Game Mechanics Explained: Luck
By Wiedmolol.
How are luck / drop rate boosts from the lucky gear and luck skill calculated?
When you kill a boss in a Dungeon, a random value between 1 and 100 is generated. Then, based on that number an item from possible drops is selected. If you don’t already own this item, it drops for you, you can loot it and dungeon ends. Simple.
If you do already have this item, it randomizes new value from 1 to 100. This can result in either selecting a different item from previous roll, or it might be the same one.
Without any other modifiers the maximum amount of items rolled is 5 (1 initial roll + 4 possible rerolls). Also worth noting here is that some items (mostly Special) are possible to be selected only with the first roll.
Every 10 points of luck (rounded down) adds 1 more reroll. That means if you have 8 luck, you don’t get any benefit from it. Also – luck works only for Dungeons where player level is higher than dungeon recommended level by at least 5. So that also means that luck is useless in all dungeons from “The Onslaught” onwards, as the max level currently is 50. I’m not sure yet if Luck affects non-Dungeon, non-Raids drop rates. Note: it seems Luck is not affecting drop rates outside of dungeons
It increases drop rates within dungeon by 100%, but in fact it only increases rerolls by 5 so it’s equivalent to 50 points of luck. It stacks additively with luck so player with Crescent Blade Equipped and 30 luck will have 13 rolls (5 base, 5 from Blade, 3 from Luck). Worth pointing out here – Blade works for ALL dungeons, regardless of their recommended level.
Fate Runner’s Boots affect Special drop rate, by making them possible to roll with the 1st (and only 1st) reroll.
For Raids, the process is basically the same, but neither luck, Crescent Blade nor Fate Runner’s Boots work, so it’s always 5 item rolls per boss.
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