Elin – Gameplay Tips for Noobs

Helpful Tips for New Players

General Tips

  • If you want to adjust your position when entering your home, try using a “Signpost” made at the signpost workshop.
  • You can directly hold items like food in your inventory by long-pressing the middle click.
  • If you dont want your npcs in your base dying often when strong monsters come, you can put them in a pen and use a box as a door so they dont escape, and you use the build board to relocate them into it.
  • Need money? Harvest flowers and sell them in delivery. About 8-12 per, and it’ll jumpstart your gold bar gains. Try to find Diorite or Basalt rocks, those are better than some metals.
  • To put off ether disease for now if it’s that debilitating, grab some of the static small medals, go to Miral and Garokk, and get an ether antibody. It’s 10 medals. I’d never do it, but if you’re desperate, sure.
  • Join the Thieves’ Guild asap. Idc how. Kick the guy 100 times in a row if you have to.
  • Buy some scrolls of incognito. You may need it.
  • Go to the Fortune Bell, steal a basketball hoop, and if you fail in the process, read a scroll of incognito to shed aggro.
  • Bring the hoop back to your base.
  • If you’re concerned about food, find an innkeeper who you know well. Get your affinity with them up. This can be the one in Mysilia, a guest who’s visiting your home, or someone to be recruited through the quest board. Once recruited as a resident, you now have a permanent resident to fill you up for cheap (0 risk of starvation). Or just do a mushroom farm and you’ll also never starve.
  • Skills are linked to attributes, whenever a skill gains exp, it’s corresponding attribute gets a little bit of exp too, also in most of the situations both skill level and attribute level are taken into consideration, like weightlift uses both str and weightlift skill to determine how much stuff you can carry.

Tips for Easily Paying / Avoiding Taxes

  • Willow has tons of monster extermination and patrol quests. If you can do them easily, you can farm platinum, corpses, and gold very quick. Getting tons of influence let’s you buy the prince bed which is a great way to level your house rank.
  • fishing is easy money, easy to level, and occasionally nets you statues. These level your home which increases your monthly income.
  • leveling performer is probably the easiest mindless money. Spamming perform quests in Palmia is a slow but inevitable source of money
  • Finally, head to an informer every now and then and sell your fame. Keeps your taxes low, makes quests easier, and Nefia at lower levels. Once you feel like the game is too easy, you can stop doing this part and you’ll have more than enough money

Tips for Nefia

I wouldn’t expect to clear them just yet, but it’s good practice and will help you get gear. Here’s some tips:

  • Collect bones at every opportunity, use them to make bandages. Put the bandages in a shared container, this will help your party heal during dungeon dives and remove attrition as a concern.
  • Don’t be afraid to retreat. Sometimes things are just too tough.
  • Dip into the puppy cave a few times to get some basic equipment, or craft them. Even a few points of PV make a huge difference at low level.

Make sure you have an answer for the following enemy types:

  • High PV foes, like hermit crabs, are usually weak to elemental damage.
  • High DV foes, like bees, are weak to guaranteed hits such as arrows and touch spells.
  • Squishy but high damage enemies, like kobolds, are best dealt with at range or with high burst damage.

World Map

Here’s a labled, very stitched together map. Mapped by Hachi.

Click to enlarge…


How to get Fireproof and Coldproof blankets?

Fireproof and Coldproof blankets – crafted with a specific number of charges depending on quality, charges are depleted when Fireproof blankets prevent items being burned/degraded and when Coldproof blankets prevent items shattering.

Made at the Loom (Loom recipe from Nino at Tinkers Camp, made at the drafting table which is gained via quest recipe).

Both use textures which are also made at loom, using threads spin from fiber at the spindle. Fibers can be gained from growing cotton with seeds stolen from merchant’s guild just below Mysilia or from hammering garbage bags to break down and get paper/plastic.

Fireproof blankets need Carbone logs gained by processing logs at a Kiln (made at drafting table), Coldproof blankets need a chunk of ice which is gotten from mining at icy areas.

How to delegate farming?

  • Enable the policy on your home board.
  • Build a scarecrow or farming sign around the crops you want to be delegated.
  • Have a shared/open box.

Delegated farming is slower but it’s automatic. However, it only covers a certain range. So build a fence around your plants.

Should I join the Merchant guilds?

Join now. Eventually you’ll want to invest in shops that are locked behind the MSQ, one of which is a spellbook reservation service. Investing in him gives you more spellbooks to reserve. The other guy, dupes items that you’ve made. You don’t have to invest immediately, mind you. But it’s good to join now so whatever you do counts toward the guild.

How many pets can I have?

You’ll start with only 1 companion slot, you can have more with you at a penalty, but just be aware of that as well. You can tell one of them to go home and chill. I made my dog in to my “maid” which basically acts like a property manager in a way

Whats a good beginner class and whats a basic human race?

First option and first option, but realistically it doesn’t matter. Every class starts off super weak and every character ends up super strong, unless you play something like snail tourist. What you really need to pay attention to, I guess, is class/race exclusive traits. Also, just tough it through – don’t make a new character if you die a lot early on, because that happens to everyone.

How to get rid of garbage?

Make garbage containers with a garbage sign and npcs will put most in the garbage.

Is there any other way than meditating / sleeping to fill up energy?

No but your stamina capacity will increase pretty quickly from playing.

If I dig all of the grass off of my land will it stop weeds and shit from growing?

I would suggest you use the Home Board to enact the ‘anti-weed’ policy, since everything else that’s growing on your land is exceedingly more useful. Cooked meals, desks, flowers, etc. are the povery economy.

How to increase attributes?

Do literally anything to up your attributes, and try to eat good food to keep your Potentials up for xp multipliers.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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