Damage Calculations Guide
By Drythus.
Language Key:
- CHD – Crit Hit Damage (This includes stance specific crit damage as Crit Damage and Maul Crit Damage are additive while you are wielding a Maul).
- FLAT – Base Damage Value (This includes flat damage from all sources including STR).
- BD – Boss Damage %(Additive between all sources).
- WAD – Weapon Ability Damage Multiplier (The damage bonus from Q/R).
- SD – Stance Damage % (Included only to provide the value if you are not using offhands).
- DB – Damage Bonus % (Additive from all sources).
- EMulti – Enchantment independent multipliers (Within 5m/at least 20m double damage).
- DD – Damage Derivative – The value of the hit that triggered the offhand.
- AD – Ability Damage (Offhand).
- ABD – Ability Bonus Damage (Gems applied to fossil).
- ED – Elemental Damage (Additive from all sources including Now benefits from 2nd element on Dragonling pet).
- EBD – Elemental Bonus Damage (Gems applied to fossil).
Note: For the purpose of these calculations and to avoid extra complications assume crit chance is 100%
TLDR: Offhands derive their damage value from the hit that procced the offhand ability. If that hit was a crit then the offhand does value commensurate with the crit hit. Yes crit applies to offhands
Left Click/Q/R Calculation:
- FLAT x CHD x DB x SD x WAD x EMulti = Damage Base vs Normal Mob
- FLAT x CHD x DB x SD x WAD x EMulti x BD = Damage Base vs Elite/Boss Mobs
Offhand Ability Damage:
- (DD/SD) x AD x ABD x ED x EBD = Total Damage of Offhand
Sample Values for Practical Value Breakdown:
- FLAT = 100
- CHD = 200%
- BD = 50%
- WAD = 300%
- SD = 100%
- DB = 40%
- Emulti = 50%
- AD = 100%
- ABD = 10%
- ED = 100%
- EBD = 10%
- Crit Calc: 100 X 200% + 100 = 300
- Weapon Skill Multi: 300 X 300% + 300 = 1,200
- Damage Bonus: 1200 X 40% + 1200 = 1,680
- Enchant Multi: 1680 X 50% + 1680 = 2,520
- Stance Damage: 2520 X 100% + 2520 = 7,560
- Boss Damage: 7560 X 50% + 7560 = 11,340
Non Offhand Hit Values:
- Non-Boss Derivative Damage = 7,560
- Boss Derivative Damage = 11,340
- Remove SD from DD: 7560/100% = 3780
- Offhand AD: 3780 x 100% + 3780 = 11,340
- Offhand ABD: 11340 x 10% + 11340 = 12,474
- Offhand ED: 12474 x 100% + 12474 = 37,422
- Offhand EBD: 37422 x 10% + 37422 = 41,164
- Offhand BD: 41164 x 50% + 41164 = 61,746
Offhand Hit Values:
- Non-Boss Offhand Damage = 41,164
- Boss Offhand Damage = 61,746
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