Hero Wars: Alliance – Quick Guide to Dungeons

Dungeons Guide

Congratulations, you go to team level 30, and can join a guild. After joining a guild you can head into the dungeon, a PvE gamemode, accessible only to players that are in a guild. If you leave a guild you keep your titans, but cannot go further in the dungeon until you join another guild.

The entrance to the dungeon is located in the Celestial City. Each guild member plays the dungeon on there own, but the titanite to get rewarded you gather together as a guild.

On the bottom of the screen there is a bar that shows how much titanite the guild collected already that day, as well as how much is needed for the next summoning spheres each guild member receives.

Titanite Reward:

  • 750 – 1 Summoning sphere
  • 1.800 – 2 Summoning spheres
  • 3.000 – 3 Summoning spheres
  • 4.500 – 4 Summoning spheres
  • 7.500 – 5 Summoning spheres

The reward is send to each guild member’s in game mail, regardless if they collected any titanite or not. There are 2 daily quests to collect 75 and 150 titanite. If all guild members can make the 150 titanite task, then the guild gathers 4.500 titanite in total.

First Titan

Once you enter the dungeon you get your first titan. The first titan will be Sylva, and the second one Sigurd. You may get lucky and get a super titan early on, but odds are you’ll first get other normal titans, like Mairi or Angus instead.

Do not start doing your dungeon until you get a few, at least one of each type, or two Earth and two Water titans. You can start to attack the first 5 rooms with less titans, but don’t press the save point after you reach room number 5. If you do not press the save point before the dungeon is reset at the guild reset time, you will go back to the previous save point.

This means that the next day you will then start again at room 1. If you click the save point you advance deeper, meaning tomorrow you start at room level 5. There are 5 different types of titans, Fire, Earth, Water, and later Light and Darkness were added. Only after you get one of each of the original 3 types, Earth, Water, and Fire, or two titans of at least two types, should you start advancing your dungeon further.

There are several titans, with different roles. Each type has a tank, marksman, support and super.

Upgrading Your Titans

You can upgrade your titans with potions, you get from clearing a dungeon room, or emeralds. Your titans can be upgraded to level 120, just like your heroes, but cannot be upgraded passed your team level.

Initially your titans can be upgraded up to 20 levels below your team level. This means at team level 30 your titans cannot advance passed level 10 yet. It’s actually cheaper to level the first 15 levels of your titans using emeralds. This will cost you (only) 462 emeralds per titan.

Boosting them during an event with a spend emeralds task is advised. This way you get double rewards for your emeralds. Actually leveling titans up to level 51 with emeralds isn’t a bad thing. Your titans will be very strong instantly, both for war and dungeon, so you can even skip crawling the dungeon, and start walking. Costing 5130 emeralds isn’t for everyone though.

While leveling titans some are more important to level up than others. Angus and Sigurd are the most important. Once you get them make sure you Initially level them to there max level possible, and keep leveling them every team level you gain first, to keep them at the max level possible.

After that any super titan you are lucky to have gotten already you should try to keep as close to the max level as possible. You probablt won’t have enough potions to do so, at least not before you get at least one titan to 6 stars, also know as all star. Don’t worry about it, even if they are a bit lower. Next are Nova and Ignis that are great support Titans.

If you didn’t get them yet you need to upgrade the ones you have. Just be careful, and try to save potions until you do get them.

Room Types

There are 4 different room types you can face in the dungeon. A pattern to predict the type you face next is described below. The rooms are generally named afyer the type of titans you face, fight against, not the type of titans you fight with.

Each element has their own room. If you enter a Earth room you can only bring your Fire titans, against Water you can bring your Earth titans, while facing Fire rooms you can only use your Water titans. If you don’t have a titan of a certain type you won’t get the type of room they face. The fourth type is a mixed room, where you can bring 5 of your titans, independently of type.

On the door a colored circle is showing the type of titans you can bring.

  • Red – Fire room
  • Blue – Water room
  • Green – Earth room
  • Multi – Mix rooms

Your titans health and energy remain as they are at the end of the battle, and cannot fight anymore once they are dead, much like your heroes in the dark tower.

Walking the Dungeon

After you get more titans it becomes easier to get the daily 150 titanite you need for your personal reward. You can walk the dungeon easy enough to get the rewards, and help your guild get rewarded at the same time. It might look like you could easily go further, but you shouldn’t.

Each time you win in a room of a certain type the difficulty increases. The difficulty will progressively get harder after 1715 win of that type of room, until you reach the maximum difficulty after 2832 wins. There are two ways to walk the dungeon. You can do 150 titanite a day, or 186 titanite a day.

