Fortress Saga: AFK RPG – Quick Guide to Witch of the Void

Understanding Witch of the Void

By Kaiton.

Witch is a new devil summoner with a lot of potential but not meta for bossing yet (not capable of replacing Violet in late game).

From a Late Game Perspective:

  • Her passive of 400% cdmg is additive which is basically useless.
  • Her aoe active can only deal dmg if you wait for ruin’s buff to apply first, but if you wait, then her mobs can’t benefit from ruin’s buff and thus significantly reduces meph’s dmg. Thus, her aoe dmg can’t be used at all because losing the mobs means way less dmg for meph.
  • Her aoe is not strong enough to be a solo dps when compared to meph, but when in use with meph, her aoe is absolutely 0 dmg for the reason above.
  • Meph’s dmg with witch drops more after first cast than with Violet since Violet can generate more mobs via other heroes’ casts while witch can only rely on her own cast.
  • There’s no max limit to number of summons and they can be farmed on wave. You just need to use iblis (for ow) or Sebastian (for normal world) to keep enemy mobs crowd controlled.
  • If you farm long enough, there’ll be enough mobs to make meph’s first hit stronger and brings total dmg output quite close to max affinity Violet on same level and gears.

Iblis works better than Sebastian in OW. Total dmg after full fight is basically nearly the same as Violet. Sample video of how to farm witch’s mobs on wave. This basically dealt the same as max affinity violet with same gears.

  • In arena, she can be both a finisher and buffer, so new meta is mael, witch, styria, luna, faust/scare, kahula, as this gives mael higher power than kub+2 tanks+2 healers.

We’ll have to wait to see how new constellations might make her better than violet (only way is if devil gets about 2x bigger buff than abyssal since they’re both onboard and same summoner class). The only other way is if she gets affinity.

For early game, she’s great since meph isn’t viable yet. Newbies can probably run with her probably until fort gets engine, and keep growing her all the way to late game.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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