How to Fix Jean Being Stuck
I saw a lot of people were having trouble finishing the mission where you save Jean and take him to Benita. Sometimes he gets stuck in the door. But don’t worry, I have a way to help you complete the mission without any issues.
First, start the mission and find Jean. Ask the shop guy where he is, and he’ll tell you Jean likes caves. Go to a cave and save Jean using the crowbar. Choose to save him and fight the bad guys.
Take Jean out of the cave first. He shouldn’t get stuck in the cave door. When you’re close to Benita’s place, don’t go inside yet or Jean will get stuck again.
Before going in, look for some more bad guys to fight near the building. They should be close by. Fight them and then quickly run to Benita. Jean will fight the bad guys too. This will make it so you can talk to Benita without needing to take Jean inside.
Talk to Benita and she’ll thank you for saving Jean. Mission complete!
You can do this quest easily in co-op mode. But if you play solo, this method lets you finish without Jean dying. It’s a temporary solution until the game gets an update.
I made a short video showing how to do this. The link is private, so only people here can watch it.
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