Girls Frontline 2: Exilium – Guide to Character / Weapon Management

Character Management

By Ceia & Felinegatlingcatus.


  • This is where you manage your Doll’s levels, skills, key preset, Spiral, weapon levels, weapon attachment preset, and more!
  • This is also where you can interact with your Doll, by pressing the interact button beside your Doll.
  • There are multiple interactions per Doll, discover how you can trigger them!

Limit Break

  • Upon reaching level 20, 30, 40, and 50, your Doll will not be able to level up further unless you limit break, each limit break uses gold and various materials you can get at Decision Conformation in the resources stages.

Spiral or Vertebrae

  • You get one vertebra every time you roll a doll that is already present in your dorm, each vertebra gives different buffs/augmentations to the doll’s skills. Please refer to other guides to see which vertebrae give you the highest spike in ability. 
  • A lot of translated EN guides use V as an abbreviation for vertebrae (V0 meaning you only get the doll but never got any dupes and V6 meaning you fully max out the dupes)

Skill Tree (Neural Helix)

  • Neural helix will enhance your Doll’s stats as you unlock it, these upgrades will be available for you to unlock as your doll’s level increases. The materials used can be farmed at Intel Assessment in simulation battles. 

Key System

  • As you progress through the skill tree, more fixed keys will be available to unlock for you. 
  • These keys require cores and gold to unlock. Elite dolls (gold dolls) require 3 Cores per fixed key, while normal dolls (purple dolls) require 1 Core per fixed key. 
  • The Doll’s stats will be buffed by 2%, 6% and 12% as 2, 4, 6 fixed keys are unlocked respectively. Upon unlocking all fixed keys. A common key will be available to unlock for free.


Keys augment the Doll’s existing skills and can generally be categorized as Fixed Keys and Common Keys:

  • Fixed Keys: Can only be equipped by the Doll that unlocked that key, provides augmentations to the Doll’s skill (On the left).
  • Common Keys: Can be equipped by all other Dolls as long as you have unlocked it, it offers various buffs to the Doll (On the right).

Advice in Character Management:

In the beginning, focus on raising certain dolls that you often use for map clearing instead of raising all of them as you will not have enough resources to do so.

Some dolls have different key combos that are effective in certain scenarios, so feel free to mix and match those combos.

Weapon Management

Weapons come in 3 grades: Blue (Retired Gun series), Purple (Standard Gun series), and Gold (Character Exclusives and Battle Pass Exclusives).

Weapons can be upgraded up to level 60, and be upgraded with duplicates up to 5 times.

  • Each duplicate will enhance the weapon’s special skill by a certain percentage.
  • Currently most EN guides will use R to denote weapon duplicate level (R1 being you have the weapon but no duplicates, R6 being max duplicate)

There are 7 weapon types in GFL2:

  1. Handgun (HG)
  2. Submachine Gun (SMG)
  3. Assault Rifle (AR)
  4. Sniper Rifle (RF)
  5. Shotgun (SG)
  6. Machine Gun (MG)
  7. Melee (ME)


  • There are 4 types of attachments per weapon type.
  • All attachments, except the barrel, come with an attachment skill. You can choose which attachment skill to farm in Targeted Research, and you’ll obtain it with a 100% success rate.
  • Barrels have 4 substats, while all other attachments have 3.
    • The substats are randomly assigned upon acquisition and cannot be rerolled.
    • The substats’ base stat are also random upon acquisition and cannot be enhanced.
  • The substats available on all attachments are:
    1. Flat Attack
    2. % Attack
    3. Critical Rate
    4. Critical Damage (Barrel Only)
    5. Flat Defense
    6. % Defense
    7. Flat HP
    8. % HP
  • The best in slot for attachments are:
    1. Flat Attack
    2. % Attack
    3. Critical Rate
    4. Critical Damage (Barrel Only)

Attachment Skills:

Batch 1:

  1. Ultimate Pursuit
    • Increases Attack, Healing, and Defense of Ultimate skills by 5%. Gains 1 stack after each use of an Ultimate skill, up to a maximum of 4 stacks.
  2. Double Strategy
    • If the enemy target is not in cover, increase single target damage by 10%; if the enemy target is in cover, increase AoE damage by 10%.
  3. Anomalous Strike
    • Deals 15% increased damage to enemy targets with Elemental Debuffs.
  4. Anomalous Resonance
    • If the Active Skill can counter the enemy (Counter Element or Ammo Type), gain [Anomaly Boost I] before attacking for 1 turn. If it can double counter (Counter Element and Ammo Type), deal an additional 10% damage.
    • [Anomaly Boost I]: Increase damage by 10% when countering the enemy.
  5. Emergency Repair
    • If the target’s HP is full after being healed by an active skill, increase the target’s Stability by 2 points. Can be triggered a maximum of 1 time per turn.
  6. Damage Reduction Support
    • When using Defense-type skills, grant [Area Defense II] to ally units for 2 turns.
    • [Area Defense II]: Reduce AoE damage by 20%.

Batch 2:

  1. Live Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Physical Damage by 20%.
  2. Incendiary Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Fire Damage by 20%.
  3. Cryo Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Cryo Damage by 20%.
  4. Corrosive Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Corrosion Damage by 20%.
  5. Electrical Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Electrical Damage by 20%.
  6. Turbid Ammo Amplification
    • Increase Turbid Damage by 20%.

Attachment Upgrades

  • Attachments can be upgraded infinitely, and can be rerolled until you are happy with the upgrade.
  • Attachment fodder and Sardis Gold are required to upgrade and reroll attachments.
  • Precision Tuners can be consumed to boost the upgraded stats, and are usually required to get very high boosts.
    • Each Precision Tuner boosts 1 line of stat, 3 or 4 Precision Tuners are recommended for each upgrade.
  • Attachments can be upgraded up to 200% of their base stat.
  • You can choose to accept or drop attachment rerolls.

Weapon Transmog System

  • Weapons and Attachments can be transmogged to weapons and attachments that you’ve unlocked.
  • Weapon and Attachment types must be the same.
    • This means you cannot transmog an Assault Rifle into a Shotgun, Red Dot Sights into a Barrel, etc.

Advice in Weapon Management:

Some dolls are more effective using other doll’s signature weapons.

If you don’t have the best sub-stats combo for attachments, it is still fine to use attachments with only 2-3 “good” sub-stats at the beginning, upgrade them without precision tuners and replace them later.

Although precision tuners guarantee you at least a 100% increase in weapon stats, they also cost double the amount of gold. So definitely use precision tuners only if you have the best sub-stats combo:

(ATK + ATK% + Crit +/- Crit Damage)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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