Garden Witch Life – Selling Guide

A Guide to Selling

By Thealmightyjessira


Hey everyone! We know that y’all have been struggling with making money early game so I’ve been trying to do some experimenting to find out the best things you can sell early game to make the money you need to for things.

One of the beautiful things about Garden Witch Life is that most things… are sellable. Things that you make are almost always going to sell for more than the components that you used to make them.

There are exceptions… a lot of furniture can not be sold and what can be sold is generally not very good for selling or doesn’t sell for as much as the parts you’d use. Besides that, you wanna save those resources for furniture that you’ll use to decorate YOUR house! So I wouldn’t suggest furniture.

But I’m going to break this guide up into four parts. Part One: Baby Steps, Part Two: Early Game, Part Three: A Little Later On, and Part Four: Winter.

Baby Steps is going to be items that you can sell right out the gate. You don’t have to wait to grow anything. These are things you can get immediately in the first few days of the game in order to get money for those seeds you need to get the things in the next section.

Early On will be items you can get and make fairly easily and quickly once you’ve gotten a little bit of income and have made it around a week or so into the game. All this stuff is gonna be super easy to get!

A Little Later On is gonna mostly be items that are still very easy to make, but are generally gonna take time to unlock, usually because they require some piece of equipment in order to make them or an ingredient from later in Summer.

Winter is gonna be JUST about making money in Winter. This was a popular ask in the server and I decided a little at the last minute to try to make part of the guide dedicated to Winter. These options aren’t exactly huge profit… but a way to earn some money if you don’t have other means to do so.

The one thing I’m not going to put in this guide… is prices. Why? Because for those who don’t know there is a bar on your community box. That bar levels up as you raise friendship with the other villagers. As that bar raises you will sell more items and sell them for more. Eventually when it’s completely full the community box will give you triple the income. On top of that, as a tester, I currently have different prices than you guys. But they are only different based on a raise in percentages. If something sells high in my game… it will also sell high in yours as (other than the rose perfume) no items have been manually increased individually at this time. Because of this the guide may be edited later to include any such changes if anything mentioned gets manually adjusted!

Let’s get into it!

Baby Steps


They don’t sell for a ton, no, but you’ll be able to break rocks right out of the gate and when you make bricks you’ll be getting a fair amount of bricks for very few stones. It’s an easy and quick way to get money right away. The fact that you can make so many so early makes it a good seller right out of the gate.

Swamp Foragables

In the swamp you’ll find several foragables. Of those foragables Aqua Radish, Mellow Fern, and Nook Salad sell for the highest. Well… not technically. Technically Frog Lettuce sells the highest of the swamp forables. That being said you DON’T want to sell this. Save it, trust me you’ll want it for feeding your animals later on when you unlock animal feeds.

Hill Foragables

There is a hill at the back of your property. There you’ll find several foragables and of those the best selling ones are Pure Heart and Strawberries. Pure Heart is actually one of the highest priced foragables in Spring. Also! You can slice and dice Strawberries! The sliced and diced versions sell for more than just the strawberry (add note here about what is better sliced or diced).

The Mine Meadow

You can go to the mine meadow on your property and pick plants for seeds. Right out the gate this can be an easy first few days money maker. Not all the seeds sell for a lot…. But the best selling seeds in the bunch are Lavendar seeds, Dill Seeds, and the best one is Rosemary Seeds. Also Chamomile flowers sell pretty well too.

Other Foragables

Nettle Flower is one that sells pretty darn good and is one of the highest ones. It’s also not used in any recipes that I’m aware of so you are more than free to sell this item.

Nettle Soup

This is the only recipe that you can make out the gate as the only things you need is nettle and water. It sells really good too compared to any of the other things on this part of the list. That being said… careful till the Nettle bug is fixed as you’ll need Nettle Leaves for a couple of questlines (this has been patched on pc, but not console yet). At the very least, before you go making a bunch of Nettle Soup, make sure you save a bunch of nettle for other things you might need. And yes… potato soup is also an option… that being said you can only make two bowls before you need to wait for more ingredients. But if you don’t want the stamina, sell that second bowl you can make.

Do not sell

There are some items that will be tempting to sell and I’m here to warn you… don’t…. Do it… That being two main things. Trust me when I say. Don’t sell your planks or logs. You might not want them now, but you will later when you decide to start decorating. The other is Crystal Wheat.

Sell some for early game money if you want to. It’s the absolute easiest early game money maker. That being said you’ll need a lot of compost in the game and the easiest way to get that…. Is crystal wheat (with roses being another good way once you hit Summer). There’s also a villager that likes it but I won’t reveal that here in case you haven’t had that spoiled. So if you are gonna sell crystal wheat I would say only sell one or two stacks tops.

