Useful Tips & Tricks
General Tips
- Before you change class, I recommend you to do dragon bounty to get the daily reward. The reward reset after you class change.
- Dont delete the current gear, you can mix 2 or 3 set of gear to maximize dps (but you will have lower defense). Also keep the tsar’s necklace and amulet for the haste bonus if your class benefit from haste.
- Leveling up your skill efficiently for tacticals and passives (there is levels to activate the locked stats) eg. at lvl 30 / lvl 60 etc.
- Use stallarites 4x atleast for moves (for getting good moves and lvl up the crit, crit dmg and determination faster).
- Artifacts RnG and use stallarites for energy.
- For leveling up Melomon lvl and moves lvl faster buy things in shop and guild shop.
- For your CC0 legendary selector, don’t choose exclusive for your skill, check on your guide for the most used passive or tactical that is not already legend for both CC0 and CC1.
- If you are level 29 and below, find a partner before hitting level 30 for free rewards when you complete tasks together.
Pet Tips
Reason why every class are recommended to wishlist for DPS pet (i.e. demon hound and ice). Many game mode in GGM does not require the tradition 1 tank + 1 heal + 2 DPS setting.
In most cases it will be more efficient to run:
- 1 Half Heal + 1 Half Tank + 2 DPS.
- 1 Tank + 3 DPS.
- 1 Heal + 3 DPS.
If you don’t have DPS pet, you will limit yourself in the traditional setting and fail to obtrain full reward in some mode require high DPS (e.g. horror and daily dragon).
For Healer:
- You gain healing effectiveness bonus by star-up your main pet, no matter which pet you use. It is the star-level that matter.
- The cd reduction from haste has cap at around 50%. Snow leopard will have minimal benefit once we have higher basic stat.
- Healing per second requirement in GGM is not so high, unless you are going for trial leaderboard.
- It is not necessary to heal with a healing main/passive.
- There will be gen 2 melomon at week 25, all healing pet will be replaced by gen 2, while demon hound/ice passive will still be tier S skill.
For Tank:
- Polar shadow is the best tank pet, which is a purple melomon that is easy to get.
Dyes Tips
If you tried to colour your outfit you probably found that different colours need to be unlocked by using dyes. It’s pretty hard to find them to buy, they are included in fashion event big packs which cost a lot, and other way to get them is by rolling same equipment many times.
But there is a method to get some dyes easily. As we progress we will get points to spend on wardrobe things, I think I had 100+ of them, we can use them to buy some cosmetics or frames, and also you can buy for them specific items that will be given to you on daily rewards in future. If you buy any of the clothes that will be given to you for free, when the time of that item come, instead of it you will get dyes, same as you would drop that item twice in fashion gatcha.
Guild Keys Tips
Tip for guild keys, it’s a bit obvious, but maybe someone forgot, iirc I could get reward for first time kill of every boss even without opening chest, so stacking those keys is good idea. Wait until you will have 7/7 (it’s one per day) and then go for boss kill and open chest, it will allow you to keep beating best boss that you currently can and yield more rewards.
Also you can help other members to get their flame badge by using their clones every day by just going and killing stuff without opening chest, be a good guildmate.
Free Recast Gear
- Legendary Equipment at T5 or higher, ideally from lower rift level (example if you want a free recast on Rift 8 gear, you keep legendary at R7).
- Bunch of copy on that Equipment.
What to Do:
- Make your bunch of equipment to T5, this would be your fooder and also a free recast.
- Upgrade your Legendary Tier with T5 gear, all the extra copy will be given back as a T0 gear, with new fresh stats.
- Do as much as you want, repeat point 1 for another free recast.
- After getting good stats from excessive gear, you can use it to refine legendary gear you want.
- Its still rng to get good stats from this, but this also saves you some recast stone and gold.
Dismantling Trick for Extra Recast Stone
- Forge it to Legendary gear first before dismantling, this will give you way more recast stone, comparison below in vid & img.
- Only applicable when youre done with that set and your new set is better, can only have 1 Legendary at one time.

Forest King Slime Tips
Key Points:
- Saussera Headbutt – Receive massive DMG every 1 second. Go to the [Fire] Sector to cleanse it.
- Elemental Linking – Two players will link and be given a target combined element. Both players must go to the elemental icons that, when combined, match the target combined element. If successful, players will receive the Elemental Blessing, increasing DMG by 5% (stackable up to x20).
- Jelly Berserk – Massive DMG to all party members. Use group damage resistance skills like barriers.
- Life Bloom – Go to the leaf sector to enhance the healing effect of skills.
Note: You can find more detailed about this info ingame monster detail page.
As Healer you take the green element always. If combo need green element then your linked partner should fill the missing element. And tell your linked partner to choose 1 color to stick with, if no green element for the combo, then you fill the missing element. Same as tank but instead of green, its red.

