Hero’s Adventure: Road to Passion – How to Make Your Own Martial Art

Getting Started with Making Your Own Martial Art

To create your own martial art, you need to have a homestead with level 5 Steles. You get access to your homestead after reaching the third fame rank. You’ll get an invitation to a special event. After finishing the event, you can use your homestead.

Once you have your homestead, go to the facility through the homestead menu. Inside, find the small platform with a cushion in the middle. This is where you make your new martial art.

To create a new art, you need:

  • Two martial arts of the same type (external or internal)
  • Two arts of the same tier (rare, epic, or legendary)
  • Both arts learned to max level on one character

When you combine the arts, they will be removed from your learned skills. You’ll name your new art and get a manual for it. Your character will know the new art at level 1.

The new art will be one tier higher than the ones you used to make it. It will have all the skill effects from both original arts. The main stats will be based on one of the two arts, chosen randomly.

You can’t use home-made arts to create more new arts. You can save your new art on steles to use in future games.

Remember to save your game before combining arts. This way, you can try again if you don’t like the result.

Making Your Own Martial Arts: More Details

When you combine two arts, the new art is usually a bit weaker than regular arts of the same level. But if you combine two legendary arts, you get a top-grade art, which is stronger than anything else in the game.

For external arts below legendary:

  • Weapon stats and power are lower
  • Attack and knowledge stay the same
  • Learning requirements are much lower
  • Using the art costs less MP

For internal arts:

  • HP, MP, and defense are lower
  • Medical, musical, and toxicology stats might be lower
  • Knowledge stays the same
  • MP requirement to learn is much lower

All skill effects from both original arts are kept in the new art. This can make some combinations very powerful, especially for top-grade arts.

You can combine external arts of different weapon types. For example, you can mix a fist art with a sword art. Remember to save your game before combining, so you can try again if you don’t like the result.

Some combinations of epic arts to make legendary arts can be very good, even though they’re not top-grade.

How to Make Good Combinations

You’re ready to make your own special items in the game. I’ll give you some examples to help you start.

Let’s say you want to use swords. You can combine Nameless Sword with Dragon Sword to make a new sword.

Nameless Sword has three special effects. It always gets a critical hit if you have a certain type of skill. It does 80% more damage if your sword skill is high enough. It also does 100% more damage if you’re using a very good sword.

Dragon Sword also has three effects. It stops the enemy from using their special skill for one turn. It stops the enemy from using their weapon skills for one turn. It also increases your damage based on how much better your sword skill is than the enemy’s.

When you combine these swords, the new sword will be stronger. It will have all these effects plus better stats.

When you’re combining different types of weapons, think about what type you want to use. For example, if you want to use fists, you could combine a fist weapon with a staff to get new effects that work well together.

Remember to look for effects that have similar requirements. This makes it easier to get all the bonuses at once.

Home-Brew Legendary Arts

Making your own legendary items can be good. At first they might seem weaker than regular ones. But they’re actually quite useful. Here’s why.

The power decrease isn’t much. For swords, it’s only 45 less power and 3 less in the sword stat. Your created item will have four extra effects instead of two. It might take three effects to match the damage of normal legendary items. But it can still be strong.

Take Heavenly Cloud Sword as an example. It has 180% bonus damage and hurts the enemy’s internal energy by 15 points. This is as good as Nameless Sword, which is one of the better legendary swords.

Even if your created legendary is a bit weaker, it’s still much better than an epic item. You can use these to fill in gaps until you get something better. This is helpful for weapons that don’t have many legendary options, like daggers or spears.

For internal items, created legendaries are usually only good for boosting stats in the short term. The effects of a good regular legendary internal are much stronger. But a created medical internal could be useful for a healer character.

Making epic items isn’t worth it. The effects on rare items are too weak to compete with decent epic items. The stats and effects on internals are also too low to be useful.

Some Useful Info & Tips

First Books

  1. Epic, Ruined shrine at night.
  2. Epic, give Jianlian wine on first encounter with taoist drunkard.
  3. Epic, recruit jiang niangguai = same you get from beating the lin’an tower I think.
  4. Epic, join taoist and beat the 100% formation outside (maybe same as 2 no clue).
  5. Epic, request from drunkard taoist.
  6. Epic, join confucius and do stuff for the sect leader.
  7. Epic, join shifa and request lazy monk in exchange for an arhat tofu.
  8. Epic, join shifa and it’s related to the monk betrayal.
  9. Epic, join old man and beat the bandit camp.
  10. Epic, join old man and beat the chuxiang tournament (without bricking).
  11. Epic, beat the ice demon a few times in a row at rock paper scissor.
  12. Legendary, be part of shifa, have high confucius level and interact with the tortue steles.
  13. Legendary, request to confucius sect leader while being part of it.
  14. Legendary, ye/kang army faction and have married the sister.
  15. Legendary, join old man and do the save people quest (you get it no matter the outcome).

How to Raise Attributes

  • Str: Just mine/cut trees or other gathering tasks, it’s super easy to get to the 10 natural. Melody House baths can also raise it but it’s way later, and Waterfall but it’s less convenient.
  • Luck: Chuxiang statue, takes 5 minutes. Again, melody house baths raise it as well.
  • Dex: This one sucks, walk for 10 exp a day. You can do the waterfall for 20 extra exp per day but it’s terrible too. Best to start with 10.
  • Int: The confucius statue is the best, but it’s once per day. You can get some of the confucius saint manuals and read them (after banishing the guy guarding the door).
  • Con: Eat rare (blue) or higher rarity food. Melody Baths help too.

Important Passive Nodes

General Passive Tree recommendations are:

  • Wind – All Actions point nodes (22 Points) (Center node plus the small nodes next to it)
  • Fire – First Node (and Bottom row for Mobs/Reflect enemies)
  • Mountain – First Node (Generalist) or Middle line for tank
  • Forest – Bottom row for Tank
  • Yin – For Status Effect and Delay builds
  • Thunder – Bottom row for Generalist/Crit damage

Important Nodes:

  • Wind- First (Head Start) and Center(Quick Step) (Small nodes around it)
  • Fire – First Node (Strong Arm)and 2nd Bottom Node (Collateral Damage) for reflects
  • Mountain – First Node (Resilient), Middle Row 3rd Node (Armor Build-up)
  • Forest – 3rd Node on the Bottom (Damage Transfer)
  • Yin – Last Node (Deadly Strike)
  • Thunder – First (Power Build-up), 2nd Bottom Node (Mighty), and last Node (Calculated Strike)
  • A good Generalist build: Wind – Fire – Mountain – Thunder
  • For Fights you need to be tankier for: Wind – Mountain – Forest
  • For when using Delay or status effects: – Wind – Thunder – Yin
  • For full Glass cannon – Wind – Fire – Thunder

With a special mention to Wind -Last Node (WindWalker) for builds that use Lotus Gem or Nine Provinces. It becomes less useful if you have another source of extra turn like God of Gambling, but its a nice chunk of healing since healing effects will activate twice per turn if you attack.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 507 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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