Early On


Getting the obvious out of the way… produce. Produce that you get from your plants is of course gonna sell decently. Though there is a hierarchy here. The worst selling one is the Tomato, selling for the same amount as bricks. That being said, once you plant the tomato plant it will stay for several seasons and is harvestable every few days. Second place goes to the potato. They sell for quite a bit more than the tomatoes, and you get more than one with each harvest. Onions take the first place! Being the produce that sells in spring for the absolute most, that being said. You only get one with each harvest.

What you want to sell between the 3 is definitely a balancing act of what fits your play style best… and this leads us to the next thing….

Prepped Ingredients

Know how you can make puree, sliced, diced, and powdered ingredients? These can be sold! And all of them sell for more than just the ingredientsthemselves! The order goes as follows…

  • Base ingredient sells for the least
  • Followed by Slices (though selling for less than the next items, you DO get multiples with some recipes so it can add up to more)
  • Diced
  • Puree
  • Then Powder selling for the most

Though you might not get some of the tools to make the various “states” of prepped ingredients till late Spring or Summer. At the very least you will be able to do the diced and sliced versions. So if you are willing to take the time to do the chopping, it will earn you some more. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the trouble. And before you ask, yes the developers are considering adding a feature that lets you prepare/cook more than one item at a time.

There are some exceptions where prices are a little off… but for the most part that’s the pattern that is followed. Such as carrot currently selling for more than carrot powder or diced and sliced onions selling for the same price. Also, Potato Slices are the one instance early game where sliced is worth more than diced because for one potato you get two slices. So even though potato slices sell for less than diced potato, you’ll make more because two slices sell for more than one diced.

There are also 3 items you can juice in spring. Carrot, Strawberry, and Tomato using the mortar. Strawberry juice takes 2 diced strawberries and Tomato Juice takes 2 sliced tomatoes, but you will still make a profit. Carrot juice though takes one carrot and is worth far more than just the carrot by it’s self.

Again… keep in mind that if you make it… it will sell more than the ingredients you used to make it. And that includes something as simple as prepped ingredients. Just like if you go to the store in real life and try to buy a container of pre-cut cantaloupe… It’s gonna cost more than just buying a whole cantaloupe and cutting it up yourself.

Herbs and Flowers

Honestly… this stuff is very erratic in what it sells for so there’s no real way to break down what is best and worst here. However…. The herbs are free money if you plant a bunch of them instead of selling the seeds. I wouldn’t grow them for making money… but if you happen to have a bunch of herbs that’s still money.

As for flowers… very few flowers you get from herbs or other plants are used in other recipes. So you can generally safely sell flowers you get from plants. There is one exception that’s been found so far when you get to Summer and that’s Garlic Flower. Which does sell for a pretty penny. Oh! And Dill flower. For the most part though herb seeds sell for as much or more than the stuff they produce, at least out the gate. Over time you’ll definitely get more from the plant.


These are some easy recipes you can make early on once you have some plants going that are decent money makers…

  • Potato Soup (you’ll have to buy salt from Aurel, but even with that the money you make is more than the ingredients)
  • Croissants (if you go the cheaty cheaty you can make these for free, you get 5 when you make them, and all you need to do it is get the plate made and get the recipe from a chest by May’s)
  • Carrot Soup (unlocks when you pick your first carrot. All seeds needed can be bought in spring)
  • Bread (follows the same cheaty cheaty as the Croissants, but don’t sell just the bread. Slice the bread first)

Note: If you don’t wanna go the cheaty cheaty route…. Even if you buy the ingredients for the croissants and the bread, you will still make more than what you spent on the ingredients. So even if the free ingredients from May get removed. These are still good items to sell.

Everything From Baby Steps

While the other items mentioned here will sill for more. At the end of the day, while selling for less the items in Baby Steps can also be a decent income booster till you really get going.

Cheaty Cheaty

For the time being you can get ingredients from May’s fridge and pantry once per day for free. Those ingredients sell for a decent amount. So if you really wanna work your way around things. This is a decent way to boost your income. It also allows you to quickly and easily make things such as the croissant recipe that you can unlock from a chest near May’s. I didn’t include this in baby steps, because honestly the best way to use them is to get the plate from Aurel and make dough and then make various pastries you can unlock.

A Little Later On

By the time you get to Summer and Fall you should have a decent amount of money following the above things and a lot of what was in Spring will apply to both of these seasons. But you should by now have some more equipment and are able to make more things making some specific items available to make and sell.

All Hail The Rose

When you get to Summer you’ll have either found Rose seeds in a chest and started growing them in spring, or you will have waited until Summer and gotten them from Aurel. Rose petals sell for more than the rose itself. So they are worth chopping up. Then, of course, if you have a distiller you can make a decent amount of money with Rose Water and Rose Perfume. To unlock these make sure you have chopped roses and made distilled water in the distiller. The rose water will unlock perfume. Perfume sells for more than Rose Water, but both sell very well.

