Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions – Advanced Seeker Guide

This guide isn’t that advanced, but requires you to atleast somewhat know what you are doing, have a good build and know how to decently handle a broom.

Guide to Seeker

Use The Cleansweep

Here are the stats for the 3 most popular seeker brooms:


  • Max Spd: 5
  • Boost Eff: 3
  • Accel: 7
  • Max Hp: 3
  • Hp Regen: 2
  • Stun: 1
  • Maneuver Spd: 5
  • Drift Dist: 5
  • Dodge CD: 5


  • Max Spd: 7
  • Boost Eff: 4
  • Accel: 7
  • Max Hp: 6
  • Hp Regen: 2
  • Stun: 4
  • Maneuver Spd: 1
  • Drift Dist: 4
  • Dodge CD: 1


  • Max Spd: 6
  • Boost Eff: 6
  • Accel: 6
  • Max Hp: 3
  • Hp Regen: 2
  • Stun: 1
  • Maneuver Spd: 5
  • Drift Dist: 4
  • Dodge CD: 3

Contrary to what seems like common sense, You do not need the highest max speed in the game. Being a seeker is not about being the fastest, because as soon as the beater locks on to you, the bludger is coming to you, no matter your speed. Being a seeker is less about being fast, as it is about being agile, the high dodge and maneuver speed is what you really need. Using the firebolt for the MAX Hp, means you plan on getting hit, DONT GET HIT. being hit slows you down way more than a dodge, and does damage to you. you need the Dodge CD to stay alive as long as possible

Use the Cleansweep

Don’t be glued to the golden circles

The only time you should be going in to the golden circles on purpose, is to refresh your boost, that’s it.

I like to tell people to imagine a line from one teams central goal, to the others. You always want to be closer to that line than the snitch. The goal is to do the least amount of turning and adjusting possible, as that loses speed. Might get tricky to get used to, and also quite tricky on knowing where to be, but this will allow you to get closer to the snitch SO much quicker than being glued to the golden circles.

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Try and avoid going behind the goals

If the snitch is going into “end zone”, it is going to come out again very quickly. Not only is the end zone the smallest part of the field, it’s also the place with most things in your way (the massive goals). What I like to do and suggest you to do aswell, is when you notice the snitch is going into the end zone, follow it as much as you can, and then do a drift 180 turn slightly downwards. The goal is to end up behind and in front of the snitch, this will allow it to go over your head and you can then follow from there, already at near max speed.

This sounds counter intuitive. Why not just do this movement from the end zone? it’s very unlikely to hit the goals? well, every fraction of a second counts as seeker. You should be close enough to the stitch to gain points (if not when it’s behind you, when it’s above and then quickly zooms in front of you), so you will barely lose out on any points, and you end up net positive. As when it goes out of the end zone, you are already at near max speed following it, which means you can stay closer for more of the straight, rather than stay on it for more of the turn and less of the straight, as you get a LOT more points iff you are glued to it on the straight than on the turn.

TLDR for tip above as I wrote probably a bit too much: you are garunteed to fall behind the stitch on the turn, so you might aswell turn early, as it is forced to come straight back to you, meaning you miss out on a lot less time than if you turned when it did, meaning you were behind it when you turned, rather than being in front when you turn.

Play predictively not reactively

Always be thinking where the snitch has to go next, if it’s on the left wall in the middle of the field, it’s not going to randomly do a 180. In this situation you would stay inside of it, so you don’t need to turn sharply and lose speed if it moves inwards, you also don’t lose anything if it stays straight until the end zone either. This is just one little scenario, but this phrase makes a lot of sense so I don’t need to give too much explanation. Just try and think what the snitch Is able to do. in the situation you are currently in, this tip is probably the easiest to apply.

Bump whenever you can

Pretty self explanatory but I feel like this should be said anyway. Make sure you are using the skill that steals the other seeker’s points when you bump them, it is pretty much mandatory.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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