This bunch of useful tips will help you to get better start in the game.
Good Start Tips for New Players
- If you are a f2p player you must be patient, focus on farming (collection of resources).
- Don’t stop creating troops, researching technology and improving your main headquarters and the buildings they ask for.
- Use each hero in the role that stands out, the collection ones for farming, the garrison ones for defense or attack, hunters to fight zombies or go up in the campaign.
- Try to quickly reach the T3 and T4 troops.
- Join an active alliance, preferably one of the top 3.
- Accumulate resources that you earn in events in your backpack: accelerators, resources, gems, they will help you win or achieve a good reward in future events.
- gems use them at first to reach vip 6, then save them for future events.
- If you are a f2p player you must have at least 1 farm account.
- Do your daily missions and events, it will help you a lot in your progress.
- Take it easy and enjoy the game.
How to get legendary stars?
- Be active in events and get as reward.
- Buy at memory trip shop when you see them.
- Once a week you can buy some for RSS at VIP store.
- Buy at mysterious merchant when available for RSS.
- Red zombies at radar station have them too iirc.
What troop type is the best to focus?
It depends,
- Infantry is the most used troop type and is also the most f2p friendly. Lower damage and higher survivability.
- Rider is thefastest with good damage on top, can go in and out fights and doesn’t have to worry that much about positioning, pretty forgiving at times.
- Ranged has the most dmg but also lowest deff and slower movement speed in general, typical glass cannon style. you have to invest a bit to make it work since you’ll be targeted first on field.
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