Melon Juice

Melon plants give multiple melons. One melon can be sliced into 6 slices. You will need 2 slices to make one Melon Juice. Melon Juice… sells for A LOT more than the 2 slices. It’s absolutely worth taking the time to make over just selling your melons. Melons will become available in Summer and grow in fall as well as summer. So this can be a decent income.

Cabbage and Beets

Remember when I said that some items don’t follow the sliced vs diced? Cabbage is also one of those. For one cabbage you get ten leaves and they will sell for almost triple what the cabbage will. Beets also sell pretty good once you do any prep stage on them.

Pebble Mushroom

You can find these in the Swamp in fall. It’s not a lot of money granted…. But if you slice one Mushroom you will get 5 slices. For all I’ve been able to find, slices aren’t used for anything at the moment and you can’t eat them. One sliced mushroom sells for more than one pebble mushroom so you will make more than 5X the amount from selling sliced mushroom than whole mushroom and the slices sell for the same amount as diced.


With the other equipment you should be unlocking by now. You should be able to gradually make more and more recipes you’ve unlocked from making other ingredients like prepped ingredients. I did not test all the recipes. Sorry y’all this is long enough lol. That being said… again all recipes should sell for more than the total you’d sell the ingredients for. If you happen to find any exceptions to this please let us know so we can get the prices adjusted! The same thing goes with items crafted at your work bench. Anything you make that is sellable should sell for more than what you spent to make it. Though again, for the time being I recommend saving your planks for making furniture for yourself rather than your lovely neighbors.


Winter is a hard season, as there are only a few plants you can grow. That being said, there ARE still ways to make money.


As said there’s only a few crops, but the one that is the money maker this season is squarely on Jelly Turnips. You’ll make more than double what you spend on the seeds. You can also still grow cabbage and beets and just like in previous seasons it’s worth cutting them up to sell.


There are two foragables on your property in the Winter. You won’t get many of them and they don’t sell for much compared to some of the other things on this list… but you can get Fairy Dew and Fairy Dust in Winter in the Fairy Forest.

That being said, while none of the areas around your farm spawn foragables other than those two… there are some foragables… in other areas. By the time you hit winter you should be able to make it to the door in the Mines and get to the random rotation of worlds that you can enter through the gate. While many of the items in these areas are used for crafting furniture… if you don’t like that furniture and don’t need the items for crafting. They are worth selling for a bit of income.

The best selling ones I’ve found so far are Ice Crystals and Sun Crystals. But they are few and far between at the moment. So instead I would recommend Pink Sand from the Desert and Limestone if you have no use for either one. Pink sand is PLENTIFUL in the desert. So even at its generally small price, it can add up quickly. Same with Limestone. When you go to that world you can get about half a stack of limestone and the quantity is what makes it worth selling.


You might not be able to grow crops. But hopefully by now you’ve been able to grow some Pine Trees (from pine cones found on the mountain), Maple Trees (from Aurel), and Birch Trees (also from Aurel). They take 2 seasons to grow, but if you get them planted early you’ll have a way to generate income during the winter. Each tree gives you one product per day. So if you have a fair few trees… It’s not too bad. The best selling one is Birch Water, followed by Maple Syrup, and last place goes to Pine Resin.

Snow Flakes

They don’t sell for much… They’re in the same vein as the Fairy Dew and Fairy Dust, but that’s just free money that is swirling around you. Plus they are more abundant that the Dew or Dust. Why not grab them and sell them if you don’t need them for recipes?

An Oldie… but a Goodie

Have you heard the word of Brick? Rocks are in the mine all year long and there are A LOT! Go back to your early days in the game and make some bricks. Again….. Individually they don’t sell for a lot… but make enough of them and it can be a trickle of income. Also, if you have gotten the bar more leveled up on your community box. You may find that they sell for more than they used to.


I know I’ll sound like a broken record… but recipes. If you still have ingredients you are not using, you could make some recipes with them. Those recipes are generally going to be a good income as all recipes should sell for more than the ingredients that you used to make them.

Distilled Water

This… is just kinda an infinite source of money. Of all the things on this list Distilled Water sells for less than anything else (except bricks), but given that water is free…. And distilling it does not currently have a mini game… you can kinda just do this one infinitely just to make sure there is stuff in your community box.


So far through my testing, these are some of the best ways I’ve found for making money in the game. Right now this guide DOES take into account some bugs and exploits, but know that if those get patched. However, it might not be right away. So know that anything in here that is in relation to bugs… Use these at your own caution and save manually often!

Happy gaming y’all!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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