Idle Hero TD – Beginners Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks for New Players

Early on waves 1-800 1000 or so can be done with basically anything. you dont need synergies you dont really need tower skills. These things help for sure but mainly you just gotta prestige when you fail a wave and repeat the process. You’ll get resources like energy and prestige and get some upgrades. Thats all there is too it.

  • Keep in mind archer on skill support will boost your XP gained due to its skill. Early energy upgrades should go to unlocks of your towers and spells with a few points into your damage and gold multipliers the rest can go into PP. PP can be spend on whatever.
  • Game speed is always going to be the best upgrade you can get. So save for it asap. That being said the game is set up in a way you can never “waste” an upgrade or invest into something worthless.
  • Always remember to check in the in game FAQ, it has excellent information and answers most questions about game mechanics.
  • Tower synergies are very important and will help you reach your goal as you push late into the early game and mid game. As you start being able to get rank 15 on your towers start trying to improve your set ups using synergies.
  • For example Druid and Arbalest have great synergies together at rank 15 and will help with your damage set up wonderfully.

Want some more XP

Hunter elementalist or Ranger gladiator Forester is also going to help.

Keep in mind different heroes have different strengths at different stages of the game depending on your goals. There is not just one or two towers you can focus on and ignore the rest.

Lets say your stuck, you hit a “wall” and cant progress. Well what options do you have. The best thing to do is simply “play more”. Prestige again get more energy get more pp upgrade more stuff.

Maybe your close to a new “tier” of synergies. Take a look at the synergies tab. See if there are any that can help around your rank. Now what about your combat stances would getting another few ranks help you unlock another combat stance?

What about your tower milestones. What if you got some more gold. Maybe for the 1st half of your run get a set up with gold synergies and crusader and get alot more gold to get your main tower level higher.

There are many many ways to progress and they are all good and no such thing as “best” so take your time, test some builds out experiment with set ups and have fun.

Strong rank 0-14 synergies to look for

For damage milita + apprentice, These two provide strong early game global boost, for any tower you chose to do your damage. Keep in mind you can have multiplie of each tower further increasing their boosts.

For some extra gold Hunter and Scout synergy and Archer Sorcerer synergy provide great global boosts. Keep in mind Just like other synergies if you have a second Hunter or archer in these combos you can activate the gold bonus twice.

For extra XP synergies archer assassin forester will provide additional fat XP for every kill. dont forget archer will boost this XP further with its skill.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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