To do 150, you do 2 floors, and check the save point at the end. This has you do the least amount of fights to do your daily task. Each room you do the first time gets you double the reward. If you press the button, and don’t advance you do 5 rooms for a second time, and 10 rooms for the first time.

If you go further, upto the next save point, you will do an additional 5 rooms for the first time. If after those rooms you don’t press the save point, you are put back to the same point as you would had you done 150.

The difference is that now you do 10 rooms for the first time, instead of 5, and 10 new rooms, getting double rewards. This will have you do each room a second time, giving you the most rewards for each room without increasing the difficulty. Every room you do a second time doesn’t count as a win, and therefore does not add to the difficulty counter.

It’s actually the 5 new rooms before the save point you didn’t press the previous day that doesn’t get added, for each 5 rooms you do are only added once you click the save point. If you stop at room 3 on a floor those three fights don’t count. Only the rooms before the last savepoint are added to the difficulty score.

To walk all room up to the savepoint after getting to 150 is known as the 186 pattern, for normally you get 186 titanite when you can complete all 5 rooms.

Dungeon Difficulty

It might be difficult to understand how save points work, and how it increases the difficulty of the dungeon. Each type of room, indicated with the colored ball on the door, has it’s own difficulty counter.

Let’s say you start the dungeon for the first time today, so all counters are still 0. You walk 5 rooms. 2 water, 1 fire, 2 mix. You press the save point. The game difficulty is saved once you press the save point button, so now has these difficulty numbers for you.

  • Water: 2
  • Earth: 0
  • Fire: 1
  • Mix: 2

You do another 5. 2 fire, 2 earth and 1 mix. You press the save button again, the game remembers the difficulty numbers for your dungeon.

  • Water: 2
  • Earth: 2
  • Fire: 3
  • Mix: 3

Now again you walk 5 rooms. 1 mix, 2 fire, 2 water. If you do not press save, the game doesn’t remember these last 5 rooms, and tomorrow you start with these difficulty numbers:

  • Water: 2
  • Earth: 2
  • Fire: 3
  • Mix: 3

If you do hit the save, tomorrow difficulty will start with the last 5 rooms added again.

  • Water: 4
  • Earth: 2
  • Fire: 5
  • Mix: 4

The wins in rooms you fight a second time count as well, if you press the save point. After winning a type of room 1715 times, the original max room, without artifacts is reached, the rooms progressively get harder, until reaching 2832 wins per type of room, at which point you reached the max difficulty of that type, and it won’t become more difficult after.

Pressing a save point simply adds 5 wins to the total difficulty score. Not pressing it doesn’t add the last 5 wins to the total, or less if you couldn’t take 5 rooms.

Not walking passed the last save point adds the difficulty score, but doesn’t give you any additional rooms you can do twice. This will only give you 5 rooms you do a second time though, getting double the score on on most rooms. You can get 150 titanite each day with the least number of fights, for you only need to do 15. If you go further you need to do up to 20 rooms the next day.

Deep Dive the Dungeon

If you walk the dungeon you try to keep your titans alive to fight the 15 or 20 battles. To do more than the needed rooms to get the daily rewards is known as going deeper in the dungeon.

To go deeper you need your titans to live, and heal. When key titans are leveled they are strong enough to walk the dungeon, but when these key titans are upgraded with skins or even an artifact, they are strong enough to do more fights

Angus as tank can take around 7 Earth rooms. Araji, using Moloch and Vulcan separately as shield can do around 4, and water, with healing of Hyperion his second skill, around 5, without much effort.

To plan to go deeper you actually level titans to do certain rooms with less titans. You want Angus to be charged after each room. Each kill a titan does gains 30% Energy, so you need Angus to kill all 3 to be charged. That’s why you bring all titans in the first Earth room only, with Angus ulting only once, or not at all to have him charged. All next rooms you only bring Angus, so you are sure he is charged after the fight.

For fire rooms Araji must be strong enough to do Fire rooms without Moloch and Vulcan. Using Araji and Hyperion in mix room will heal Araji to take more rooms. In mix you bring Araji, but you do not use his ult. You only bring him to heal and for the 30% speed up. Hyperion you ult only if he is charged going into the room. His ult deals so much damage that the fight will end to soon, and you heal less.

When your Sigurd and Angus are at half health, and no titans are dead yet, you can try an additional 5 rooms, and go a bit deeper. This gives you more gold, and upgrade the gold you get at each safe point, faster.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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