Girls Frontline 2: Exilium – Damage Calculation Guide

Formulas for Number Nerds

By jack_zhan01.

Damage Calculation

What numbers do I use?

The stats you see in the refitting room are calculated with all flat and percentage buffs from weapons, keys and attachments. These will be your base stats before in-battle buffs.

All stats involved in the formulas below are the numbers on the in-battle detailed view, i.e. after buffs/debuffs.

The Formula

There is no damage fluctuation. You either crit, or don’t crit.

    • This is the part of the skill description that says something like “100% of ATK” or “60% of HP”. Simply multiply the percentage with the stat.
    • Damage reduction via the defense stat.
      • DEF_MODIFIER = ATK / (ATK + DEF)
    • Both ATK values are of the attacking party. The DEF value is of the receiving party.
    • All defense buffs, debuffs, and defense pierce are calculated additively, then multiplied with the base DEF stat.
    • Damage increase from crit hits.
      • CRIT_MODIFIER = 100% (if it’s not a critical hit)
      • CRIT_MODIFIER = CDMG (if it’s a critical hit)
    • Crit damage is used directly as a percentage, i.e. 120% crit damage = 1.2x damage on crit
    • If no weakness is exploited
    • If weapon type OR elemental weakness is exploited (+2 stability damage)
    • If BOTH weapon type AND elemental weakness are exploited (+4 stability damage)
    • Everything that says “increase damage by x%” and “decrease damage by x%”
    • This includes effects on both the attacking party and the receiving party
    • These are all calculated additively on top of a base of 100%
    • If the party getting attacked is behind a cover, AND
      • If their stability is still above 0 after stability damage, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 60%
      • If their stability is 0 after stability damage, AND
      • The damage type does not exploit a weapon type or elemental weakness, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 60%
      • The damage type exploits a weakness, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
      • If their stability is 0 before the attack, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
    • If the party getting attacked is NOT behind a cover, STABILITY_MODIFIER = 0%
    • If the party getting attacked is behind a cover, regardless of their stability value, they will get a COVER_MODIFIER
      • Depending on the type of cover, COVER_MODIFIER can be 20% – 35%.
      • Skills that ignore part of cover damage reduction are calculated additively with this value.
    • Everything that says “fixed damage”, e.g. Suomi’s ult.
    • These damage will ignore all modifiers from (de)buffs, covers, and defense.

Combat Effectiveness

CE = (5 * ATK + 4 * HP + 3 * DEF) * (0.1 * CRIT + 0.2 * CDMG + 0.01 * NUMBER_OF_FIXED_KEYS + 0.01* NUMBER_OF_FORTIFICATIONS + 0.008* NUMBER_OF_CALIBRATIONS)
  • All non-percentile numbers, including the final CE number, are rounded up to the next integer
  • Crit rate and crit damage are used as is with the percentile sign
  • NUMBER_OF_FIXED_KEYS = 0-3 (only fixed keys, i.e. the left side, are counted)
  • NUMBER_OF_FORTIFICATIONS = 0-6 (the “V” number)

Timing of Stability Damage

When you exploit a weakness, you will see “prioritized stability damage dealt”. What is this?

  • When the attack does not exploit a weakness, stability damage is calculated after the damage of the attack.
  • When the attack exploits one or more weaknesses, stability damage is calculated before the damage of the attack. This affects a couple of things:
    • If this attack causes a stability break, the damage of this attack will not be subject to damage reduction from stability
    • If the boss has some damage reduction effects based on stability,
      • “-80% damage taken if stability > 0” —-> this attack won’t be affected if it causes a stability break
      • “-5% damage taken for every point of stability” —-> this attack will do more damage because stability is deducted before the damage reduction is calculated

How Do Buffs Work

Different types of in-battle buffs are displayed differently:

  • Auras (e.g. ice damage bonus for all allies from Suomi sig) will show up as buffs.
  • Non-conditional weapon skills that affects only self (e.g. “+10% ice damage” from Makiatto’s sig) will show up in the in-battle detailed view, but not as buffs. When triggered, it will say “Triggered <skill name>”
  • Traits such as defense pierce and stability pierce do not show up in the in-battle detailed view. When triggered, it will say “<weapon name> Triggered “
  • Conditional weapon skills & traits, set effects, and key effects (e.g. “+2.5% damage against <faction>” or “+7% damage when xxx”) do not show up in the in-battle detailed view. When triggered, it will say “Triggered <set name>” or “Triggered Fixed/Common Key – <key name>”

All buffs and debuffs to the same stat (e.g. ATK) are calculated additively, then multiplied with your base stat. If a stat is affected by buffs/debuffs, it will show as yellow/red respectively in the detailed view. Note that if buffs and debuffs completely cancel out each other (e.g. you have a +10% debuff and +10% buff), it will show as white (unaffected).

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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