Useful Infographics
Rifts / Trails
Rift 1 you can pretty much run whatever and clear it:

Tank’s Halt and Endurance skills can be bought in the shop:

Melomon Moves
Equippable skills that you will put on your pets. You won’t have the orange rarity to begin with (unless giga lucky), so attach your best-in-slot where you can. For example, don’t throw crit skills on your support character pets.
Click to enlarge…

Paper Plane Event
Very essential and must focus event for both F2P and P2W players.

Do planes get carried over to the next event?
No, planes reset once the event is over.
Do I need to participate in every event?
No, if you are a F2P user, you want to save your resources and spend them all on specific weeks. There are certain weeks where you must claim the 5th floor reward, so you better save!
What’s the best way of saving resources?
The most important resources to save are Skill tickets, Mount tickets, and Melomon Move tickets. Artifact tickets have a max cap of 200, so you can’t really save the energy, but you can also save Recharge Crystals. For Melomon summon tickets, you want to save them for the Wish Event, so try your best to reach 8,300 points without using Melomon summon tickets!
Slime Rampage Event
Click to enlarge…

Paper Airplane Event
- Reoccurring event.
- 3 rounds for points.
Collection resources: 3/3/3/3/1 meaning each resource you can collect 3 times per tier except last tier. As the event reoccurs, the rewards will change with progression of the game.

Please spend wisely! This is a simple guide to show priorities of what to spend on for lower to mid spenders. Obviously it is up to you which you choose to spend on in game.

Common Questions (FAQ)
By Sporeggar.
Class Change (CC1+)
Is class change worth it?
Class change is really just a class “upgrade” and is both worth it, and unavoidable. Unless you want to be stuck at level 80 forever.
What happens to all my stuff?
Nothing. You keep all the same skills, talents, equipment, outfits, so on. Class change simply adds more things. New skills, outfits, talents.
How do I class change?
Class changes involve a quest chain, which unlocks at a specific character level (the 1st being available at level 55) and requires simple tasks, like leveling up your skills a certain amount, or killing 800 monsters on story map. After completing the quests, and reaching your current class maximum level, you will receive an item in your backpack that unlocks the newest class upgrade. Permitted the servers max-level timer has been reached.
What do R4 or T2 mean? What is Det?
Here is a list of commonly used abbreviations in GGM:
- R(1+): Rifts (the number being the order in which it unlocked)
- T(1+): Perilous Trials (same as with rifts)
- Crit: Critical Hit
- Det: Determination
- CD: Cooldown time
- Waves: Waves of Horror / Dream dungeon
- Speed run: Completing Waves in a short time for bonus rewards and a fancy profile picture frame
- F4F: Follow for follow. Often spammed in world chat, this is someone offering to follow you as a friend, in return for following them as a friend. Primarily to get rewards from the “achievements” social tab.
- Pet/Melo: Reference to Melomon
- LF/LFG: Looking for / Looking for group. Used in global chat when seeking a group or specific class type for a dungeon (Rift, trial, dragon, etc)
- PP: Paper Planes event. A recurring event where you complete tasks/quests to earn paper planes to purchase items from the event.
- Arti: A reference to Artifacts
What does haste do?
Here is a list of stats and their purposes:
- Crit: % chance per attack, skill or heal, to deal bonus damage/healing, starting at a base value of 200% (double damage) Both the chance to crit, and the amount of extra damage a crit does, can be increased from various sources.
- Det: % chance pet attack or skill, to ignore a targets defense value, allowing you to do more damage. Also used to increase Healing values when triggered.
- Haste: increase your basic attack speed (ASPD) which can help to trigger on-basic attack effects more often, such as energy regeneration. Haste also shortens the channeling time, or cooldown time, for various skills, especially Acolytes and Scholars. Please check your skills tooltips to see if Haste is mentioned.
- Accuracy: chance to hit a target. 100% means you won’t miss, vs a target of the same level as you. This degrades in value vs higher level targets. You cam see your level gap accuracy rate against dungeon bosses, by selecting the dungeon and pressing the small magnifying glass icon next to Boss image (i.e Dragon is level 80, even when you’re level 30, and you lose a lot of accuracy at this time) missing a target means you don’t deal any damage with that attack.
- Mastery: adds a % increase of your total outgoing damage (after mitigation from target defense)
- Endurance: adds a % reduction of total incoming damage from an enemy.
- Tenacity: gives a scaling damage reduction if incoming damage from an enemy, based off your current HP % (reduces more damage, the lower your health is)
- Block: % chance to “Block” incoming damage. Blocking, reduces the amount of damage you take from a hit, but does not stop the hit entirely. The amount of damage Blocked can be increased, and Block rate itself can provide additional bonuses to certain class Skills (i.e CC1 Warrior Core skill)
- Evasion: % chance to avoid an attack, taking 0 damage.
Leveling Up / Gaining Experience
How can I level up faster?
Experience gain is dependant on your zone/map. You can check the base value by clicking on map stage/exp value button, just below the mini map. This opens a window with the base exp value of that map, a 3 piece look at ☆ bonuses and the required map clearance time to achieve the bonus, as well as an exp progress bar (%) with an estimated time needed to level up, at your current exp gain rate.
- You can increase your exp gain rate by 5%, by having a player companion, not an NPC/Bot.
- An additional 5% can be gained from Exp boost potions, from the hamster shop in your camp.
- An additional 5% can be gained from the monthly privilege card for $4.99 USD from the Visa market.
- Each ☆ you achieve from map clearance time, also gives a 5% bonus, up to 15% from the max 3☆.
- All these effects stack, and are the same online and offline(AFK)
(Warning: Math)
- The % gain from ☆’s is most important, as this is factored as Base rate, not bonus %. I.e base rate = 1.0
- Add in the Exp potion and companion buff: 1.0 + 10% = 1.1.
- Or with just the 2 ☆ bonus = 1.1 (no +%)
- Therefore, with full buffs, it is: 1.15 + 15% = 1.3225
- Not: 1.3
How to redeem Vouchers (From CBT recharge)?
- Step 1: After stage 1-1, Goto your campsite.
- Step 2: Click Rookie Special on bottom left.
- Step 3: Click Purchase Bonus panel.
- Step 4: Click Claim.
Noted that you can only claim once and you must login back the same account that you recharge on CBT and same region as well!

