Dwarven Realms – Guide to Stat Stacking

Guide to Stat Stacking: What to Chase and How It’s Done

By Freeze.

Let me give you a broken down, and easy to follow guide on stat-stacking, the pro’s and con’s, as well as a basic guide to follow on progressing through your rupture farming adventures! I’ll try and break everything I can down as much as possible, so that you can understand WHY I do what I do.

Eventually, this guide will teach you how to chase monograms, what to use, as well as how to push those final ruptures as you push towards the final boss, Zul, or even further beyond and mark your name aatop the ladder.

What is Stat Stacking?

Stat stacking is stacking a specific stat (obviously) with the goal to increase base damage and other defenses from Monogram enchants on specific item pieces.

The reason we do this is because only crafted items (Non-purple) can gain Stat% modifiers. Because of this, we can push a specific stat to the moon and gain a heap of benefits in the end.


Monograms, or item enchants, are specific modifiers found around the game. Below is a list of where to find everything that you need:

  • Helmets: Kabarian Swamps
  • Amulet: Harmoniyan Mountains
  • Bracers: Massadian Firelands
  • Shield/Relic: Desolated Plains
  • Boots: Myrh
  • Rings: Mardoth Hinterlands but only when INFUSED.
  • Weapons: Dungeons, and a specific Fortune coin rupture modifiers: The monogram at the end of Rupture will be a weapon Monogram.

To get Coin ruptures, you must infuse a rupture to spawn tsxuaeG, which costs 1 Fortune coin if you select one of his modifiers. You can close the window with Escape and it won’t consume a fortune coin.

The typical monograms you will need for stat stacking:


  • For each 5 [STAT] get 1 Base Damage Point (Excluding Strength)
  • Gain 1% Critical Chance for each 10 [STAT].
  • Gain 2 base damage for energy point above 100


  • For each 10 points in [STAT] gain 1% damage bonus
  • For each 10 points in [STAT] you get 1% health


  • For every 2 [STAT] points gain 1% damage. (Excluding Strength)
  • Gain 10% to all stats
  • You gain base damage equal to 1% of your max HP.


  • For every 5 [STAT] points gain 1% damage. (Excluding Strength)
  • For every 10 [STAT] points gain 1% boss damage. (All Stats)
  • For every 10 [STAT] points gain 1% Max Hp (All Stats)
  • For every 10 [STAT] points you gain 0.1% Damage Reduction. (All Stats)
  • For every 20 [STAT] get 1% Armor Bonus. (All Stats)
  • For every 150 [STAT] gain 10 MaxHp. (All Stats)
  • For every 100 [STAT] gain 1 max energy. (All Stats)
  • For every 150 [STAT] you will gain 10 damage. (All Stats)


  • Double your energy
  • For each available potion, get 20% damage.
  • For each available potion, get 100 armour.
  • Gain 5% max Hp per max potion slots
  • Gain 5% armor per max potion slots
  • Gain 5% max energy per max potion slots

How to Approach Stat Stacking

Stat Stacking is a unique end-game push. There are only 5 stats that are viable to stack, due to stat%/Max Energy modifiers appearing on yellow items. 6 if you stack Stamina/HP, however due to how you have to handle the enchants, I personally don’t recommend it as it will cap out eventually before too long:

  • Agility: Crit Chance
  • Dexterity: Armor, Attack Speed, Movement Speed.
  • Luck: Critical Damage, Boss Damage
  • Wisdom: Experience
  • Stamina: Max HP

When choosing your final stat to stack, you will need to have the bare minimum monogram enchants:


  • For each 5 [STAT] get 1 Base Damage Point (Excluding Strength)
  • Gain 2 base damage for energy point above 100


  • For every 2 [STAT] points gain 1% damage. (Excluding Strength)


  • Double your energy

While hunting these enchants, look for items that give either Max Energy, or stat% with other modifiers like Elemental %, Skill Damage %, HP, Armor or Damage. Put them to the side, typically if they don’t give you a CURRENT upgrade, so that when you do switch your build you have items ready to go.

When you do switch, be sure to goto the hourglass and reset EVERYTHING. This means Cards, Stats, Skill Tree and Elven Tree. For Stats, we’re now investing everything into our chosen stat. Skill tree no longer needs to hunt for Strength, infact we’re avoid strength. Cards, we hunt all the stat% cards such as MaxHP/Stat%, Experience/Stat%, Max Energy/stat. Elven tree is good to push the South tree for crafting, West tree for energy regen, or North tree for experience. I prioritise getting my crafting bonus’ before anything.

The Math

The best stat on paper to stack is Max Energy, but it will cap out eventually. Luck is the min-maxer’s best, and Dex is the early stacker for cheesy survivability without effort.

  • Helmet enchant: 2 base per 1 energy point
  • Helmet enchant: 1 base per 5 stat points
  • 20 base damage = 10 Max energy
  • 20 base damage = 100 stat points

Relic mod: Double Energy

  • 20 base damage = 5 Max energy
  • 20 base damage = 100 stat points

Relic mod adds 100 max energy to start, meaning you game 200 base damage for just having that enchant. To match this, you need to get 1000 stat to start with.

Because of this, Max energy is the best early stacker, because you can get 10-15 max energy on a base line before crafting/enhancing those lines. The lines are rarer then Stat%, however that’s how strong it is with these enchants. With the relic mod, these are automatically doubled, meaning you can gain 20-35 max energy on ilvl16-22 items without too much effort. Crafting these lines will push them to 24-40 energy depending on luck/specks available, doubled is 48-80, which is 96-160 base damage per item with relic enchant.

The problem? Energy offers nothing else outside of base damage, meaning it falls off in utility as you begin to progress into the end-game sections. This is why Energy is ONLY good for up to Zul. Pushing past him is going to be a headache.

But Freeze, what are you going to stack?

I will be stacking Max Energy and Dexterity until the end-game, and switching to pure Dexterity when I push to clear Zul. I might pick Luck, but that’s depending on how much effort I want to put into farming the final luck enchants for rings.

My personal tier list, from best to worst, and where it “should” cap out:

The Best:

  • Luck stacking – End-end game – Rupture 180+.
  • Dex stacking – End-end game – Ruptuer 180+.

The Middle:

  • Energy Stacking – End-game – Rupture 150-160
  • Stamina/HP Stacking – End-game – Rupture 150-160

The Bottom:

  • Agility Stacking – Mid-game – Rupture 120-140
  • Wisdom Stacking – Mid-game – Rupture 120-140

But when do I switch to stacking?

Typically when it becomes hard to clear ruptures. If it takes you 4-5 minutes to get 100 essence, that’s when you should consider the switch. You need to get into rupture boss rooms before 4 minutes otherwise you’re going to be risking not being able to clear ruptures within the timelimit.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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