The Saint and Devil Achievements Guide
This are the repeatable ways to increase/decrease these morals outside the 1 time events.
- Increase: Gift Characters to 60 Relation, Accept the Drive Off Beggar task in the cities and give the Beggars 100 Coins, Reflect on Self at the Confucius Temple’s Disciple Room.
- Decrease: Steal (Success and Fail), Ambush, Poison. Killing non-combatants (Like Passerbys and children).
- Increase: Gift Characters to 100 Relation, Sleep at an Inn for 4 Schichen (8 Hours) with Party Members, Reflect on Self at the Confucius Temple’s Disciple Room.
- Decrease: In combat with an Ally, have the MC retreat before them.
- Increase: Gift Characters to 40 Relation, Refuse the Widow (Once you enter, you can’t reject her anymore) Reflect on Self at the Confucius Temple’s Disciple Room.
- Decrease: Steal things off the ground and shelves before you have 100 Relation with the City, Enter the Widow’s Room.
- Increase: Complete City Tasks at the Quest Boards.
- Decrease: Take and Cancel City Tasks at the Quest Boards.
- Increase: Answer Riddles & Couplets at the Schools in Daliang and Chuxiang, Answer the Mute Old Lady’s Riddle in Daliang, Refuse the Widow (Once you enter, you can’t reject her anymore), Reflect on Self at the Confucius Temple’s Disciple Room, Join Confucius Temple and answer Cai Youzhi’s riddles (+10 per day).
- Decrease: Fail/answer incorrectly for the Riddles & Couplets at the Schools in Daliang, Chuxiang (-1), the Mute Old Lady’s Riddle in Daliang (-5), and Cai Youzhi’s riddles (-5, replaces Old Woman’s).
- Increase: Fight enemies that are a higher level than your MC, Choose to Exterminate a Sect via the Exterminate Dialogue Option (Once per sect of course), Join Confucius Temple and answer Cai Youzhi’s riddles (+10 per day).
- Decrease: Retreat from enemies that are at an equal or lower level than your MC.
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