How to transfer my voucher from SEA to Global?
If you wish to transfer the voucher over to another region such as from SEA to Global. You must create a character on both regions and provide us the character UID on both regions and confirm the transfer from which character to which. The transfer can only be done once and will be final, It can’t be reverted after you have confirmed the action of the transfer.
Should i play on Global or SEA region
Depends on region and timezone, We personally will recommend you play on the most lowest ping server and nearest region.
Is there gender lock for character?
No. You can choose to pick any gender on any classes even hairstyle are not gender lock.
Are this game p2w?
Normal grind will give you diamonds and you can spend like you’re a whales… (maybe.)
Why i can’t see my CBT character?
All CBT data has been wiped.
Where my recharges gone if CBT character are wipe?
After you create the character in the same region you recharge on CBT, Your character will receive the vouchers and those vouchers can be spend as $$$ which you recharge from CBT.
Why i can’t enter the game?
Most common issue if you having problem when entering the game are internet problems. If you have bad connection the game won’t let you enter and you may disconnected while playing.
Is there a limit on how many experience i can grind offline?
Yes. There will be 13 hours of offline grinding cap.
I want to transfer my vouchers from SEA to Global
Create a character in sea to receive the voucher first. after create another character in global. then contact in game support using SEA character and ask for transfer by providing character ID number (from global) and server (if have more than 1 server). Noted that you can only request “once” and can’t transfer to another account. It must be same account.
How do you send gifts?
After following each other for at least 5 days you can send a gift to them.
How do I redeem codes?
Go to your profile, click settings button on bottom right. Then click redeem code.
How do I bind a guest account?
Settings, main title, user, user center, bind account.
Do highroller tickets roll over to the next one?
Yes!! You can save them up as long as you want and use them on whichever highroller gacha you choose.
Technical Issues
Google Account Auto-logging in issue
Follow these steps. When you get to Step 3 you can completely remove the current google account or select the game and pick “ask every time”.
When you are back in the Title Screen even if it auto logged in again, click “User” > “Log out” and Select a google account again. This time it should let you choose/add a new google play games account.

Up-to-date gift codes for Go Go Muffin (December 2024):