Fortress Saga: AFK RPG – How Mael’s Buff Works

Understanding Mael’s Buff Guide

It seems like many people are confused about how mael’s buff works, so here’s an explanation on how his buff works compared to other buffers.

Mael’s Buff:

The reason mael’s buff is so strong is because it’s a new separate multiplier on its own. It multiplies on top of all other multipliers you already have.

  • Buff = (1% + 1%xQuotient of his level/20) x #allied units

For example, if his level is 210 with 30 allied units:

  • Buff = (1% + 10%) x 30 = +330% or simply 4.3x

Passive Buff:

Passive buff has a diminishing return the more buffers you add because they’re added in the same multiplier. For example, Val is +200% (3x) and Soba is +150% (2.5x). Using them together is +350% or 4.5x, but if they were separate multipliers, the result would be 3×2.5=7.5x instead of 4.5x. By this point, you can already see why Mael’s buff being a separate multiplier makes such a big impact.

Since in every boss fight, you need to use one dps + ruin/gildong, there are 3 remaining slots for buffers. Which ones should you use? Let us explore a few possible scenarios:

1) Val+soba+loxia (this is what people used pre-mael)

  • Buff = 200+150+100 = +450% or 5.5x

2) Val+mael+violet (assume 30 units)

  • Val Buff = +200% or 3x
  • Mael’s Buff (even at 1 star lv70) = 4%x30 = +120% or 2.2x
  • Total Buff = 3×2.2 = 6.6x

This case is already better than the first case

3) Val+soba+mael (assume 10 units using squeak droids and mael’s summons)

  • Val+soba’s buff = +350% or 4.5x
  • Mael’s Buff (1 star lv70) = 4%x10 = +40% or 1.4x
  • Total buff = 4.5×1.4 = 6.3x

This case is slightly worse than the second case.

So as you can see, even if your mael is only 1 star lv70, you should use him. And when Mael is higher level, his buff will be even stronger. The ideal boss team is thus mael, violet, ungula, ruin/gildong, valentine. This team is good for both wave and bosses, especially bosses that need tanking.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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