Level Zero: Extraction – Aliens: How to Play Tips

Gameplay Tips

Combat Eggs, a pretty common theme when youre trying to engage with mercs is that one will pull out a flashlight or flare and try to chase you down to kill you. A pretty good counter to this is combat eggs. There are 2 main ways to do it.

Before you engage with the team place an egg down around a corner or behind a box you plan to retreat back to and once you engage if you don’t manage to kill them then back out and run past the egg and wait nearby, if the merc gets ambitious and separates from their team and tries to kill you then wait for them to trigger the trap and go for a free meal the damage of the egg should make it pretty easy for you to get the kill before the hatchling gets off the mercs face but just in case you can always spit and attack for that extra 10 damage.

This ones a little trickier and will take some getting used to. As some might be aware you cant place egg traps in a small radius around bodies/drone bodies etc but you also cant place eggs in a small radius around living players BUT if a player is moving towards you and you find the sweet spot and place an egg right on the edge of the radius then by the time it gets placed and the merc moves forward it allows for an instant egg trap to be set off and can catch mercs unaware. The situation varies for when to use this but try it out and see how it goes!

Things to Be Aware Of:

  • If they have a flare or glowstick in hand and the egg trap activates they will drop the flare or glowstick at their feet which means you can engage unless you spit out the flare or wait for the glowstick to dissipate.
  • Flashlights are different and they dont drop them but instead ‘store’ them until the hatchling is off their face and then theyll pull it right back out.

Light & You

Light hurts aliens a lot. It’s better than guns for killing them. Use light when you see an alien. The closer you are to the light, the more it hurts the alien. A flashlight from far away doesn’t do much. But up close, even a small light can kill an alien fast.

Light Sources

As a player, you can use these lights:

  • Helmet Light: Always there but not very strong.
  • Handheld Flashlight: Bring one every game. Keep it ready to use.
  • Flare: Bring some each game. Use them if your flashlight breaks. Aliens run from flares. You can throw flares at running aliens to kill them.
  • Glowsticks: Bring some each game. They don’t hurt aliens much but aliens can’t break them. Use them to block paths or make areas safer.
  • Room Lights: Very bright and hurt aliens a lot. But they turn off after a while.
  • Drone Light: If a player dies, they can use a drone with a light. It’s good for chasing aliens or turning on room lights.
  • Flashbang: These kill aliens instantly if you can get them.

Remember to use light smartly. It’s your best tool against aliens.

The Map

Map showing extracts, meds, keycards, and locations.

Click to enlarge…

Happy gaming!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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