Fortress Saga: AFK RPG – Constellations for Newbies

Guide to Constellations

By S166.

This guide “outlines” how to build constellations early on, namely for the pre-sanctum ATK Heroes build, post-sanctum HP Heroes build, and post-engine HP Fort build. Additionally, constellations for specific strategies are outlined (i.e., Fort ATKSPD to stunlock enemies).

Brief Notes before Proper Guide:

  • There are six pages of constellations, namely Libra/Leonis/Aquaril/Scorpio/Capricornii/Virginii.
  • You can reset all your constellation nodes of a preset by pressing the “Reset Constellation” button in the top right.
  • You can also reset individual nodes by clicking on the node and then the reset icon in the top right of the pop-up menu (requires at least one level in the node).
    • Recommended stardust for pre-sanctum ATK build: 90+
    • Minimum recommended stardust for HP Fort build: 640+

You can view total stardust by navigating to Fortress -> Constellation -> click the stardust icon top-right. This does not work for Preset constellations.

Disclaimer: Some descriptions for mentioned constellations nodes are reworded for consistency, indicated by ‘ ‘ vs ” “.

Pre-Sanctum ATK Build

To start, in the Libra constellation, you mainly want to focus on “Thorn Blade Nebula” and “Stepping Stone Nebula”, This will help you do more dps.

  • (Libra) Thorn Blade Nebula → “Skill Effects for Damage Dealers”, max 300%
  • (Libra) Stepping Stone Nebula → “ATK for Onboard heroes”, max 200%

Once you have 90+ stardust, follow the images to reach Aquaril for “Golden Knife Nebula”, which is important as it buffs your entire team. Once you reach Aquaril, you can reset some of the individual nodes (nebulas) to upgrade Golden Knife Nebula with minimal cost. The example image (2nd one) uses 106 stardust (an extra 16 from 90) to reach lvl 5 Golden Knife (150% ATK).

  • (Aquaril) Golden Knife Nebula → “ATK for Legend heroes”, max 300%

The nodes highlighted in the images are the main ones to focus on—Thorn Blade, Stepping Stone, Golden Knife, and optionally the two Leonis nodes (Fort ATK and ATKSPD).

  • Fort HP, in Leonis, can be taken if your fort is dying too quickly, and may be particularly useful for Stage 16-X.
  • Fort ATKSPD, in Leonis, is extremely important during bossing to, when used, chain cc with Freeze Cannon.

Shock Troop Nebula, in Aquaril, is another option for raising ATK that can be considered after maxing the previous three specifically mentioned.

  • (Aquaril) Shock Troop Nebula → “ATK for deployable heroes”, max 300%

Shows Libra/Leonis/Aquaril

Post-Sanctum HP (Heroes) Build

Once you have maxed the important nodes for the ATK build, you are likely approaching, or already have, sanctum (unlocked 13-19). Sanctum HP builds rely on the HP to ATK conversion given by healers and tankers, and thus want HP constellations to be built. Prioritize HP Build constellations first (this section), and get ATK Build constellations (previous section, etc) once all the HP ones are maxed.

Follow a similar process as the ATK build to unlock Aquaril, but now aim for “Steel Armor Nebula”, and then “Armchair Nebula”. Armchair Nebula is useful to buff Iris and your dealer(s).

  • (Aquaril) Steel Armor Nebula → “HP for Legend heroes”, max 500%
  • (Aquaril) Armchair Nebula → “HP for Onboard heroes”, max 500%

“Thorn Blade Nebula” is good to raise your dps; “Shadow Tome Nebula” is very important to reduce the cooldown of Iris, one of the most important heroes in the HP hero build due to sanctum working with the stats she gives through her skill; and “Launch Pad Nebula” is something to take last for a bit more damage/tankiness.

  • (Libra) Thorn Blade Nebula → “Skill Effects for Damage Dealers”, max 300%
  • (Libra) Shadow Tome Nebula → “Skill Cooldown SPD for Summoners”, max 20%
  • (Libra) Launch Pad Nebula → “HP for Frontline heroes”, max 300%

Once you have 640 stardust, you can unlock Scorpio by taking level 4 in every node of Libra/Leonis/Aquaril and increasing 8 of those nodes to level 5. NOTE: You need 150 stardust to max one Scorpio node.

Scorpio will allow you to either transition to the Fort HP build through “Iron Gate Nebula II” (refer to Fort HP Build below), or continue to improve your Heroes with “Black Tome Nebula”, and afterwards “Steel Shield Nebula”. It is highly recommended that you compare a Fort HP build to a Heroes HP build in testing (Can be done vs Baker dungeon) for optimal DPS.

  • (Scorpio) Black Tome Nebula → ‘HP for Summoners’, max 3000%
  • (Scorpio) Steel Shield Nebula → ‘HP for Tankers’, max 3000%

Capricornii has many strong hp% nodes, including “Steel Armor Nebula II”, “Sanguine Armor Nebula”, “Jumpboard Nebula II”, “Steel Shield Nebula”, and optionally “Steel Axe Nebula”.

  • (Capricornii) Steel Armor Nebula II → “HP for Legend heroes”, max 5000%
  • (Capricornii) Sanguine Armor Nebula → ‘HP for Damage Dealers’, max 5000%
  • (Capricornii) Jumpboard Nebula II → “HP for Frontline heroes”, max 5000%
  • (Capricornii) Steel Shield Nebula II → ‘HP for Tankers’, max 5000%
  • (Capricornii) Steel Axe Nebula →, ‘HP for Bruisers’, max 5000%

Post-Sanctum HP (Fort) Build

Placeholder for when I get around to doing this properly later.

Just go Fort HP and follow steps in HP Heroes build to reach Scorpio, where you then get more Fort HP. Then max the rest of Fort ATKSPD, then Fort BossDMG, CritDMG, ATK, and everything else in Leonis.

After that, get the last Fort constellation (Fort ATK) in Virginii by leveling all nodes in Libra/Leonis/Aquaril to a minimum of 5 or 6, with some maxed at 10 (Like the ones in Leonis), and also get everything in Scorpio to Lvl 1 (excluding Fort HP at lvl 5).

If you have excess stardust after maxing Fort ATK in Virginii, follow HP Heroes build.

Other constellations you can max are (Libra) summoner cd (if using vio/ mael combo or iris), and maybe healer Cdmg. You can also get (Leonis) Gold% and Exp% for farming. After all this just upgrade whatever you have left.

Constellations for Post-Sanctum HP (FORT) Build, Virginii no levels. Most if not all levels in Libra are filler.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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