 25, 25 turns of Darklingdom).

Can Heal HP and status when landing on locations with monsters. Otherwise, summon Monsters on locations.

At any point, can visit a Temple to transform back. This is important because if the game goes long enough, a player could be Darkling basically indefinitely. It does give the game a pretty obvious timer, however. Don’t let the infinite Darkling become a possibility guys.

Darkling points in Sword of Fury are NOT random. Instead, you gain a certain number every turn. On the default setting, tiny, you get 4 Darkling points every turn. The secret options can increase this rate, making Darklings scale up faster. Since the amount of turns you get as Darkling is variable and increases as the game goes on, assume that all below effects can be guaranteed at some point.

  • 10 – Land Warp – Warp to any Continent via Temple/Castle.
  • 20 – Debilitate – All other alive players get a random status effect.
  • 30 – Rough Up – “Deal massive damage to all Players”/ (Maybe Set all Players HP to 1).
  • 40 – Keep Moving – Prevent players from going onto any space that would prevent the Darkling from reaching them (for a week).
  • 50 – Worker Strike – Close all stores (for a week).
  • 60 – Regression – Downgrade all locations on Darkling’s current continent.
  • 70 – Army Attack – Summon Monsters to all locations on Darkling’s current continent.
  • 80 – Come Here – Warp all other players to Darkling’s space.
  • 90 – Market Crash – STEAL (not toss) “heaps of money” from other players SAVINGS in the bank. (If this is legit savings and not town income… Hoo boy).
  • 100 – Great Army Attack – Army Attack, but Global.

Unironically, I think Market Crash might be the most powerful thing Darkling can do in this game. I think a half-half split between on hand cash and bank cash is probably the best counterplay and forces the Darkling to use either come here or Market Crash since he can’t do both (unless you’ve played for 170 weeks!

The Darkling isn’t forced to throw things away in this game. It is possible to get to first place while still being a Darkling in Sword of Fury. Now, Darklings Can NOT Steal or throw away villages, but can otherwise do everything a normal PC can do after winning a battle.

This means Darklings can:

  • Steal up to three items.
  • Steal up to three Field Magic.
  • Steal All Money.
  • Discard all Items and Field Magic.
  • Steal 1 Random Treasure.
  • Can change name, of course (I don’t believe you can forgive in this game, btw.)
Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 325 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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