Guide to Gardening
Planting Together
To start planting, choose a seed and use the main action to plant it. Use the second action to stop planting. Circles around plants show how big they’ll grow. Leave enough space for them.
The blue circle shows the size of the plant you’re planting. The bigger grey circle shows how far its effect reaches.
Some plants affect others nearby:
- Purple circle means plants help each other
- Red circle means plants don’t like each other
- Grey circle means plants don’t affect each other
Plants that work well together need less water and food. They also stay healthy longer if they don’t get what they need. Plants that don’t like each other need more resources and get unhealthy faster.
Plant Growth
Plants grow in certain seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). They die if the season changes to one they can’t live in.
Plants have growth stages. For example, some take 6 days to fully grow. You can harvest some plants before they’re fully grown. You can cut down most plants with a sickle to get plant material.
The MagiLense tool from the Garden Ghost lets you see a plant’s growth stage and what you’ll get when you harvest it. You can see all stages, with the current one highlighted. You might not get everything shown, depending on the plant’s health and your gardening skill.
Some plants grow back after harvesting, others don’t. Plants that don’t grow back are destroyed when harvested. Plants that grow back will start growing again from an earlier stage.
Plant Health
Healthy plants need water and food to live. As they grow, they use these resources. If there’s not enough, the plant loses health and eventually dies.
You can spot unhealthy plants early. They look pale and colorless.
The game shows how much compost or fertilizer is available for the plant.
It also shows how many good and bad plant interactions are affecting the plant.
Where to find planks
You make planks with logs at the crafting bench as for money there are lots of things to sell! But my main recommendation is onions in Spring (they sell pretty good and they sell even better if you take the time to slice them or dice them before selling them). Making bricks from stone is another easy one as bricks sell for 3 gold each and you get a fair few when you craft them. When you get to summer a good money maker is roses! But chop them into rose petals first! They will sell for more!
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