Formulas for Number Nerds
By jack_zhan01.
Damage Calculation
What numbers do I use?
The stats you see in the refitting room are calculated with all flat and percentage buffs from weapons, keys and attachments. These will be your base stats before in-battle buffs.
All stats involved in the formulas below are the numbers on the in-battle detailed view, i.e. after buffs/debuffs.
The Formula
There is no damage fluctuation. You either crit, or don’t crit.
- This is the part of the skill description that says something like “100% of ATK” or “60% of HP”. Simply multiply the percentage with the stat.
- Damage reduction via the defense stat.
- Both ATK values are of the attacking party. The DEF value is of the receiving party.
- All defense buffs, debuffs, and defense pierce are calculated additively, then multiplied with the base DEF stat.
- Damage reduction via the defense stat.
- Damage increase from crit hits.
- CRIT_MODIFIER = 100% (if it’s not a critical hit)
- CRIT_MODIFIER = CDMG (if it’s a critical hit)
- Crit damage is used directly as a percentage, i.e. 120% crit damage = 1.2x damage on crit
- Damage increase from crit hits.
- If no weakness is exploited
- If weapon type OR elemental weakness is exploited (+2 stability damage)
- If BOTH weapon type AND elemental weakness are exploited (+4 stability damage)
- Everything that says “increase damage by x%” and “decrease damage by x%”
- This includes effects on both the attacking party and the receiving party
- These are all calculated additively on top of a base of 100%
- If the party getting attacked is behind a cover, AND
- If their stability is still above 0 after stability damage, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 60%
- If their stability is 0 after stability damage, AND
- The damage type does not exploit a weapon type or elemental weakness, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 60%
- The damage type exploits a weakness, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
- If their stability is 0 before the attack, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
- If the party getting attacked is NOT behind a cover, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
- If the party getting attacked is behind a cover, regardless of their stability value, they will get a COVER_MODIFIER
- Depending on the type of cover, COVER_MODIFIER can be 20% – 35%.
- Skills that ignore part of cover damage reduction are calculated additively with this value.
- Everything that says “fixed damage”, e.g. Suomi’s ult.
- These damage will ignore all modifiers from (de)buffs, covers, and defense.
Combat Effectiveness
CE = (5 * ATK + 4 * HP + 3 * DEF) * (0.1 * CRIT + 0.2 * CDMG + 0.01 * NUMBER_OF_FIXED_KEYS + 0.01* NUMBER_OF_FORTIFICATIONS + 0.008* NUMBER_OF_CALIBRATIONS)
- All non-percentile numbers, including the final CE number, are rounded up to the next integer
- Crit rate and crit damage are used as is with the percentile sign
- NUMBER_OF_FIXED_KEYS = 0-3 (only fixed keys, i.e. the left side, are counted)
- NUMBER_OF_FORTIFICATIONS = 0-6 (the “V” number)
Timing of Stability Damage
When you exploit a weakness, you will see “prioritized stability damage dealt”. What is this?
- When the attack does not exploit a weakness, stability damage is calculated after the damage of the attack.
- When the attack exploits one or more weaknesses, stability damage is calculated before the damage of the attack. This affects a couple of things:
- If this attack causes a stability break, the damage of this attack will not be subject to damage reduction from stability
- If the boss has some damage reduction effects based on stability,
- “-80% damage taken if stability > 0” —-> this attack won’t be affected if it causes a stability break
- “-5% damage taken for every point of stability” —-> this attack will do more damage because stability is deducted before the damage reduction is calculated
How Do Buffs Work
Different types of in-battle buffs are displayed differently:
- Auras (e.g. ice damage bonus for all allies from Suomi sig) will show up as buffs.
- Non-conditional weapon skills that affects only self (e.g. “+10% ice damage” from Makiatto’s sig) will show up in the in-battle detailed view, but not as buffs. When triggered, it will say “Triggered <skill name>”
- Traits such as defense pierce and stability pierce do not show up in the in-battle detailed view. When triggered, it will say “<weapon name> Triggered “
- Conditional weapon skills & traits, set effects, and key effects (e.g. “+2.5% damage against <faction>” or “+7% damage when xxx”) do not show up in the in-battle detailed view. When triggered, it will say “Triggered <set name>” or “Triggered Fixed/Common Key – <key name>”
All buffs and debuffs to the same stat (e.g. ATK) are calculated additively, then multiplied with your base stat. If a stat is affected by buffs/debuffs, it will show as yellow/red respectively in the detailed view. Note that if buffs and debuffs completely cancel out each other (e.g. you have a +10% debuff and +10% buff), it will show as white (unaffected).
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