Fortress Saga: AFK RPG – Gold Farming Guide

How to Farm Gold

By Wipp.

Gold is an extremely valuable resource in Fortress Saga. Even more so than EXP. You will need a lot of gold to upgrade your base stats on the Upgrade screen. So, we will focus on building a great gold farming team and not worry so much about exp. You will get enough exp passively as you play.


To achieve the highest kpm (kills per minute) possible while maximizing your gold production.

So how do we do it? Your path to an ideal gold farming setup will depend on if you are ATK or HP focused, but I’ll post ideal team setups at the end.

First, you need to find the best Adventure stage or Otherworld phase to farm.

Adventure Stages: You want to be somewhere between 5-10 stages below your max stage cleared.

Ideal stages to farm are ones with no flying enemies and no ranged enemies. These are usually the first 6 or 10 stages. (Example, 32-10).

Otherworld Phases: You will end up ABOUT 300 phases below your max cleared phase. Again, find a phase with no flying enemies.

You want the highest kpm possible without sacrificing too much gold. Meaning you don’t want to drop too low just to get a high kill rate.

To do this, stay on a stage you think will work. Clear your “acquired items” stats and let it sit for 5 minutes. Check your /m kill rate. The goal is 600 or higher. (Early stages won’t get this high, just because not as many enemies spawn.. as you get higher, your kpm will be better… like stage 15 or 20+).

If you are under 600kpm, go down a stage and repeat. Clear acquired items and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Do this until you find a stage where you’re over 600kpm.

If you find your kpm to be high, around 640 or so, try going UP a stage for more gold, but don’t let your kpm drop too low.


Create a preset just for this team.

Fort Skin: Believe it or not, this helps. Top ones too use are… 1. Dunmeshi fort… 2. Planetarium… 3. Christmas…

Use whatever Fort Skin puts SLOT 1 JIBRIL up front and somewhat low to the ground.


Jibril, Ungula, Iris, Scarecrow, Boomer, Louis.

  • Scarecrow for healer synergy (sanctum) plus 150% HP buff
  • Boomer for tank synergy (sanctum) plus 150% HP buff
  • Louis reduces entire party skill cooldown
  • Dormants: Skill Effect for all
  • Gear: Iris HP, everyone else, Gold
  • Cannon/Kit: Burst Cannon, Cog wheel kit
  • Runes: As much gold as possible
  • Engines: Burst Exclusive Engine, and as much HP as possible.


Jibril, Ungula, Louis, and 3 of your best non-legendary buffers. (You could use Iris if she’s higher level and has a rune with ATK and a GOLD stat) But test and see what works best for you.

  • Jibril and Ungula are your damage dealers to kill enemies
  • Louis reduces party skill cooldown
  • 3 non-legendary buffers (ATK or HP passives). Bonus if they are tank to bring sanctum into play.

I find that Soba, Victor, and Boomer work well, but if you don’t have T2+ Soba, use a blue or green buffer like Bruce, Nox, Calvin, etc.

  • Dormants: Skill Effect for all
  • Gear: Jibril and Ungula want ATK or Skill Effect, but you can mix some gold in there if they’re strong enough. Everyone else, all gold
  • Cannon/Kit: Burst or Knockback Cannon work, also can try Cog wheel.
  • Runes: As much gold as possible. But you can put an ATK sub-stat on Jib or Ungula’s rune if you want to beef up power some.
  • Engines: Burst Exclusive Engine if using Burst, otherwise anything as engine stats don’t really help on ATK builds.

Note: Your 3 non-legendary buffers, turn their skills OFF… it will help your kpm becuase they won’t use skills and slow down fort. You don’t need them to skill, they can actually die and it doesn’t matter. You just want their passive buffs.

  • Good farming stages in Adventure are the 20’s. (20-10, 40-10, 60-10, etc)
  • Going up from those, the next best are 32, 52, 72, etc…
  • There isn’t much good between 21 and 31. Likewise, 41 through 51, etc..
  • Good farming Phases in Otherworld are multiples of 20, starting with 10… So, 30, 50, 70… 610, 670…930, 950… so on.
Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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