Guide to Lenna Challenges
By Armored Neko
Challenge 1 OT-1-1
The idea is simple enough, avoid upper-left corner like plague and sneak your way to the centre platform for a big shoot-out.
Your way is blocked by destructible cover (that looks like ice blocks) and switch controlled roadblocks.
- Use Sabrina to blow up the nearby ice cubes—remember her skill doesn’t destroy covers right next to herself so you need to place her one tile away—you can’t get to the perfect spot turn 1 so take your time to deal with local fauna first. It goes without saying but don’t aggro the upper-left enemies just yet, the elite spider is a nightmare to deal with normally.
- Get Verply to the right side and push the 3 conveniently placed enemies off the cliff. Her mission is to operate the switch on the right then make her way back.
- Operate the centre switch once Verply is back. The switch will active the conveyor belt which moves the unaware elite spider into a perfectly safe position adjacent to a cliff. Push it down with Verply while having the rest of your team shoot anything that moves.
- Once everything but the 2 frogs are dead, leave the stage in an orderly manner.
You have more than enough turns in this challenge so take it slow and don’t get your dolls killed.
Challenge 2 OT-1-2
Surprisingly forgiving in terms of turn limits so again, take your time.
Starting with the map layout, you have left path which can be blocked off by a switch, the right path leading to said switch and the middle path where ideally most fighting would take place.
- Send Verply to the right path for the switch. She can solo the entire section with help from a certain cliff. Pushing 2 guys down is usually enough so don’t panic if one of them moves to an inconvenient position.
- Send Lenna towards the left control panel which flips the turret into friendly. Feel free to use her leap just get her as close as possible, she must have enough movement next turn for operating the panel and getting to safety.
- Gun down every enemy within sight and slow the ones you can’t kill. The entire enemy blob including the elite shield guy will be funneled into the middle path once Verply flips the switch, and you need to mow them down as your team moves up towards the 2 objectives. Lenna’s ult adds a lot of AOE damage to the mix so it shouldn’t be a problem.
- Once you reach the top part of the map use Verply to push 2 beans off the cliff then finish off the nyto on your right—and ofc take both objectives while you are at it.
Alternatively, it’s possible to ignore the right path altogether and have your main fight in the left path. It’s going to be messier as the terrain hinder your movements a bit but it’s doable as long as Verply shaves enough enemies down the cliff.
Challenge 3 OT-1-3
Finally get to use your own dolls again. As long as you don’t miss the fact that you can deploy 5 dolls and there’s another starting point on upper-right area it’s an easy one.
- There is a roadblock right in front of your objective and you need to raise it ASAP. A vanguard with 9 movement can operate the lever in turn 1, but it’s not the end of the world if you can’t do that—raising the roadblock turn 2 will result in a few enemies getting dangerously close so better start shooting.
- The other roadblock to your right doesn’t really matter, feel free to ignore it for now although you have to kill the guards eventually.
- Then you need to blast the enemy blob with everything you have. There will be a few enemy units spawning along their path to join them but nothing particularly dangerous and you get to abuse the height advantage to your hearts’ content.
Have fun!
Challenge 4 OT-1-4
A straightforward map with the only twist being 2 elevated platforms only accessible through 4 pillars—2 of which are lowered by default and another 2 are controlled by switches.
- The first step is deleting the elite in the middle. You may want to deploy your hard hitters in the upper starting area for this one. Don’t worry about the snipers they are harmless turn1.
- Get your dolls up the platforms while clearing out the mobs. There will be a few more enemies spawning but other than another elite arriving quite late nothing threatening.
Challenge 5 OT-1-5
Before we start, this fight is pretty much a damage race so bring your most stacked dolls. G36 can handle all the healing in my case, although you might want more stability recovery if you have less damage output. You also want someone with movement down 2 to prevent the boss from running around like a mad cat.
The battlefield is filled with destructible covers and 4 roadblocks that can be lowered by hitting corresponding switches. Since the boss moves around a lot (even with movement down 2) it’s advisable to lower the roadblocks whenever you get the chance—blowing up the cover also works but wasting actions on it isn’t ideal.
When it comes to the boss itself, she has 3 noteworthy attacks:
- Marks and buffs: The boss applies stacking marks with a map-wide attack every other turn—the damage is not that high but bad things happen when you get too many stacks. She gets stability back according to how many stacks the attacking doll has, even shoots back when it’s more than 2. Thankfully the stability recovery doesn’t work when she’s in the stability broken state.
- The only way to clear the marks is killing a mob buffed by the boss which is a lengthy and unreliable process. Again, you need to take her out ASAP. There’s no need to keep the starting mobs alive, you only get to use them to clear marks in turn 3 and keeping them alive for 2 whole turns is just asking for trouble.
- The doom debuff: Starting from turn 3 the boss will occasionally slap a debuff on one of your dolls, it deals a percentage-based damage if said doll is out of stability. Keep that doll’s stability high to negate it.
- The flanking maneuvers: it’s not a special attack per se but the boss will actively try to flank your dolls, be careful not to get flanked as you are already under pressure from her full-map attack.
Lenna Review
In short, she is the goddess of paralyze–if you think Mosin-nagant’s paralyze is useful, Lenna turns it up to 11–between her S2, ult and the aura from the ult, everything that can be paralyzed, will be paralyzed.
Her own damage is nothing to write home about although she does have a lot of synergy going on. Her little hop counts as precision attack thus triggers all kinds of assists for example.
As always, she is not a must. Skip her if you have a firepower shortage as she cannot replace proper hard-hitters. She’s certainly good enough to bring into most battles and everyone loves a good family.
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