How to Set a Custom Aspect Ratio and Custom Framerate
Ultrawide Settings
- Get UUU5 (Universal Unreal Engine 5 Unlocker).
- Start the game and wait for the Sparking logo to appear.
- Run the UUU5 program.
- In the program, pick the game process. It might look like “(10664) SparkingZERO-Win64-Shipping.exe (DRAGON BALL Sparking! ZERO)”.
- Click “inject DLL”.
- Go to “Configuration”.
- Find “Aspect ratio constraint method” and choose “Maintain Y (vertical) FOV”.
Note: You only need to set this up once, but you have to run UUU and inject the DLL each time you play the game.
How to Change Custom FPS
- Go to your Windows user folder, then to AppData/Local. It might look like:
- C:\Users\Your_Name\AppData\Local\SparkingZERO\Saved\Config\Windows
- Open the Engine.ini file.
- Add this setting (you can change 144 to any FPS you want):
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