Save Transfer from Google Play to Steam /
Dowload this first:
- EX File Manager: File Explorer [Google Play]
Once you dowloaded the app:
- Type Android.
- Select Android.
- Select Data.
- Select Com.edgrace
- Select Files.
- Select Saves.
- The PlayerData.txt is your save file. Share it somewhere you can dowload it back.
- Once it’s Secured in a safe place Delete the game.
- Dowload the version.
- Open the game and play for a bit in order to create the files.
- Close the game and repeat the passage. once you see the Playerdata.txt Replace it with the old save file.
- If done correctly you should be able to Restore the Save file.
So, since many of you have problem here’s the solution: delete your progress Through the option. Play on the new save file for a minute minimum, close the game AND retry to put the savefile.txt on the file and tey again.
Remember: You have to put it both in the Saves and BackUps folder!
For the Steam version, the file is located in:
C:/Users/(Your_Name)/AppData/LocalLow/Ed Grace/IdleTale/Saves/PlayerData.txt
Bonus Tip
Start IdleTale windowed and set the resolution to your preference!
In order to do this, you need to add the following line to your Launch Options in Steam (right click on IdleTale in your Library -> Properties):
-screen-fullscreen 0 -screen-height 900 -screen-width 1600
You can adjust the resolution to your liking.
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