Build with 0 Legendaries (Clothos) for All The Pyro Doubters
By Fire0fGod.
Im only going to go through the build itself and provide examples for why things are important. This is not a pvp guide, just a build guide.
Main Build Idea: Storm Rage 30/30
You can get other set bonuses like dunk alchemist and dragon scale but I find that tangling chains provides me with the most survivability. So I Tun tangling chain on everything I don’t have storm rage on, and pity of death on my chest piece.
I can’t tell you how many times pity of death has allowed me to finish healing instead of dying to a cryo curse. As a pyro your objective is to seal massive amounts of damage, then reset health and mana outside of combat, pity of death has allowed me to do it many times.
Storm Rage Damage:
If you have a good purple kit with intelligence or fire damage on most pieces you can get fireballs that do approximately 300-350 AOE damage depending on how much resistances your opponent has. The damage combined with storm rage is insane. You are talking 300 fire damage, about 100 Lightning damage and another 100 from ignite. That means that if you hit all 3 of your opponents you are doing a total of 1500 damage with 1 fireball.
I prefer to take tangling chains because of the movespeed bonus at 15/30. You don’t need 30/30 and I don’t think it’s possible to get 30 on both storm rage and tangling chains without legendaries.
Best Stats:
- Intelligence
- Fire Damage
- Max HP
For perks I make sure to have “Swift Casting” (Dex) Ignite from intelligence, and the will perk aswell. Resetting one of the best kiting abilities in the game is super OP so if you have to decide between will and dex, take the will perk. You will always have the intelligence perk just from having a staff. For off hand, you should take a 1 handed sword or a dagger with an orb, the utility and kiting you get from them is 100% essential so you don’t get mobbed by W key classes like fighter and DK
Issues with the Build and Pyro:
- Druid
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