Hello Kitty Island Adventure – Guide to Collecting (Gudetama)

Tips for Finding Gudetama

Ву Egg-hime.

All the orange dots on these maps are Gudetama. There are 132 Gudetama in total.

86 Gudetama are on the main map, 4 in the mines, and 6 in the lava caves. There are 24 Gudetama on Cloud Island and 12 in Merry Meadows- separate details for them are a little further below!

With the right strategy and technique, all 96 original Gudetama are obtainable with just the snorkel and maybe a stamina apple or two. The remaining 36 are only available in late-game.

This count excludes the new Tophat Gudetama. They are at the end of this guide!

Finding Your Last Few Missing Gudetama

One option is to carefully and throughly check each location, then mark it off. I tried to center the markers directly on top of each Gudetama.

Another option, if you sort of remember what your found Gudetama look like, is to check through all my photos below for one you don’t recognize, then try to guess around where it might be.

Take your time – there’s no rush to find all the Gudetama!

Click to enlarge…

Missing One Gudetama from Mt. Hothead?

Carefully check here in this torch. This Gudetama is very easy to miss. Also be sure to climb up high in the lava caves for the Gudetama in Lava River and the Top Entry rooms!

Why Are There Not 24 Gudetama Marked for Mt. Hothead?

There are 15 Gudetama outside on the mountain and six in the lava caves. The remaining three are not on Mt. Hothead at all, but are considered to be for the collection.

Those three are these:

Cloud Island Gudetama Map

Find all 24 of the Cloud Island Gudetama here:

In What Area(s) Are My Missing Gudetama?

The original 96 Gudetama, the 24 from Cloud Island, and the 12 Gudetama from Merry Meadows are separated out into four different Collections.

These Collections are:

  1. “Gudetama”
  2. “Gudetama II”
  3. The subsection “Cloud Tama” under “Cloud Island Collection II” and
  4. The subsection “Floral Tama” under “Music and Meadows”

The original 96 Gudetama are under “Gudetama”. This includes all the Gudetama on the main map, plus those in the mines and the lava caves.

The 12 older Cloud Island Gudetama are under “Gudetama II”. And the newer 12 Gudetama on Cloud Island are under the subsection “Cloud Tama”. These include the five Gudetama in the Cloud Island Puzzle Rooms and seven Gudetama on the outer areas on Cloud Island. All 12 of the Gudetama from Merry Meadows are under “Floral Tama”.

Here are my photos of the 12 “Gudetama II” Gudetama:

“Cloud Tama” photos:

It’s possible there is a bug involving the Gudetama in the Nimbus Navigation puzzle room. Some players have reported that this Gudetama did not appear when they first entered the room. Upon re-entering later on, the Gudetama appeared. There have been other problems, too!

Crystal Caves Gudetama Map

There are 4 total in the Crystal Caves.

Tophat Gudetama Map

Map of the Tophat Gudetama.

The Tophat Gudetama relocates every week, with the move happening on Mondays. It happens at the same time the Weekly Quests refresh. It moves whether you find it or not. The location of the Tophat Gudetama is the same for everyone. There is only one Tophat Gudetama available every week.

Missed a Tophat Gudetama?

It has been confirmed that they cycle, so eventually, there will be an opportunity to find it again. They cycle every year. The Month of Meh, an event in May, is also your chance to find missed Tophat Gudetama.

This guide says 132 Gudetama. Do the Tophat Gudetama count?

The Tophat Gudetama are not counted as standard Gudetama. They do not add to your total number of Gudetama collected.

Another Tophat Gudetama quest appeared but I’ve already found the Tophat Gudetama this week.

This is a bug! There is only one Tophat Gudetama per week, and it’s in the same place for everyone. Even though the quest triggered, there will not be another Tophat Gudetama until Monday. This bug seems to happen only once, after you find your first Tophat Gudetama. Everything appears to work normally afterward.

City Town Gudetama Map

City Town Sewer Gudetama

Gudetama Map Location by Their Achievements

I decided to organize the Gudetama Map locations by their achievement requirements. For example, the Seaside Resort Gudetamas are under the Tan Tama achievement in the Gudetama category, and so on. Hopefully these maps can help more people.

Tan Tama Achievement for Gudetama

Boo Tama Achievement for Gudetama

Dry Tama Achievement for Gudetama

Hot Tama Achievement for Gudetama

Wet Tama Achievement for Gudetama

Music and Meadows Achievement

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 325 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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